The first milestonein his literary career was in 1827.
He has now passed the seventy-seventh milestone in life's journey, but is still hale and hearty and boasts an endurance equal to that of his sons.
He has now passed the seventy-third milestone on life's journey and his career has ever been such that he can look back over the past without regret and forward to the future without fear.
In fact, he had reached the eighty-fifth milestone on life's journey and was the only survivor of a family of nine children when he passed to the Great Beyond.
He has passed the eighty-sixth milestone on life's journey and well deserves the rest which has come to him, for it is the reward of persistent, earnest and intelligently directed effort in former years.
Lowden, who is engaged in farming and stock raising and still remains an active factor in business, although he has passed the eighty-sixth milestone on life's journey.
Mr. Kennedy still gives supervision to the work, of the place although he has now passed the eighty-seventh milestone on life's journey.
He is yet a young man who has only passed the twenty-sixth milestone on life's journey, but already he has made for himself a place in business circles that many a man of twice his years might well envy.
Why, after the very last milestone I daresay you would be able to sit with folded hands if a house were burning up about your ears!
If you are appreciative and grateful, at the last milestone you have come to thus far you will express your measure of gratitude to the kind fates.
Mr Milestone was impatient to take a walk round the grounds, that he might examine how far the system of clumping and levelling could be carried advantageously into effect.
The remainder of the party supported Mr Milestone's proposition; and, accordingly, Squire Headlong and Mr Milestone leading the van, they commenced their perambulation.
At this critical moment, Mr Cranium and Mr Panscope appeared at the top of the tower, which, unseeing and unseen, they had ascended on the opposite side to that where the Squire and Mr Milestone were conducting their operations.
Mr Milestone observed, that there were great capabilities in the scenery, but it wanted shaving and polishing.
It is well known to historians that the villa of Seneca, in which he put himself to death by command of Nero, stood near the fourth milestone on the Appian Way.
At the ninth milestone are the tomb and the remains of the villa of the Emperor Gallienus, slain by a conspiracy among his officers at the siege of Milan in the year 268.
Passing on the same side of the road two or three tombs of obscure persons whose names alone are known, we come at the sixthmilestone to one of the most extraordinary sepulchral monuments of the Appian Way, called the Casale Rotondo.
It is on the right-hand side of the road, about a mile and a quarter from the present gate, and near where stood the second milestone on the ancient Appian Way.
This milestone now forms one of the ornaments on the balustrade at the head of the stairs of the Capitol.
The Anio Novus, like the Vetus, was at first derived from the river of the same name at the forty-second milestone of the road to Subiaco, great precautions being taken for purifying the water.
Do you suppose we could possibly reach the site of the Golden Milestone before sunset?
Augustus also encouraged trade, and built roads which radiated from the Golden Milestone at the head of the Forum to all parts of the Roman world.
See," she said to the chauffeur, "if you will reach the Golden Milestone in Rome by sunset, you shall have a crown of olive leaves.
The last rays of the setting sun fell upon the scarred columns of the ruined Forum, as the car rounded the base of the Capitoline Hill and stopped at the spot where the Golden Milestone once marked the beginning of the Roman roads.
Oh, shall we fail to reach the Golden Milestoneat sunset?
My meditation over, I left the milestone and proceeded on my way in the same direction as before until the night began to close in.
Presently, coming to a milestone on which was graven nine miles, I rested against it, and looking round towards the vast city, which had long ceased to be visible, I fell into a train of meditation.
After passing the tenth milestone from Wick, we went to look at an ancient burial-ground which stood by the seaside about a field's breadth from our road.
There was a group of even more objectionable publications published in paper-back form by an English firm, Milestone Ltd.
And a little beyond the village, before the last, long road began that led in presently to the housed and scrupulous suburb, she stopped with a sob beside an old scarred milestoneby the wayside.
As I sped past the fifty-fifth milestone life itself became better, broader, fuller.
In a Milestone beyond this, I have recalled a conversation I had with him at the White House, and recorded my impressions of him.
Master Eidiol," said Rustic, "there is a milestone here.
Jump on the milestone yourself," said the old man, "in case we can not see with our own eyes, we shall be able to see with yours.
It was a milestone in their married life, her turning to him more intimately than she would have done to her mother, her breaking down the walls of her lifelong maiden's reserve and ignorance.
The next day marked a milestone in the sentimental progression of Mr. John C.
The last partings to take, promises to be solemnly exchanged--heart burnings, bottom dropped out of everything, another milestone to be registered in the scurrying flight of Time!
There, without any one meeting them, not even an unarmed person, they passed through entire tracts destitute not only of troops, but even uncultivated, and reached the third milestoneon the Gabinian road.
But not many people can say where the first milestone from London on this highway is to be found.
There can be no doubt that these ruins are the remains of the villa of Livia called ad Gallinas, mentioned by Pliny and by Suetonius as situated at the ninth milestone on the Via Flaminia.
The Villa of Clodius, Cicero's enemy, appears to have been at or near the thirteenth milestone from Rome, close to the left side of the Appian Road, between Bovillae and the modern Albano.
One of the imperial villas of an early date was placed on the right bank of the Tiber at the ninth milestone on the Via Flaminia in the Veientine territory.
This milestone is now placed on the steps leading up to the Capitoline Museum.
At the ninth milestone on the road to Palestrina, where the road crosses a small brook, is a magnificent monument of ancient Roman architecture, consisting of an arched viaduct built of peperino and tufa blocks.
The first milestone on the Appian Road was found in 1584 in the first vineyard beyond the present Porta S.
At the fourth milestone from the Porta Capena, the Latin road passed under the arches of the Claudian and Marcian aqueducts, at the tower now called Torre Fiscale.
The brick building called the Temple of the Divus Rediculus stands half a mile to the left of the road at the second milestone in the Caffarella valley.
Not far from the fountain was found the fifteenth milestone from Rome.
At the fifth milestone on the right hand of the road is a round mass of ruins with a rectangular chamber inside, which has been supposed to be the tomb mentioned by Cornelius Nepos, as the burial place of Atticus, Cicero's friend.
The first milestone on the Appian Road, found in 1584, is now placed in the Piazza del Campidoglio at the top of the steps leading up from the Piazza d'Ara Coeli on the right hand.
At the eighth milestonethere was a Temple of Hercules erected by Domitian.
The establishment of the Assembly of Kotah, no less than that of Hyderabad, must be viewed in the light of another milestone in the forward march of the Faith in India.