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Example sentences for "forget that"

  • I am asked to explain that saying attributed by our Blessed Father to the great St. Anthony, that he who prays ought to have his mind so fixed upon God, as even to forget that he is praying.

  • Nothing but love, remember, nothing but love-- don't forget that.

  • They and their government at home seemed to forget that we were Britons like themselves, with British hearts, ay, and with truer loyalty than they had for the king and the old country.

  • I intend to throw care to the dogs and to forget that I am a prisoner of war.

  • We are not to forget that what is described in verses 40-43 is a literal fight, with real swords against very real enemies.

  • If so, we shall meet, I suppose, no, more; and I am assisting you to forget that I live still.

  • And don't forget that we are to pay a visit to Camp Huxwell if the authorities will permit it and dad is still there," added Mary to her parent.

  • Don't forget that we have got to fix up things for Werner and Glutts," whispered Andy to his brother, when it was almost time to retire.

  • Please don't forget that I've got Lewis Barrow to shoot against," answered Fred.

  • He forget that he is alone--all alone in the world, for ever and ever and ever.

  • For never did Jo forget that a year from the day he had confessed his sins he meant to give himself up to justice.

  • Then he answered: "In the noise he forget that a voice is calling in his ear, 'You did It!

  • Don't forget that we're all dining with you to-night in Quicksands.

  • Please don't forget that I am having people to dinner to-night.

  • But sometimes--sometimes I try to forget that we are poor.

  • There are times when you seem to forget that I have at last grown up, Peter.

  • Don't forget that, if stories concerning it drift about some day, my friends," said Thaddeus.

  • Well, now, before Matrena's confession, I dare to ask you: Promise me to forget that secret.

  • You are my neighbour, Countess; don't forget that.

  • You seem to forget that I am harbouring a fugitive from justice," I said flatly.

  • Please don't forget that we are Americans.

  • Thou which occasions man to forget that selfish I, and in which lies his purest part; his best happiness!

  • Let me hear from you while you are away; and don't forget that there is an obstacle between you and Iris, which will put even your patience and devotion to a hard trial.

  • My dear, you may forget--you may resolve never to throw the thing in my teeth; but my love for you will never suffer me to forget that I have lost your little fortune in a doubtful speculation.

  • A composer may so easily be tempted to forget that it is after all by his music, and by his music alone, that he stands or falls.

  • He had grown content with his fate; he had been satisfied to live and to fall a soldier of France; he had set a seal on that far-off life of his earlier time, and had grown to forget that it had ever been.

  • Now Pulteney wasn't likely to forget that.

  • How often must I tell you to forget that I was ever anything except a soldier of France?

  • The moment we collided I seemed to forget that I was scared, and I remembered only that I was mad.

  • Not even the serpent vine and all its horrors could make him forget that vow.

  • I am going to leave you, but we shall see more of each other, don't forget that.

  • Their ambition was to outlive the sense of hurry; to forget that such a thing as hurry existed, and browse along in peaceful uninterrupted ease.

  • Now for three or four weeks I've escaped, and my one endeavour is to forget that such a place exists.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forget that" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    became more and more; dark background; forget that; forget the; forget what; her grandmother; hundred men; keeps well; like fate; note the; olive green; our guide; parliament assembled; peculiar character; public meeting; rational creatures; returne home; safety first; said the vulgar woman; slow process; small stones; spirituous liquor; this poem; wild thing