If any one of the links of this fatal chain of circumstances had been omitted, what a different story I should have to tell!
They were tenanted by three old women (who seemed to belong to one of the missing links sought by naturalists) destitute of all ideas except in regard to cows, and who spoke a barbarous patois wellnigh unintelligible to the Savoyard Croz.
It is not necessary to remove the covers from the element, the links may be cut in the center and the plates removed from the jars without removing the links from the ports.
New links may be used if desired in re-assembling the cells.
The linkscan be afterwards reburned together in the center.
A sub-feeder is of the same class as a feeder, but is distinguished either by being one of two or more connecting links between the end of a single feeder and several distributing mains, or by constituting an extension of a feeder.
Behind the illustrious personages just described marched a troop of stalwart fellows, with white badges in their hats, quarterstaves, oaken cudgels, and links in their hands.
With the broken links of the chain, which served him in lieu of more efficient implements, he commenced operations just above the chimney-piece, and soon contrived to pick a hole in the plaster.
A broad cap or roof of copper hooked on to links of the chains an inch or two above the end of the smoke pipe would prevent any possible risk from fire reaching any woodwork from which the samovar might be suspended.
A leather thong or tie, with a toggle end, is passed through the slots at the two ends of the union, in order that the links may not come out when the chain is slack.
To take this to pieces nothing more is necessary than to slip each loop off the end of the plank; let go the fastening of the lower end, and all the links of the rope chain will shake out.
Leslie, don't the golf links lie half a mile from there?
Again, I should like to have had a chapter on the links of the past, because I have been fortunate in that respect.
I had talked about the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council being a body which "binds without friction and links without strain," and Lord Granville did the same.
To ignore this stage,” says the author of the valuable little volume to which we have just referred—“to ignore this stage in George Eliot’s mental development would be to lose one of the connecting links in her history.
Now, emotion linksitself with particulars, and only in a faint and secondary manner with abstractions.
The gentle boy had knelt down in the darkness, and was striving to hold up the chains that dragged in rusty links from the poor fellow's hands.
Once or twice she lifted those mournful eyes as some detail struck suddenly on her remembrance; but the connecting links being deficient in her mind, baffled its consciousness.
They still clung to their habits of nomadic hunters, but, it seems, engaged in trade as well, carrying goods for others in their caravans, connecting East and West with links of doubtful trustiness.
Each of these three factors has its victories to record, acts which to most people seemed but loose links in the chain of history rather than the firm steps towards the goal, distant but clearly seen by those who led the movement.
Illustration: A Disused Monastery Near the Golf-links on the heights overlooking the upper reaches of the Golden Horn.
He doesn't as long as he can get over the ground, but the linkshere is like a quagmire when it rains.
West did not turn up at the gridiron, but a tiny scarlet speck far off on the golf links proclaimed his whereabouts.
The links at Hilton consists of nine holes, five out and four in.
But it must be understood that the afternoons belong to the links and not to the law.
You may see him on the links six days a week, and yet he goes on from year to year no nearer to the degree of scratch, still driving his short and very wayward ball with that nervous, fearful stance of his, that slow, hesitating swing.
Giant canvases will show Charleses and Jameses playing their game of golf on the links of Leith, and there will be Mary Queen of Scots with clubs in her hand on St. Andrews course.
Mediocre links and mediocre players never produce good caddies, and the reverse argument generally holds good; and everybody knows that a good race of caddies is not to be produced in a couple of seasons.
It has been stated that never on the linksdoes he make use of any other ejaculation than "Dear me!
It appeared that though he looked so well and hale, the chief was not one of those happy beings who after their days upon the links go to rest at night and drop clean away into a dreamless sleep.
On the links he is the broadest-minded man alive, and he is tolerant of all things.
As a small acknowledgment to the gods, and a hint that such favours would be welcome in the future, he vowed that he would carry that club with him on the links for evermore, but that never would he play with it.
A man who has the true spirit of the links within him will not ask the question, nor will he think that this writer has laboured the warning that is hereby conveyed.
These seaside links of eastern Kent are to all intents and purposes London links, in that they are nearer than any other to London, and are fed almost exclusively from the capital.
They contrived all the machinery they use for making traps--one very ingenious piece making the links for the chains.
On being introduced to Mrs. Fellowes he seemed to find that he had various links with her and they paired off together, leaving the two old friends in company.
Indeed, the only inference that can be drawn is that the entire chain of existences of a particular being is not really a chain of connected links (but that existences in succession are unconnected with one another).
Lorilleux, in front of his worktable, was perspiring with the warmth as he soldered the links of a chain together.
She squinted at the gold, at the gold tied together hanging on the walls, at the gold wire the wife was drawing out with all the strength of her little arms, at the gold links lying in a heap under the husband's knotty fingers.
Then, when he had soldered about a hundred links he returned once more to his minute work, propping his hands against the edge of the cheville, a small piece of board which the friction of his hands had polished.
Right at the back Lorilleux, leaning over his bench, was squeezing together one by one the links of a piece of chain, whilst Madame Lorilleux, standing in front of the vise was passing a gold wire through the draw-plate.
All the links of love are shattered, Which you thought so strong before; And your very heart is lonely, And alone since loved no more.
And who can tell what secret links of thought Bind heart to heart?
And as material life is planned, That even the loneliest one must stand Dependent on his brother's hand; So links more subtle and more fine Bind every other soul to thine In one great brotherhood divine.
Build on no to-morrow; Love has but to-day: If the links seem slackening, Cut the bond away.
Has he told her Heaven unites again the links that Earth has broken?
It is fitting that one of your first actions should be the dispatch of this remittance, as it links your new spiritual body directly with the work being done at the World Center of the Faith.
In his little parish he found his earthly paradise, and the toils and troubles he went through, to make his practice keep pace with his fervour, formed the linksof his happiness.
In marrying Lincoln she did not look so far into the future as Mary Owens, who declined his proposal because "he was deficient in those little links which make up the chain of woman's happiness.
All these are links in the endless chain stretching from the finite to the infinite.
He always seems to set out from the beginning of things; and then flies along his chain of deductions like an electric current, skipping a few links here and there, I doubt not, and getting on to another chain which leads him far away.
But although the bodies which thus occupy different points of space are linked together by the universal ether, we are not permitted to find in this elemental ether, the medium which links the innumerable souls together.
The material ether which links all bodies together cannot, since it is a portion of such an universe, be itself the medium from the midst of which these souls create that universe.
But these moments of difficulty and obscurity, these vague and impalpable links in the chain, are only to be found in the process by which we arrive at our conclusion.