His good may be evil spoken of, but the vindication by fact will make his righteousness shine spotless; and his cause may be apparently hopeless, but God will deliver him.
Faith, love, and righteousness are the conditions of the purest joy.
The Divine heart so earnestly desires to give righteousnessthat to seek is to find.
His righteousness is manifested in leading those who seek for His guidance (compare Psalm xxv.
He loves righteousnessand judgment, Of Jehovah's loving-kindness the earth is full.
The mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed, but His righteousness endures for ever.
I, I shall inrighteousness behold Thy face; I shall be satisfied on awaking [with] Thy likeness.
They shall come and declare His righteousness Unto a people that shall be born, that He has done [this].
His faith that infinite love ruled and that righteousness was always gain, and sin loss, is grandly and eternally true.
The strength of the extract from a raw material depends on the solvent applied, and there is none so powerful to draw out the last drop of most poignant and pure sweetness from earthly good as is righteousness of heart.
The perfect word and works have for source the deep heart of Jehovah, which loves "righteousness and judgment," and therefore speaks and acts in accordance with these.
When last he had worshipped there, the hair on that head was iron-grey, and even in prayer he had stood erect, with an air of conscious righteousness sufficient for all his wants, and even some to spare with which to judge others.
If we are overcome by the heathen, ungodliness and brute force will boast themselves as though they had won the victory over righteousness and truth!
Is it vain then to strive after righteousness and virtue that Thou givest us over unto death, and dost not fight for us?
I have sinned, for years I have sinned, setting my will, my judgment, my righteousness against Thine.
It seems to me that it is out of place to be too narrow here in interpreting so as to draw distinctions between righteousness imparted and righteousness bestowed.
That whatever may be obscure, the Revelation of righteousness is clear.
And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.
The very life-blood of prophecy, as of religion, is the conviction that righteousness outlasts sin, and will survive 'the wreck of matter and the crash of worlds.
He insists as much as anybody can insist upon this great principle, that if we are to dwell with God we must be like God, and that we are like God when we are like Him inrighteousness and love.
The divine righteousness and its consequence are here represented as being brought near while men are still 'stout-hearted.
You cannot grow grapes on an iceberg, and you cannot get works of righteousness out of a man that has a dread of God at the back of his heart, killing all its joy.
God was ready to accept Christ's perfect righteousness as a substitute for the righteousness which man was required to present to him, but could not.
If he was to be presented clean of stain before God he must have a perfect righteousness which was to be found only in Christ, and Christ had rejected him.
They did contemn, slight, and abhor their own righteousness as filthy and insufficient to do them any good.
If He and I were one, His righteousness was mine, His merits mine, His victory mine.
It is to be feared that this part of his doctrine is less frequently dwelt upon by those who profess to admire and follow him, than the theory of imputed righteousness or justification by faith.
For I say unto you, That except your righteousnessshall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
The answer of Jesus to this charge satisfied Pilate that it was groundless, the kingdom which he set up appearing plainly to be not a kingdom of this world, but his spiritual reign in righteousness and holiness and peace, in the hearts of men.
In the former, the imputed righteousness of Christ, lay the only hope for man; inherent righteousness was based upon the imputed, and was useless without it.
It is there said that Adam lost the holiness and righteousness in which he had been constituted.
My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go.
It was in another spirit that those first preachers of righteousness went out upon their warfare with evil.
From time to time wise and just rulers did indeed strive to introduce principles of righteousness into their methods of government; but these men formed the exception, not the rule.
In the Japanese conception of righteousness and duty, the rights and value of the individual, as such, whatever his social standing or sex, were not included.
Some of the Doshisha alumni have exerted themselves strenuously to have righteousness done.
Sin is the source of pain and righteousness of happiness.
Righteousness and duty, of which much was made by Japanese moralists, consisted in the observance of these two ideals.
God and man were found to be more profoundly separated by this moral antithesis ofrighteousness and sin than they had before been by the antithesis of strength and feebleness.
