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Example sentences for "miles southwest"

  • At Resoli, about 21 miles southwest of Azua City, there are hot sulphur springs of very copious flow.

  • San José de las Matas, 24 miles southwest of Santiago, is situated on a high plain in the midst of the mountains and is surrounded by great pine forests.

  • Village, on Svikshak Bay, Shelikof Strait, about 25 miles southwest of Cape Douglas.

  • The second fact is the curious identity of the old Igloo group, 8 miles southwest of Barrow, with the Greenlanders.

  • Amaqua Township, some 6 miles southwest of Pilot Mound, is in all respects typical of spadix.

  • Oregon, from 13 miles southwest of Grants Pass, Oregon, approaches the specimen from Medford in size, and the second specimen, no.

  • Intergradation is noted also in animals from 4 miles southwest of Cimmaron, New Mexico, in that they resemble D.

  • Dipodomys ordii medius, as at 6 miles southwest of Muleshoe, Texas.

  • Intergradation was noted in animals from 23 miles southwest of Newcastle and Arvada, Wyoming.

  • In specimens from 6 miles southwest of Muleshoe, Texas, intergradation with D.

  • In Posey County it is a frequent tree in the low woods about 10 miles southwest of Mt.

  • The author has collected and distributed authentic specimens from a point 2-1/2 miles southwest of Napoleon in Ripley County.

  • Going southward it has not been seen in Gibson County, and is first noted in Posey County along the Wabash River in a cypress pond about 12 miles southwest of Mt.

  • Only one tree of this variety is known in Indiana and it is located in Posey County on the bank of the cypress swamp about 13 miles southwest of Mt.

  • Bright-blue area on west bank of Colorado River about 10 miles southwest of Moab is the group of large evaporation ponds of Texas Gulf, Inc.

  • Some 5 miles southwest of The Neck, both the island and the road branch like a Y.

  • This new trail starts at the end of the passenger-car road at the east edge of Elephant Hill, goes 1-1/4 miles southwest to join an older trail in Elephant Canyon, then follows this canyon 3 miles south to the arch.

  • The Red Sulphur Springs are situated in the County of Monroe, 43 miles southwest of the White Sulphur, and 17 miles west of the Salt Sulphur.

  • It is situated on the western declivity of the Alleghany Mountain, some 6 or 8 miles from the summit, and 35 miles southwest of the Hot Springs, in an extensive and beautiful valley.

  • This very celebrated watering-place is in Fauquier County, 6 miles southwest of Warrenton.

  • Meigs Post" was found some years since about 1-1/2 miles southwest of Indian Gap.

  • Confederates had all gotten together on the banks of Crane Creek, 55 miles southwest of Springfield, with general headquarters in and around the village of Cassville.

  • It is situated 15 miles southwest of the Santa Fe Railway station of Laguna, where modest accommodations are provided for travelers who stop over.

  • Abó, that other dead pueblo of the Piros, is about 12 miles southwest of Mountainair, or 4 miles west of Abó station on the Santa Fe Railway.

  • Ottawa; 2 miles south of Ottawa; 2 miles southwest of Lane; 4 miles east of Ottawa; 5 miles southwest of Ottawa.

  • The fountain where Philip baptized the Ethiopian treasurer is shown at Ain Haniyeh, 4 miles southwest of Jerusalem; but it has only tradition in support of its claim.

  • Amphipolis was 33 miles southwest of Philippi, and 3 miles from the AEgean Sea.

  • This is an island near the mainland, 42 miles southwest of Smyrna; and 27 miles long.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "miles southwest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    average temperature; bred people; cast away; falling down; fell short; had one; miles above; miles apart; miles away; miles broad; miles distant; miles from; miles from the sun; miles high; miles long; miles north; miles southwest; miles square; miles west; miles wide; must accept; pastoral staff; sermon preached; slight degree; three lines; what had