At Resoli, about 21 miles southwest of Azua City, there are hot sulphur springs of very copious flow.
San José de las Matas, 24 miles southwest of Santiago, is situated on a high plain in the midst of the mountains and is surrounded by great pine forests.
Village, on Svikshak Bay, Shelikof Strait, about 25 miles southwest of Cape Douglas.
The second fact is the curious identity of the old Igloo group, 8 miles southwest of Barrow, with the Greenlanders.
Amaqua Township, some 6 miles southwest of Pilot Mound, is in all respects typical of spadix.
Oregon, from 13 miles southwest of Grants Pass, Oregon, approaches the specimen from Medford in size, and the second specimen, no.
Intergradation is noted also in animals from 4 miles southwest of Cimmaron, New Mexico, in that they resemble D.
Intergradation was noted in animals from 23 miles southwestof Newcastle and Arvada, Wyoming.
In specimens from 6 miles southwest of Muleshoe, Texas, intergradation with D.
In Posey County it is a frequent tree in the low woods about 10 miles southwest of Mt.
The author has collected and distributed authentic specimens from a point 2-1/2 miles southwest of Napoleon in Ripley County.
Going southward it has not been seen in Gibson County, and is first noted in Posey County along the Wabash River in a cypress pond about 12 miles southwest of Mt.
Only one tree of this variety is known in Indiana and it is located in Posey County on the bank of the cypress swamp about 13 miles southwest of Mt.
Bright-blue area on west bank of Colorado River about 10 miles southwest of Moab is the group of large evaporation ponds of Texas Gulf, Inc.
This new trail starts at the end of the passenger-car road at the east edge of Elephant Hill, goes 1-1/4 miles southwest to join an older trail in Elephant Canyon, then follows this canyon 3 miles south to the arch.
The Red Sulphur Springs are situated in the County of Monroe, 43 miles southwest of the White Sulphur, and 17 miles west of the Salt Sulphur.
It is situated on the western declivity of the Alleghany Mountain, some 6 or 8 miles from the summit, and 35 miles southwest of the Hot Springs, in an extensive and beautiful valley.
Meigs Post" was found some years since about 1-1/2 miles southwest of Indian Gap.
Confederates had all gotten together on the banks of Crane Creek, 55 miles southwest of Springfield, with general headquarters in and around the village of Cassville.
It is situated 15 miles southwest of the Santa Fe Railway station of Laguna, where modest accommodations are provided for travelers who stop over.
Abó, that other dead pueblo of the Piros, is about 12 miles southwest of Mountainair, or 4 miles west of Abó station on the Santa Fe Railway.
Ottawa; 2 miles south of Ottawa; 2 miles southwest of Lane; 4 miles east of Ottawa; 5 miles southwest of Ottawa.
The fountain where Philip baptized the Ethiopian treasurer is shown at Ain Haniyeh, 4 miles southwest of Jerusalem; but it has only tradition in support of its claim.
This is an island near the mainland, 42 miles southwest of Smyrna; and 27 miles long.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "miles southwest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.