On the fifth day after Jane's departure, the thunderbolt fell.
Neptune, Vulcan, Aolus, and the bearer of the thunderbolthimself have stepped down from their pedestals and put on our livery.
The lightning is tamed and harnessed, thethunderbolt has become a common carrier.
Some have pretended that he had Olympian aspirations, and wanted to sit in the seat of Jove and bear the academic thunderbolt and the aegis inscribed Christo et Ecclesiae.
The tree never fully recovered its symmetry and vigor, and forty years and more afterwards a second thunderboltcrashed upon it and set its heart on fire, like those of the lost souls in the Hall of Eblis.
And Bimba looked at him, as if struck by the very thunderbolt of astonishment, for though he was fond of Babhru, yet the idea of such a son-in-law was so outrageous that it had never even occurred to him at all.
Three pillars remain of a temple, raised by Augustus in honour of Jupiter Tonans, when the thunderbolt fell at his feet without striking him, and an arch which the senate raised to Septimus Severus in reward of his exploits.
A strong argument in favour of a diabolical origin of the thunderbolt was afforded by the eccentricities of its operation.
He explained the rain rationally, and mainly in the modern manner; with the thunder he is less successful, but insists that the thunderbolt "is not stone, as some assert.
As he went back toward the open Wrangle jumped out of an ebony shadow of cliff and like a thunderbolt shot huge and black past him down into the starlit glade.
As in a dream when he felt himself falling yet knew he would never fall, so he saw this long-standing thunderbolt of the little stone-men plunge down to close forever the outlet to Deception Pass.
Plutonian Thunderbolt and hurl him down to the nether world.
The thunderboltwas a sort of toboggan on rollers, for which there was a slide running down presumably to the nether world, above mentioned.
Let the thunderboltsleep in the armoury of Odin; Be thou still at my bidding, viewless racer of the north-western heaven, Sleep thou at the voice of Norna the Reim-kennar!
Thus the avenging army fell like a thunderbolt upon the heart of the kingdom, before there was any thought of taking serious measures for defence.
The queen bent her head as if a thunderbolt had fallen at her feet.
Such tidings fell like a thunderbolt upon the old warrior, already embittered by his reverses: he was heart-broken that such storm-clouds should tarnish the end of his glorious day.
Every Thunderbolt did the same, but O'Malley beat them all to it.
He kicked the Thunderbolt wide open and zoomed for the cloud.
Sim had cut out one of the FW's but two others had joined the hunt, bent on finishing the Thunderbolt they had cut off.
One Thunderbolt went down, slashed open by a cannon shell.
When the fourth Thunderbolt broke into flames, Stan knew it was time to go home.
If there were any up-drafts, the Thunderbolt paid no attention to them.
His six 50's flamed and the recoil set the Thunderbolt back on her flaps.
In a moment he was leaping into the water and the Thunderbolt was swirling down into the sea.
The Thunderbolt hit and hit hard, as though she had slammed into a stone wall.
He jammed down hard on one brake and theThunderbolt swept around.
Jupiter in clouds hurling thunderbolt against Phaethon, who falls from his chariot; earth in flames.
Jupiter, in clouds, carried by eagle, destroying withthunderbolt prostrate giants: G.
Having got his listener sufficiently excited, Tom launched his thunderbolt in one brief sentence, and fell back to watch the effect.
So the weeks went heavily by till suddenly, like a thunderbolt out of a clear sky, came the news, 'All safe, letters on the way.
If a thunderbolt had suddenly exploded beneath Rex's feet he could not have been more thoroughly astounded.
Then came Rex's letter like a thunderbolt from a clear sky begging her not to mention the subject again, as he could never marry Pluma Hurlhurst.
That cry of more than two thousand Roman Catholics of Chicago, which was reproduced by almost the whole press of Illinois, and the United States, fell as a thunderbolt upon the head of my lord O’Regan and Desaulnier.
Stand up, and let us send back the thunderbolt against the scoundrels who have the army!
The thunderbolt is above you; everything is ready to crumble.
Back to the parapet, To the guns' lips, Thunderbolt Farragut Hurls the black ships.
Where the streams run toward the setting sun, the thunderbolt struck.
To Cuyler's men this volley was as a thunderbolt from a clear sky.
At the same instant, as though it had been a thunderbolt and hurled at him, he was struck senseless by a crashing blow on the head, delivered from behind.
What a thunderbolt this was for him may easily be imagined.
This was a thunderbolt for my father; the scales fell from his eyes; the idea of the King's timidity in love disappeared before the display of a virtue so pure and so triumphant.
He was struck by a thunderbolt and ascended to heaven.
Here the wood was thinner; from within could be heard a roaring, and the crackling of breaking boughs, until finally the bear darted from the dense forest like a thunderbolt from the clouds.