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Example sentences for "managerial"

Lexicographically close words:
managed; management; managements; manager; manageress; managers; managership; manages; managing; manana
  1. Tony and his song won the managerial favour, and were immediately transplanted to the West End house, where they scored a success of which the drooping music-hall industry was at the moment badly in need.

  2. He was the managerial autocrat of stageland and he did what he liked.

  3. Leaving Alexandra in the dressing room she went up to the managerial office.

  4. They groped their way along dim, soft-carpeted passages to the front of the house and entered the managerial office.

  5. She escapes from a Managerial Taskmaster and takes Refuge in Paris.

  6. But the next instant his resentment evaporated, when he remembered that he remained Mr. Hugh Morten in the managerial comprehension.

  7. The twinkle was momentarily reflected in the managerial gaze as he replied with an air of impulsive candour: "One never can tell when the most unlikely-looking material may prove useful.

  8. I believe there was no dissenting opinion as to its artistic value, or concerning its purpose and psychology, though these had been the stumbling-blocks from a managerial point of view.

  9. For the preceding year he had had one charged with the double function of working in person and supervising the slaves' work also; but this man's excess of manual zeal had impaired his managerial usefulness.

  10. Among the well-to-do it promoted leisure by giving rise to an abnormally large number of men and women who whether actually or nominally performing managerial functions, did little to bring sweat to their brows.

  11. Mr. Dillingham was not particularly impressed with the piece, because he thought it was much too broad in theme, and he did not like the idea of slapping the managerial knuckles of the theatre.

  12. The government would then lease the roads to a private operating corporation governed by a tri-partite board of directors equally representing the consuming public, the managerial employes, and the classified employes.

  13. From this board of directors is built the framework of the executive or managerial division.

  14. In justice to the workmen, it should be noted here that in most enterprises the conditions of the market and the employer's managerial ability have more influence upon profits than have the personal efforts of individual workmen.

  15. There was also a reduction in some unnecessarily large managerial salaries.

  16. Altogether it was a good deal of a managerial triumph, as even the manager himself was obliged to admit.

  17. Bankrupturus vos salutat is the fitting motto of the British impresario on entering the managerial arena.

  18. Supper disposed of, the company were grouped together near the companionway smoking the pipes of peace and anxious to discuss the next managerial move.

  19. Though "Pinafore" was announced with due managerial formality, perhaps somewhat ambiguous, for that particular occasion, when the time for presentation arrived there was not a vestige of either tent or performers.

  20. Handy admiringly, "you have the real Simon pure theatrical managerial instinct in you, you have.

  21. I had fancied that my managerial activities would continue until I attained the usual age for retirement--three score years and five.

  22. Of systematic managerial supervision there was none.

  23. The personal desires of the players are not considered, and the managerial head of the enterprise rarely knows or cares about art.

  24. For the crisp bank-notes of the Comte which placed the crown of Thespis upon the blond head of Ninette did not all of them go into managerial pockets.

  25. Was all that gossip about disputes and jealousies between Kellogg and Gary last season a managerial dodge for notoriety?

  26. He went back at last to the managerial room.

  27. He taught the managerial typewriting girl how to make afternoon tea.

  28. Mr. Marrier almost shouted at him as he entered the managerial room at the Regent.

  29. The window was the window of the managerial room of the Regent Theatre.

  30. Mike knocked at the managerial door, and went in.

  31. The quantity of ore which may be in sight is largely the result of managerial policy.

  32. Perhaps it still lies in some managerial vault, and some day may be dragged to light and reconstructed and recast, and come into its reward.

  33. Back in NewNew York, the managerial board of Puffy Products slumped in utter collapse around the conference table, the long crisis session at last ended.

  34. Gryce, escaping from his own managerial suite, raged about the city, demanding general cooperation in the stretching of great nets between the skyscrapers to trap the errant loaves.

  35. I don't smoke, sir," he stammered in answer to that managerial look of accusation.

  36. Things like that can begin to snowball, and Ravenhurst might find himself out of the managerial business entirely.

  37. You don't get into the managerial business and climb to the top and stay there unless you have brains.

  38. If that happened some of his other managerial contracts might be canceled, too.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "managerial" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    chief; commanding; controlling; directing; directive; executive; functional; governing; head; leading; managerial; managing; operational; regulatory; responsible