In course of time the transformation from the intriguer to the buffoon became complete.
The character of Iniquity, though fully identified with the buffoon of the later plays, is nevertheless closely connected in the author’s mind with the intriguer of the old moralities.
The name of a comic character or buffoonin the old moralities; a name of the Vice, q.
And while we were thus engaged, Mandrogenes the buffoon came in, the descendant, as is reported, of that celebrated Strato the Athenian, and he caused us much laughter.
And Eudicus the buffoon gained great credit by imitating wrestlers and boxers, as Aristoxenus relates.
On this last march, Cortes' buffoon and three soldiers, who had recently arrived from Spain, died from exhaustion.
This ended in a burlesque quarrel between Pitt and Hampden,(218) a buffoon who hates the cousinhood, and thinks his name should entitle him to Pitt's office.
No quaint conceits, no pedantic quotations from Talmudists and scholiasts, no mean images, buffoon stories, scurrilous invectives, ever marred the effect of his grave and temperate discourses.
The old buffoon blurted out his tirade, evincing a thorough lack of pride, and Magnus--yes, he was a little startled.
The Court buffoon was nothing but an attempt to lead back man to the monkey.
I reply thus: The Quakers, in consequence of their prohibitions against all public amusements, have never seen man in the capacity of a hired buffoon or mimic, or as a purchasable plaything.
Unaccustomed to many of the diversions of the world, they have seldom, if ever, seen him in the low condition of a hired buffoon or mimic.
The chief appendage of the Vice or buffoon of the ancient moralities was a gilt wooden sword, and this also belonged to the old Clown or Fool, not only in England but abroad.
Tho at the same time, to give them the greater Variety, he has described a Vulcan, that is a Buffoon among his Gods, and a Thersites among his Mortals.
So did he carry it away very close and covertly, as Patelin the buffoon did his cloth.
This play is a coarser piece than Ralph Roister Doister; the buffoon raises the devil to aid him in finding the lost needle, which is at length found, by very palpable proof, to be sticking in the seat of Goodman Hodge's breeches.
How comes it,' said the buffoon to the poet, 'that I am so rich and you so poor?
Beauty was thy handmaid; and Frivolity played around thee,--a buffoon that thou didst ridicule, and ridiculing enjoy!
It would have damped the spirits of the buffoon on the stage to have seen Pen's dismal face.
VICE, the buffoon of old moralities; some kind of machinery for moving a puppet (Gifford).
She was a capitalist and you were a sentimental buffoon in her service.
There is a point when he ceases to be a buffoon and becomes a madman.
Once more a concession to the buffoonoccurs in a melody "Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen," which would be commonplace but for Mozart's treatment of the simple air.
He suggested to the librettist that the King should be changed to a duke of Mantua, and the title of the work to "Rigoletto," the name of the buffoon who figures in the place of the original Triboulet.
Melodious as Mozart always is, these songs must be regarded as concessions to thebuffoon who sang them.
Hitopadesa (Sanskrit) Buffoonand the Countryman, The.
The latter was enjoying his glass of wine and his nut, when the buffoon in waiting declared that he had a nut to crack which would prove somewhat too hard for his royal master.