Palenqué and the researches ofWarden on the antiquities of the United States.
In 1834, the different sides of the case were discussed by Farcy and Warden in Dupaix’s Antiquités Méxicaines.
Mr. Warden began the collection of another library, which he used while writing the American part (10 vols.
Warden in his Recherches (1827) gave some new plans and rearranged the old descriptions.
Warden in his Recherches noted the early describers.
She sent it by a Moorish knight, and sealed it with her ring; He was warden of Alhambra and stood beside the King, And he had come sent by the King to Antequera's tower, To learn how Vindaraja fared within that prison bower.
E'er she said more, they seized the dame, and led her to the gate, Where the warden of the castle in solemn judgment sate.
Jake justified his friends' faith, and no one exerted a wider influence for good over the cowboys, or was given a heartier welcome when he came among them, than "The Warden of the Plains.
Before his conversion he was known as "Broncho Jake," but since then the pioneers on the prairie had called him "The Warden of the Plains.
Mr. Sorenson is a very capable and conscientious game-warden and a very genial gentleman.
The game-warden had no more than enough food for his family, and no horse feed.
They jeered at the warden and threatened to kill him, but he kept searching, and presently found the teeth in a pail of lard.
He had seen the game-warden from whom she had procured her license, and so hunted up our camp.
The upper part was set apart as living quarters for the warden and his family.
The Governor of Rochester Castle, and afterwards a Knight of the Garter, Warden of the Cinque Ports, and Treasurer of the Household to Edward the Sixth.
At the first opportunity he entered into conversation with Old Hevay, the deputy-warden mentioned before.
The Warden had prohibited the introduction into the prison of uniform clothing, but occasionally allowed plain suits to be received.
Each warden will make a morning report to the officer in charge on blanks suitable for that purpose.
Each warden will see that the quarters in his detachment are properly policed, and will make the detail necessary for that duty.
Then, driven half frantic less by the lashing rain than by a dread of lightning which she had never outgrown, she stumbled back to the glass face of the top-light and pounded it with her fists, screaming to Mary Warden to come and let her in.
One, under the caption "News of Plays and Players," noted the departure for an opening in Atlantic City of the musical comedy company of whose chorus Mary Wardenwas a member.
The wardenwas present, of course, when he made the confession.
Of course, the warden of the prison had never seen Travis, hadn't the slightest idea what he looked like.
But unfortunately for Britz, the hour for exercising the prisoners confined on the tier had arrived, and a deputy warden cut short the interview between Beard and Miss Burden.
The Office of Church Warden dates from very early times in England, but we have no clear account of its origin.
A Church Warden should be a resident rate-payer; but non-residence is not always a disqualification.
Wrotham, when appointed warden of the stannaries in 1198, ordered all masters of ships in Cornwall and Devon to swear not to take unstamped tin out of the country.
He obeyed the king only when his orders were communicated through the warden of the mines, and even then so long only as he respected the mining law.
When the butchers had made themselves masters of Paris, Caboche became bailiff (huissier d'armes) andwarden of the bridge of Charenton.
Already in 1201 he was chamberlain to King John, the sheriff of three shires, the constable of Dover and Windsor castles, the warden of the Cinque Ports and of the Welsh Marches.
There he tasted the first sweet joys of liberty in the shape of a broiled chicken and a bottle of white wine--followed by a cigar a grade better than the one the warden had given him.
There the warden handed Jimmy his pardon, which had been signed that morning by the governor.
The warden replied that he couldn't help that, and that there were three more over at the house that he could get if he wanted to.
The game warden must make the arrest without any notice from the land owner and if the game warden fails to make the arrest, he is liable to the same fine as the one who is doing the trespassing.
When my neighbor came to look at the traps he found his own private mark on the traps, so he said to the warden that they were his traps, for there was his own private mark.
When my neighbor went to get the other traps he found that they were not his traps, but he knew by the mark on them the traps belonged to his neighbor, so he told the warden about it.
A neighbor of mine who is a good trapper was visiting me a few days ago and he told me of a little matter that took place between the game warden and sportsman in question, and himself.
The Warden said he went and found the deer and watched for ten days, but no one came for the deer.
We know that in 1562 he was apprenticed to Alexander Mason, who evidently had a large practice, for he was twice warden of the Barber-Surgeons' Company.
In 1886 Maitland was married in the village church of Brockenhurst, Hants, to Florence Henrietta, eldest daughter of Mr Herbert Fisher, some time Vice Warden of the Stannaries, and niece of Mrs Leslie Stephen.
Lord Clifford then proposed that both parties should pass the borders, and obtain leave of the warden of the Scottish marches to decide the quarrel in his jurisdiction, with a select number of friends on both sides.
Lord Clifford notified the same to Lord Graham, warden of the marches, who caused a piece of ground to be inclosed for the lists, and made preparations against the day appointed.
He was made bailiff and keeper of the king's woods and chases in Barnoldwick, in the county of York; sheriff of the county of Cumberland, by the Duke of Gloucester for his life steward of Penrith, and warden of the west marches.
Sir John Huddleston was appointed one of the conservators of the peace on the borders in 1480, high sheriff of Yorkshire, steward of Neurith, and warden of the West Marches.
I promised to do so, and feeling that nothing more could be done for him then, closed the melancholy interview by recalling the warden for his prisoner.