Those that wanted to sell, they've sold and gone, just about all of them.
He had all the Hereford markings, just about perfect.
You see, I'd just about made up my mind that I wasn't going to play, anyhow.
The Juniors do just about whatever he tells 'em to and are scared to death for fear he will eat 'em up.
It's going to just about bust up the eleven," said the first boy.
Horatio Loveworth hove up on their skyline some years later and converted the lot of them (just about) with the knuckles of his brawny fists.
Just about all of which was, or proved to be, "stryght dope.
To which Arcot replied, "I thought quite a bit before I suggested their destruction, and I conferred for a few moments with Forsyth, who's just about tops in biology and bacteriology.
They had one argument that was just aboutenough to throw mine out, though they pointed to the odds against the thing happening.
A dandy in love iz in just about az bad a fix az a stick ov mollassis kandy that haz half melted.
They are pretty mutch all feathers, and when the feathers are all removed, and their innards out, thare iz just about az mutch meat on them az thare iz on a krook-necked squash that haz gone tew seed.
A coquette in love iz just about az tame az a bottle ov ginger pop that haz stood sum time with the cork pulled out.
Thare iz just about az mutch real humor in the best ov geniuses az thare iz juise in a lemmon: one good squeeze takes it out, and thare iz nothing but seeds and skin left.
They went down this until they came to the place where the lynxes had been hung up, and getting these, they went back to camp, reaching it just about sundown.
You notice, though, that on this hide the fur is just about as good on the belly as it is on the back.
I don't like to eat meat that is just fresh killed, but if to-morrow you'll kill a deer or a good fat antelope, we will carry it a day and then it will be just about right to eat.
I just about want a drink," said the one who was "a bit of a surgeon.
I'm just about fed up with this fool, too," said Ainsley disgustedly.
It was a fine afternoon, and as we rode quietly along the sun felt quite warm, so that we did not reach the hotel untiljust about five o'clock.
We then parted company, just about in the same place where we had met in the morning.
Just about a mile distant from the pass over the river Rosario, leading to the Swiss Colony, I overtook Mr. Frederick Dampier, owner of the Estancia del Pichinango.
She would do just about anything he wanted, if it was possible to be done, like giving him money or anything like that, and I understand that he was the cause of his mother's divorce from Ekdahl.
Well, it was when she went to Texas, just about at that time.
Her work ended with a terrific climax in September, just about as his began, and Rose came back to Chicago, spent a joyous month with the twins and with the little of Rodney his office could spare of him.
When Galbraith had put her into the sextette in The Girl Up-stairs, a hope, just about dead, had been awakened.
But then, just about simultaneously, she made the discovery that the course he was talking about was one of from three to five years' duration, and he, that the time immediately at her disposal amounted to something like a fortnight.
But the very highest skill could just about be made to keep you alive, and it led to nothing else.
We're just about losin' two bearers for every one casualty we bring out.
I'm just about beginnin' to like this job on the Am.
He's just aboutas hard as one o' them Hammer Ponds when frozen to the bottom, one solid lump.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "just about" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.