That is why the righteousness of His friends exceeds the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees.
That law of righteousness is, at bottom, a law of love.
He speaks thus not to weaken the vigour of righteousness, but because He sees in love and gentleness a higher righteousness and the sole means of securing the final triumph of good over evil.
Prodigies the most brilliant cannot make it do violence to itself or bend the law of righteousness and love beneath any manifestation, however striking, of brute force.
Beneath the breathings of this creative inspiration the religion of legalrighteousness and rigorous retributions is softened into the religion of love.
Nothing can trouble me any more except the sense of my own failure--that is, of my own sin, which alone can separate me from the very principle of righteousness and life.
But their conception of a divine ideal of righteousness still left God outside the consciousness.
In this doctrine also we may note this admirable trait: this national triumph is identified with the advent of righteousness to all the earth.
He knew the righteousness of his cause, and repeated and kept repeating his arguments in varied form.
This was very foolish in Thomas Paine--a tax-collector should collect taxes, and not concern himself with the righteousness of the business, nor about what becomes of the money.
Service is not an essential, and in fact service without definition is usually regarded as hideous, "the righteousness of an unbeliever being as filthy rags.
How could the missionary enforce his lessons of righteousness when men of his own race so readily gave the lie to all his teachings?
First of all he complained that 'a spirit of business speculation, which has always more of cunning and chicane than of truth and righteousness in it,' was finding its way into the hearts of the people.
And withrighteousness shall the Lord God judge the poor, and reprove with equity, for the meek of the earth.
Langland lays great stress on the law of love, and shows the infinite superiority of a life of righteousness over a mere trust in indulgences.
The 'Abbey of the Holy Ghost' is founded in the conscience, and the maidens that cleanse the place are righteousness and purity.
The righteousness and life of the righteous is his faith.
Not a word was said of the faith by which the righteousness of the Saviour, and the inheritance of eternal life, are secured.
He died at Salerno, saying, "I have loved righteousness and hated iniquity, therefore die I in exile.
Confide in him, in the righteousness of his life, and the expiation of his death.
He was seeking his own righteousness and his own glory, and overlooking therighteousness and glory of the Lord.
If my fault comes from another," says he, "why should not my righteousnessalso be derived?
Not comprehending the righteousness which is freely given us of God in Christ Jesus, they would stand before him by their merits.
But the grace of God makes righteousness abound, through Jesus Christ, who makes us love the law.
It lifts the human heart from the double pivot of egotism and sensuality, and will one day lift the whole world from its evil course, and make it turn on a new axis of righteousness and peace.
Therefore, thus saith the Lord God, Judgment will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet; and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.
And when judgment is laid to the line, and righteousness to the plummet, they will appear as they really are, criminals, and will be viewed and treated as such for ever.
It seems thus that there is no place for the God of Righteousness in English policy.
In the Bible darkness represents sin and unbelief and wickedness; and the daytime or light represents truth and righteousness and godly living.
It was at such a time as this in the world's history, when Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to this world, that sin might be banished and righteousness might abound.
The light of the Sun of Righteousnesshas shone into that man's heart, and the light that goes out through his daily conduct and character, is only the light of the Son of God shining out through that man.
Just so it is with all the truth and righteousness there is in the world.
The struggle will be short and decisive, the God of victories will give us one as brilliant and complete as the righteousness and justice of our cause demand.
The great heart of the nation swelled with pride at the righteousness of the cause, with an assurance that eternal history would praise America for the unselfish work.
Without bluster or boast we impressed the world with our strength, and made clear the righteousness of our cause.
The reward of communion with God and comprehensive righteousness of conduct is spiritual life.
The form of law and rule must be sacrificed to the substance of righteousness and love when the two conflict.
And to one who ardently loves righteousness there is no joy comparable to that of seeing a man who has been doing wrong, turn from it, renounce it, and determine that henceforth he will endeavor to do right.
It draws from God the inspiration to serve in righteousnessand love our fellow-men.