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Example sentences for "heard about"

  • He laughed in his quiet way when he heard about Starlight's advertisement in the 'Turon Star', and said it was just like him.

  • Oh yes, I heard about her,' looking at him so kind and gentle-like.

  • That is the first I heard about it that you mention it.

  • When was the next time you heard from or heard about, Margie or Lee?

  • Then, when was the next thing you heard about any of the Oswald family?

  • I heard about her, yes; but I haven't met her.

  • Later when I heard about this in Dallas, well I thought maybe it could have happened back there then.

  • We objected immediately when we heard about this.

  • Indeed, I am not certain about the thing; it only occurs to me that I heard about it.

  • Yes, and as soon as he heard about it he sent for me, and told me what he was determined to do, and that I might prepare myself for going.

  • I heard about it some time in the course of yesterday, but I cannot say who told me.

  • Secretary Johnson admitted they had some pictures--we'd heard about a secret photograph taken at Harmon Field, Newfoundland.

  • I explained, and added, "I thought maybe you knew him, and he'd heard about it from you.

  • But we found out later they'd heard about it on the radio.

  • Evidence will be given to show that none of the servants knew, or heard about, the loss of the heir--the only child.

  • When I heard about you, sir, in connection with the little transaction we know of, I began to inquire secretly whether we were wise to go on.

  • However, we did go on; I have not told the person chiefly interested all I'd heard about you, nor the half.

  • Yes, I heard about it," answered Wiley sourly, "and then you told the Widow.

  • Yes, I heard about that; but you forgot something, Charley--how about that graveyard shift?

  • He merely made that remark to Walter, and I heard about it.

  • They haven't heard about my new auto, or they'd be sure to come.

  • I wonder where he heard about my plan to take--bank stock?

  • What was it I heard about a band serenading your father, and his inviting them in to lunch?

  • I hadn't heard about that," said the grocery man, giving the boy a handful of unbaked peanuts to draw him out.

  • In Krakow I heard about you, and that you had started a little ahead of me.

  • I heard about him; his daughter Danuta was girl-in-waiting with the princess; afterward she was married.

  • When I heard about Nimrod I wasn't silly enough to bring another.

  • Them plans and performances of his savor more of the 'middle ages,' that I've heard about, than of these days.

  • As if I was ever careless; but there was one letter in it I heard about, that the little captain wrote to Ninian Sharp.

  • Conn wanted to know, when he heard about that.

  • He'd heard about that; somebody had launched a missile from the ground, and the Werewolf had detonated it with a counter-missile.

  • I've heard about it all my life, and I can't.

  • And of course you've heard about Pettikin's affair for this evening?

  • Well, what did your brother-in-law do when he heard about this?

  • It's all right; I tell you I've heard about you.

  • Yes, I've heard about you," came the response.

  • The detective used the words, "I've heard about you," in a very meaning tone.

  • I reckon you've heard about how I happened to get married?

  • Well, I guess I'm the kind you haven't heard about, huh?

  • You're deucedly odd for what I've heard about Americans, Keen," said Carmichael.

  • I heard about you--in fact, I heard about your whole family," Hal told her.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heard about" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    each fresh; experimental philosophy; faced girl; heard about; heard afterwards; heard anything; heard footsteps; heard her; heard mass; heard nothing; heard someone; heard something; heard tell; heard that; heard the; heard their; heard them; heard this; heard voices; knelt beside; little fellow; melt butter; registered voters; the people; third time; waited until