The mirror for the huge reflecting telescope was nearly three hundred inches in diameter, and was powerful enough to spot a spaceship leaving Sator.
The spaceship reeled, perking the men around in the control seats.
There are none on this planet, and anyone intelligent enough to build a spaceship isn't going to destroy the contents of the tower.
They went even further; they picked three Satorian spaceship navigators and studied them minutely every time they got a chance, in order to learn their habits and their speech patterns.
The observatory was accessible only from a spaceship or air flyer, and, at that altitude, had to be pressurized and sealed against the thin, cold air outside.
The ship itself occasioned some excitement, but back there at the tattered end of the 20th century, what was one visiting spaceship more or less?
The spaceship was observed to descend to the outer limits of atmosphere, very briefly.
Unveiling the first spaceship would cap the evolutionary quest for Enlightenment or realization of a greater Oneness.
Meanwhile, on a spaceship earth preparations are underway.
This one didn't look like a standard type at all, and it didn't behave like one, but it looked and behaved even less like an airship, and Wang knew enough to be aware that he did not necessarily know every type of spaceship ever built.
I want to get going on that Morton spaceship wrecking.
There's something fishy about the wreck of the spaceship Morton, and I want Pelham to let me work on it.
The way you describe it, the thing must be a spaceship of some kind.
As perfectly as the human pilot had ever done it, at the top of his finest form, he picked the immense spaceship up and slipped it silkily into subspace.
Beside the fence, a short, stubby-nosed spaceship was loading cargo, and beneath the vessel, two huge jet trucks were backing into position.
Carter," he resumed, "we are going to create a spaceship that can launch a large projectile filled with cargo and send it to any small area.
Professor Hemmingwell stood on the main deck of the giant spaceship staring sadly at the mess of wires and tubes, controls and gauges, switches and filaments, all shattered and useless.
This is a preliminary inquiry into the sabotage of the control deck of spaceship XX, Operation Space Projectile," he said.
All spaceship chronometers were checked against this huge clock regularly, in order to maintain constant uniform time so necessary for the delicate art of astrogation between celestial bodies.
He will show them how a spaceship is called down from the skies.
The spaceship Diamond Belt could be expected to arrive in orbit about the planet later the same day, bearing special envoy J.
The Kappans were reported to have seized a Terran spaceship as it landed to trade.
The lieutenant had been to this world before, long enough to pick up some of the language and customs, so Mayne was content to follow his advice about landing a little way off from a spaceship that towered outside the village.
Still, it would be rash to expect such a return every time a tramp spaceship lands to swap with some aboriginal easy marks.
After all, a spaceshipanchored by a temple might reasonably be termed unspaceworthy.
An instant later, they were in a spaceship crowded with thoughtful-looking people.
Spaceship Fabrication climbed three points before it fell and Wrail cashed in on that.
Sitting beside a table littered with papers, staring at the gigantic machine before him, Gregory Manning said slowly: "That thing simply has to adapt itself to spaceship drive.
A spaceship couldn't take it, let alone a human body.
No computer, however built, can possibly estimate the flight of a dodging spaceship with a canny human being at the controls.
You mean," he said, "that you want to know whether it would be possible for me to partially disable the fire-control system of a spaceship enough to allow it to be captured by Misfit ships?
Only the Glory of the Galaxy's officers in their bright new uniforms and gold braid knew the grim truth of what awaited the gleaming two-thousand ton spaceship less than twenty-four hours away at the exact center of its perihelion passage.
He's expecting to wake up in a cold-storage corpse on Deneb IV but instead he'll come to in a living body aboard a spaceship on collision course for the sun.
But if the darn thing is a spaceship like you say, how come it buried itself?
Well, Dexter here seems to think that our falling star is a spaceship and that they landed in it, and I'm inclined to believe he's right.
Now suppose they find their way to another planet where visual appeal in metallic creation is a major occupation, and suppose that shortly after disembarking from their spaceship they come upon a new convertible.
At the same time the spaceshipwas over the ocean, dropping bombs of some kind--the flash was reported.
Someone spotted the spaceship and they ran that way.
Bring a spaceship back here and land anywhere on this continent.
Motwick was an irresponsible playboy whom Trella had known briefly on Earth, and Trella was glad to dispense with his company for the remaining three weeks before the spaceship blasted off.
