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Example sentences for "statistically"

Lexicographically close words:
stationmaster; stations; statist; statistic; statistical; statistician; statisticians; statistics; statists; stato
  1. Ability and Environment being mutually helpful towards success, the successes statistically associated with AE will be reckoned higher than those associated with AF.

  2. Noteworthiness and success may be regarded statistically as the outcome of ability and environment and of nothing else, because the effects of chance tend to be eliminated by statistical treatment.

  3. The third Tocsin article on the situation dealt statistically with the oil trade of the world.

  4. He had all the dreary developments statistically worked out on paper.

  5. Though this cannot be statistically proved, it is rendered almost certain by several converging lines of evidence.

  6. Statistically numbers are supposed to prove, but actually numbers prove according to their uses.

  7. Statistically this may be shown by the table of regular admissions to the fever hospitals of some of the chief towns from the date of their opening.

  8. What is thus statistically proved is also a matter of common experience; there have been whole epidemics, extending perhaps over two or three years, marked by high malignancy, and epidemics just as uniformly marked by mildness of type.

  9. How well this claim has been established statistically is open to question; but there can be no doubt that the Jewish race is an example of urban selection.

  10. It consists in the fact that the inheritance of the length of life between parent and offspring is found statistically to be about one-third of the average inheritance of physical characters in man.

  11. Hooper did not statistically test the validity of treating the sexes together in R.

  12. Variability is believed to result mostly from the small sizes of the samples, none of which is large enough to yield a census figure that is statistically reliable.

  13. It is necessary, of course, to have a sufficiently large number of records of movements to obtain an average that is statistically reliable.

  14. On the other hand, no favorable results as to their influence on pauperism can be shown statistically from the restrictive laws of Wuerttemberg.

  15. So it happens on other occasions; the actual number of men in a regiment who commit crimes may be small, though their offences may be statistically considerable.

  16. Intermarriages of men and women of different nationalities are statistically known to be frequent where no differences of religion exist, and infrequent where different nationalities profess different faiths.

  17. The character of a population, also, and its social capacities are in a large measure statistically investigated.

  18. It is statistically known that the geographical distribution of nationalities is not accidental or capricious.

  19. Nevertheless, there was no statistically significant difference in age structure between the wolf-kills from the wilderness versus those from the hunted area (table 1).

  20. Reflecting the opinion of the civil rights forces, Evans declared that the definition of five races and twelve subcategories was scientifically inaccurate, statistically (p.

  21. Whatever the reason, the Navy and Marine Corps fell statistically short of the other services in every category measured by the Gesell group.

  22. What may be statistically concluded from the distribution of the absolute magnitudes of the parallax stars is only that the dispersion in M is increased at the transition from blue to yellow or red stars.

  23. I have some reason to believe that local peculiarities of this sort exist in England, the children in schools of some localities seeming to be statistically more alike in their patterns than English children generally.

  24. Using 3 equal additions resulted in slightly better results, but the advantage was not statistically significant.

  25. There were no statistically significant differences among the samples frozen at 1.

  26. In dealing with China, for example, it would be no use to take a statistically true Chinese, who lived on a farm 1.

  27. The renal correlation is much more striking as well as statistically better based.

  28. How large the number is of the marriages, contracted with views wholly different from these, can, naturally, not be statistically given.

  29. Statistically the presence of empty or shrivelled nuts in a lot from which samples are taken increases the number required to make a satisfactory sample by greatly increasing the individual variation of the single nut.

  30. There was an angry exclamation from the squaw, a yell from Nakanit, and in an instant the girls and woman were in the water.

  31. I do want to go so much, and I do wonder and wonder why Amanda should have slapped me, and why Aunt Martha should have punished me.

  32. Then he grabbed at the other, and threw it, and all the Indians began to wonder how any chief could be so strong.

  33. Changes of the Index Number represent changes in the position of the collection of prices from which it has been statistically derived.

  34. To do this, use is made of various statistical devices by which this collection of prices can be combined into one price--which will be statistically representative of the collection.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "statistically" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.