As I lay now panting with fatigue and fright on the turf, I saw a large black lizard couched just opposite to me, who appeared to look at me with scornful, malicious eyes, as if he were the enchanter himself in disguise.
The enchanter is then made to promise that no further vengeance shall be taken on Pryderi, Rhiannon, or Manawyddan, and the two spell-bound captives having been restored, the mouse is released.
Not the knowledge which is required in any particular art; nor again the art of the composer of speeches, who knows how to write them, but cannot speak them, although he too must be admitted to be a kind of enchanter of wild animals.
Yes, very, but where's the Enchanter of the Ringing Well?
Ho, ho,' laughed the Enchanter with the soft full laughter of old age.
You are surprised to hear me speak, but your surprise will be, of course, much less when I tell you that I am really a Prime Minister condemned by an Enchanter to wear the form of a crow till .
Find the Enchanter of the Ringing Well, He will show you how to break the spell, spell, spell.
The Enchanter of the Ringing Well said that only lovers could hear what the bells had to say, and then only when they were together.
But though the old lord was so famous he would not leave his castle, for he had a hump that an enchanter had fastened on to him, and he couldn't bear to be seen with it.
Your first enemy will be a little mischievous caitiff, called Master Whipswitchem, a creature of the wicked enchanter; your second a monstrous giant; your third a beautiful spectre, and your fourth the enchanter himself.
You are in the dominions, I might almost say in the power of the wicked enchanter Curmudgeon, who is as potent as he is wicked.
That night he could think of nothing but the little gold-fish, and when at length sleep came over his eyelids, he dreamed it was a beautiful princess, transformed by the power of some wicked enchanter or malignant fairy.
The phantom was formed in my likeness, because--because, as the enchanter confessed, he could create nothing so beautiful as myself by the utmost exertion of his arts.
Ascending a high, wearisome hill, he saw at a little distance a great and magnificent castle, which he at once took for that of the enchanter Curmudgeon.
The character of an enchanter is elsewhere more fully illustrated in the case of Balaam, the soothsayer, who was sent for by Balak, the king of Moab, that he might "curse the people of Israel.
The breath of the enchanter carries along the bark in the teeth of the wind; the headlong torrent is suspended, and rivers run back to their source.
The enchanter takes some camel hair and spins it into a stout thread, droning a spell the while.
And at his court there dwelt an enchanterof great art whose name was Merlin.
Everywhere that Arthur went the enchanter Merlin watched over him, and on more than one occasion Merlin saved his life.
With these words, the enchanter drew his long robe round him, and disappeared amidst the foliage.
Passing through the Zacatin (the street which traversed the Great Bazaar), the reputed enchanter ascended a narrow and winding street, and arrived at last before the walls that encircled the palace and fortress of the Alhambra.
It was, indeed, as the picture of the enchanter at his work, and the corpse of some man of old, revived from the grave to minister to his spells, and execute his commands.
Crossing himself twice or thrice, theenchanter swung it by a little silver chain to which it was pendent, in the full blaze of the lamp; so that either of the persons present might have handled it, had any been so disposed.
And thou carest not to revenge thy friends, massacred so barbarously, that fatal night--Flames be on the soul of the enchanter for ever!
What previous understanding might have existed between the enchanter and the senor Duero, he knew not; but, certain he was, Botello had predicted a speedy deliverance for all; and all were now delivered.
The enchanter would have remonstrated further; but, at this moment, the trumpet gave signal that the cavaliers were departing, and Don Amador stayed neither to argue nor console.
At all events, the enchanter did not, this night, manifest any doubt in his own powers.
But an enchanter more ancient and more powerful than Oberon himself interested himself for the brave Huon.
When at last they reached the forest, she repeated once more her instructions, and then took her leave, for fear the enchanter might espy her, and be put on his guard.
When the enchanter saw her prostrate he made his horse alight on the ground, and, dismounting, fixed the shield on the pommel of his saddle, and approached in order to secure the fallen warrior.
Here, in a sort of sensual paradise, they were but too willing to forget glory and duty, and to pass their time in indolent enjoyment It was by the enchanterthat the dwarf had now been sent to tempt the knights into his power.
The fell enchanter has again succeeded in making him a prisoner.
The enchanter now prepares to employ his sole weapon, by uncovering the magic buckler which never failed to subdue an enemy by depriving him of his senses.
This famous grotto," she continued, "was the work of the enchanter Merlin; here his ashes repose.
You will think you behold Rogero, when, in fact, you see only the enchanter himself.
The enchanterdelayed not to present himself, mounted on his winged horse.
Why, you Irish blunderer," replied Hugh, "whoever heard that either dragon or enchanter could be overcome by powder and shot?
They declared that the enchanter was sent out to sea in a vessel of glass, accompanied by nine bards, or prophets, and neither vessel nor crew was heard of again--which is not surprising.
You will begin by saying that I am busy with a great enchanter who has called to see me, and that therefore I am unable to show myself to my people this morning.
I shall tell her that unless she makes the enchanterrestore you to your proper form, I shall put her in prison.
When an enchanter wants to annoy you he generally turns you into an animal of some kind.
Also, as he had told himself a moment ago, there was quite a chance that it was a Euralian enchanter who had put this upon him--to prevent him helping Hyacinth.
And if any cursed witch or enchanter would bewitch him that bears the diamond, all that sorrow and mischance shall turn to the offender, through virtue of that stone; and also no wild beast dare assail the man who bears it on him.
This was the wickedenchanter who had caused the beards to grow.
This the enchanter at once did; but he warned Braggadochio that his enemies were two of the mightiest knights that lived, and begged him to arm himself with a sword as well as his spear.
Glad to secure his life on any terms, the enchanter at once yielded, and rising up, began to look over the leaves of his accursed books, that he might learn how to reverse the charms he had wrought.
He turned instead to Una, who, poor damsel, was in sore amazement to see that he whom she had believed her own true knight was the cruel enchanter who had caused all her distress.
But Braggadochio scorned his advice, laughed at the notion of measuring his might by the arms he bore, and taunted the enchanter with the weakness of old age, declaring that Archimago little knew what his right arm had done.
The enchanter answered him never a word, but lay in a trance, apparently dying, and Sansloy, who had no compassion in his soul, made no attempt to render him assistance.
Juan helped, and soon the enchanterwas dead and buried.
So the enchanter went with the monkey to the hole and the monkey pushed him in and began with hands and feet to cover him up.
The enchanter immediately took the form of a cock and industriously pecked at the grains on the floor.
The enchanter metamorphosed himself into a hawk and followed.
The next day they took a drum and a shovel and went into the mountains, where there was a greatenchanter who was a very wealthy man and also an asuang.
Now it chanced that the father of the princess was very sick, and the enchanter went to the palace and offered to cure him for the ring on the finger of the princess.
There was once a poor boy who was very ambitious to learn, and with the consent of his parents he bound himself to an enchanter who was a very wise man.
The boatman at once made room for them, but in the middle of the stream the boat capsized and the enchanter and his wife were drowned.
A stately castle rose on the verge of the forest, and in the garden the spirits whom Merlin the enchanter had raised up in the semblance of knights and ladies held carnival.