One of these is the adult male from 25 miles southeast of Flagstaff, which shows decided approach to neomexicana, in color and in possessing white facial markings less well developed than in neomexicana.
Also the one adult male from 5 miles southeast of Santa Margarita, San Luis Obispo County, is of small size and in this respect approaches latirostra.
Matinicus is a small island located south of Penobscot Bay and about 15 miles southeast of the nearest mainland (Thomaston).
Riden, 6 miles southeast of Big Piney post office, is Bates Cave, of which every visitor to the region is speedily informed.
Bond, 8 miles northwest of Iberia and 12 miles southeast of Tuscumbia, is a cave celebrated by reason of a provision in the will of a former eccentric owner.
Salvaleón de Higüey, the easternmost city of the Republic, situated 31 miles southeast of Seibo, was also founded by Juan de Esquivel in the days of Ovando.
The town of Maan, which is on the Hedjaz Railway, is about 120 miles southeast of Gaza.
Chapter Sixteen Little Colorado Settlements Genesis of St. Johns One of the most remarkable of Arizona settlements is St. Johns, 58 miles southeast of Holbrook, its railroad station.
Mormon Dairy and the Mount Trumbull Mill Mormon Mountain, Mormon Lake and Mormon Dairy still are known as such, 28 miles southeast of Flagstaff.
Springerville and Eagar Valle Redondo (Round Valley), 32 miles southeast of St. Johns, was the original name of the Springerville section.
Those of Walnut Cañon, about 10 miles southeast of Flagstaff, are especially easy of access.
Of that pueblo--its name was Awátobi--you may see some ruined remnants yet about 9 miles southeastof Walpi.
Wetherill and Colville some 20 miles southeast of Betata Kin, pack outfits and guide may be secured to visit these ruins.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "miles southeast" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.