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Example sentences for "good memory"

  • Your majesty has a good memory," replied the officer, coldly.

  • And you know I have a good memory," said the king.

  • Exactly so; I see you have a good memory, Planchet.

  • It has been customary to designate certain qualities as essential to a good memory.

  • But if a weak mind may possess a good memory, it is equally true, that a strong and well disciplined mind is seldom deficient in it.

  • Of course, there are certain dangers in having a good memory, just as there is danger in being brilliant generally.

  • In order to answer the question, we must consider the factors of a good memory.

  • Good memory depends on vivid experience in the first place and on organization and repetition afterward.

  • A person with poor memory and poor mental powers generally cannot hope to compete with a person of good memory, good mental powers generally, if that person is also a good worker.

  • In short, one generally thinks of memory in its phase of "a good memory" as contrasted with the opposite phase of "a poor memory.

  • If perception is definite, the first step has been taken toward insuring a good memory.

  • Memory is more than "a good memory"--it is the means whereby we perform the largest share of our mental work.

  • It is true that the success of the individual in his every-day business, profession, trade or other occupation depends very materially upon the possession of a good memory.

  • He recalled, for he had a good memory, and memory is the tormentor of the jealous, he recalled the singular look of the bellringer, bent on the dancer upon a certain evening.

  • She has a good memory," remarked Fleur-de-Lys.

  • Now listen to this; we have a good memory.

  • Then a soul which forgets cannot be ranked among genuine philosophic natures; we must insist that the philosopher should have a good memory?

  • A tolerable good style and facility of composition, as well as a facility of writing, together with a good memory (not an extraordinary one) are all the necessary requisites.

  • So far from having determined the value of this talent, we shall find that it will be difficult to give a popular definition of a good memory.

  • Having now defined, or rather described, what we mean by a good memory, we may consider how the memory should be cultivated.

  • You have a good memory," said the king, "for it is five years since this happened.

  • You see I have a good memory, and retain all that you told me.

  • You have, at least, a good memory, queen.

  • I should like to know, in the first place, whether you have a good memory, for I have been told that your head has suffered, and that you have no recollection of the past.

  • All I could pride myself on was having a good memory as to what she said.

  • Wilbur, like most of our older people, has a good memory.

  • With practice, has a good memory of dates and successions, yet without it is rather deficient: p.

  • These collect information, anecdotes, and remember matters of fact and knowledge in general, and give what is called a good memory.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "good memory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    good appetite; good behaviour; good brother; good chap; good collection; good color; good colour; good creature; good face; good fortune; good hour; good humour; good hunting; good illustration; good influence; good international; good looks; good manners; good nature; good profit; good reader; good repute; good season; good share; good stock; good young