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Example sentences for "seventy miles"

  • Bow Island is described by Captain Beechey as seventy miles in circumference, and thirty in its greatest diameter, but we have seen that some of the Maldives are much larger.

  • Its distance from the mainland varies from twenty to seventy miles, and the depth of the great arm of the sea thus enclosed is usually between ten and twenty fathoms, but towards one end from forty to sixty.

  • White birch which was found on the main river, eighteen miles above the forks, is said to occur at about sixty or seventy miles west of the mouth of the river.

  • Its course, as far as the Great Bend, a distance of seventy miles, is north-northwest, and its current in average stages of the water has a velocity of about four miles an hour.

  • From this point to Rum River, a distance of seventy miles, no other point of the intrusion of this formation above the prairie soil was observed.

  • I took down the probable number there would be within a radius of seventy miles, from Klasson, the chief spokesman, which numbered 3986.

  • And you sometimes drive at sixty or seventy miles an hour?

  • Each division was about 250 miles long, and was subdivided into districts varying from thirty to seventy miles.

  • The Los Angelos Plains, seventy miles long by thirty wide, were one wild sea of green and yellow, pink and violet--herbage and flowers everywhere.

  • The first point selected for criticism by those who venture to criticize is the initial separation of Beatty's force from Jellicoe's by from sixty to seventy miles.

  • One of the spectacular incidents of this raid was the chase of an express train by the Zeppelin, the train rushing at its utmost speed of seventy miles an hour into a tunnel, disappearing just as the first bombs began to drop.

  • Jellicoe, seventy miles to the northward with the main fighting force, received word about three o'clock that the scouting force was in contact with the enemy, and started at once to effect a junction with Beatty.

  • Ras-el-Ain, the present railhead of the Bagdad railway, is seventy miles south.

  • The chief town of the same name is principally inhabited by Spaniards and mestizoes, who are in general opulent; it is seventy miles south of Arequipa, in 17 deg.

  • The principal town of the same name is seventy miles north-west from Arequipa, on the river Camana near its confluence with the South Sea.

  • Michaux counted but eighteen in a space of sixty or seventy miles.

  • The Barrens comprise a portion of country from sixty to seventy miles in length, by sixty miles in breadth.

  • The river is here about three quarters of a mile wide, and, though the distance from its mouth is seventy miles, sharks are very often seen.

  • No forage is procurable for the baggage-animals between the sea and Senafe, seventy miles.

  • The remainder are doing quite as much as could be expected of them, and are working well and smoothly; but 8000 are not sufficient to convey the provisions and stores of an army up seventy miles, and to carry their own forage as well.

  • Suppose something goes wrong on the track ahead while the train is making sixty or seventy miles an hour.

  • Several times our speed had reached seventy miles an hour, and with better coal and other conditions equally favorable, Buchanan has driven 870 up to the eighty-mile point.

  • That muskeg is only one of thousands, when you go seventy miles north of the Saskatchewan, sixty miles east of Athabasca Lake.

  • Now look at your map, seventy miles north of Saskatchewan!

  • Saskatchewan River here literally widens to seventy miles of swamp, where you can barely find foot room dry soled except in winter, when the marsh turns to iron ice twelve feet thick.

  • For three days more they travelled forward over this undulating table-land, making from sixty to seventy miles a day.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seventy miles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    assuming command; but from; describing the; each city; expedition under; foreign debt; leave her; mountain goat; only daughter; oriel window; runaway slaves; seventy feet; seventy guns; seventy miles; seventy pounds; seventy shekels; seventy thousand; seventy weeks; seventy years; simple syrup; slow movement; teaspoonfuls baking; there isn; typographical error; uniform size; warm countries