Here's a man strong enough to break a spaceship safety belt just by getting up out of his chair against it, tough enough to take a beating with a heavy stick without being injured.
Unless one knew there was a spaceship beneath it, it would have been impossible to distinguish it from the rest of the desert.
Many men have contributed to the knowledge that will be placed in front of you--brave, intelligent men, who blasted through the atmosphere with a piece of metal under them for a spaceshipand a fire in their tail for rockets.
There she is," said the stubby spaceman, pointing to the gleaming spaceship resting not two hundred feet away.
The breeze had obliterated their tracks and the mountain of sand covering the spaceship appeared to be no different from any of the other small dunes on the desert.
The tremendous black cloud rolled toward the spaceship in huge folds that billowed upward and back in three-thousand-foot waves.
In honor of the brave men of the first atomic-powered spaceshipto land successfully on the planet Moon, only to perish on return to Earth.
Mouths open, Tom, Roger and Astro stood gaping in fascination at the mighty spaceship resting on the concrete ramp.
What is the range of the Mark Nine radar-scope, and how far can a spaceship be successfully distinguished from other objects in space?
They stood in front of the spaceship and listened while Astro, in a hushed voice, read the inscription on the bronze tablet.
Stobey's spaceship is squishy and is named Cream Cheese; Slutter's spaceship is as slimy as he and has the well-deserved name Lox.
Spaceship Lox is named after a kind of smoked fish that was taken along by the first expedition of colonists to Planet Mars from Planet Earth.
I couldn't tell you that, either, except that if I did really hear one, it must have been a spaceshipto disappear so quickly.
And that one, stretching out an impalpable tendril of curiosity, brought back to his total consciousness the news that a spaceship from Earth had arrived when no ship from Earth was due.
The scientists' quaint little edifice was finally set up, and the spaceship took its departure.
Another aspect of Zen's personality followed the two Earthmen as they left the palace to supervise the erection of their prefab by the crew of the spaceship in one of the Royal Parks.
But the last commercialspaceship had departed less than three weeks before on its regular run, and this was not one of the guard ships.
Emmett, here, has a junior-grade spaceship that he uses to service those orbital telecast-relay stations of his.
She took time out for mental arithmetic; even a spaceship officer had to do that, when a question of interstellar time-relations arose.
Down at the southern tip of the island, the three-thousand-foot globe of the spaceship City of Pretoria, from Niflheim, was loading with cargo for Terra.
It can intercept messages and pass them down to the spacedrome on Algon, or it can transmit to a spaceship in flight.
But direct contact between spaceship and spacedrome is impossible, because the ionized layer of the atmosphere deflects the radio waves.
You can't drive up in a spaceship big enough to hold at least fifteen normal-sized boys, besides your own crew, and just not be noticed!
Sharp deviations from comfortable levels in a spaceship can be disastrous.
It wobbled, and it swung around and around, and it tipped crazily, the whole aggregation of jet motors and cage and burden of spaceship as a unit.
It rolled over to the launching cage in which the spaceship lay and set the unwieldy metal object against that cage.
The other was the small spaceship which had climbed to it and fought for it and defended it against the bombs from Earth.
The great steel hull and the small spaceship were 20 miles apart.
There was a relay system in operation now, from spaceship to Platform to Earth and back again.
It curved away and away to mistiness at its horizons, and it moved visibly as the spaceship floated on.
He was showing the others that even in the intramural pastimes a spaceship crew will indulge in, a midget was better than a full-sized man.
The walls and hull of the spaceship picked up a crawling, quivering pulsation and turned it into sound.
In six weeks they'd learned how to handle a spaceship so far as anybody could learn on solid ground--if the simulator was correctly built.
He was also bothered about the steering-rocket fuel, and he was uncomfortable about the business of releasing the spaceship from the launching cage.
Spaceship and Platform moved on toward a meeting place.
I inhabit the disguised and jetless spaceship which is your Earth.
Turning back again to his navigator, Heselton smiled modestly and noted that Big Joe was undisputedly the largest, most powerful, most feared, and most effective spaceship in the known universe.
After all, it's easier to posit extra-solar man than to suppose a flint-drive spaceship was devised by some early neolithic von Brauns.
The Defense Department has been requested to turn over to you twenty-eight untrained grounds-men the greatest spaceship yet built, the first of the interstellar ships.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spaceship" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.