After cauterization the parts are dressed with antiseptic lotions, and antiseptic injections or douches are to be used frequently during day and night to wash out the mouth and keep it as clear as possible from detritus.
Aufrecht observed hemorrhages and ulcers in the stomachs of rabbits after subcutaneous injections of cantharidin.
The rest, the moderate diet, and even the salicylate of sodium, favor its removal, but the frequent employment of mild astringent injections should not be omitted.
The injections are best borne when made into the long muscles of the back or into the nates, as recommended by Lewin for injections of corrosive sublimate.
In invagination, when the intussuscepted part is low down in the rectum or protruding from the anus, replacement by fingers or sound should be tried; reduction begun in this way may be completed by injections of air or water.
Hypodermic injections of ergotin have also been used for the same purpose.
Dry cups sometimes answer very well; if more active measures are necessary, then hypodermic injections of morphia must be resorted to.
Stimulating injections or cauterization has been known occasionally to permanently close fistulae in ano; but such plans of treatment are unreliable, and usually unjustifiable.
Pain may be relieved by applications of hot water, cataplasms, injections of hot water, and, when necessary, by morphia with or without belladonna.
Injections reveal the fact that the vascular network has become almost impenetrable, the capillaries obliterated, the larger vessels diminished in calibre.
The injections were continued for four days without food by the mouth or rectum.
These astringent rectal injectionsoffer promise of cure in many obstinate cases where the colon is chiefly the seat of disease.
Theobald Smith, in 1904, observed the death of guinea-pigs following properly spaced injections of horse serum.
If the second injection is made within less time no effect follows, and after three or more injections at intervals of about one week the animal fails to react at all, it has become "immune" to the protein.
Intravenous injections are made with larger animals.
After several injections a few hundred cubic centimeters of blood are withdrawn from the jugular vein and serum from this is tested for the amount of antitoxin it contains.
The publications of these men led to a widespread study of the subject of injections of foreign proteins.
But because injections of such cultures were so frequently followed by abscess formation, doubtless due to the high temperatures used to kill the bacteria, the method was abandoned.
The best illustration is the testicular reaction of young male guinea-pigs to intraperitoneal injections of glanders bacilli.
The following are some that have been offered: (1) Amboceptors do not appear to be present in very large amount so that relatively large injections of blood are necessary, which is not without risk in itself.
As has been indicated "serum sickness" and sudden death following serum injections are probably due to a sensitization of the individual to the proteins of the horse in some unknown way.
This uses up excess enzyme, hence subsequent injections are not digested in the blood stream but within the cells as before.
A period of ten days is usually the minimum time that must elapse between the first and second injections in guinea-pigs in order that a reaction may result, though a large primary dose requires much longer.
Intravenous injections of a watery suspension, and endobronchial injections of a suspension of radium sulphate in oil, have had definite beneficial action.
In the idiopathic types considerable benefit has resulted from the endobronchial lavage and endobronchial oilyinjections mentioned under lung abscess.
The injections are readily made through the laryngoscope without the insertion of a bronchoscope.
Injections of solutions of lead, of bark and salt of steel, and of turpentine, with some internal astringents, and opiates, were used in vain.
After the patient has been tapped, some have tried injections into the cavity of the abdomen, but hitherto I believe with ill event.
During the treatment by hypodermic the masseur should be told to avoid rubbing where the injections have been given.
In severe attacks, and with all due caution to avoid habituation, cocaine injections may be given.
At the time I first saw her, she took thirty grains of chloral every night and three hypodermic injections of one-half grain of morphia daily.
Before undertaking the operation, however, the patient must be prepared for it with an evacuant cure, that is, by injections and purgatives.
Detersive and aromatic injections were used for some time.
According to Callisen, the injectionsthrough the nasal orifice of the maxillary sinus are partly impracticable, and partly of no utility.
From time to time the liquid that tends to reaccumulate should be allowed exit, and detersive injections should be made, preferably of lime water.
From this moment, the injections being continued, a rapid improvement was obtained and the patient was so completely cured that no deformity of the face remained.
These injections never reached to the surface--probably never beyond the area of heated rocks; so that there have been no overflows from them, and they have only been exposed by subsequent great upheaval and denudation.
These injections should be made along the course of the nerves.
In the sale of horses cocaine injectionsconceal fraud.
For the diagnosis of lameness cocaine injections are of very considerable value.
With others hypodermic injections of morphia and atropine have given equally satisfactory results.
Practical hints to be borne in mind when attempting to cure quittor by means of injections are these: If the fistulas are numerous, the fluid should be injected into their various orifices.
Treatment with poultices and caustic injections was useless.
Any bad results that have been recorded from the use of the antitoxin are so rare, in comparison with the hundreds of thousands of injections made, that they do not come to be considered here.
On the other hand, the author stated that he had recently made ninety preventive injections with but 2.
The number of cases of adenitis appears to be distinctly reduced by the use of antitoxin, as the percentage of cases falls as the injections of antitoxin are pushed.
Prophylactic injectionswere given to all those exposed to the contagion.
For each injection, a certain small quantity of cord is rubbed-up in sterilised fluid; and these subcutaneous injections give no pain or malaise worth considering.
George Murray's paper in the British Medical Journal, "Note on the Treatment of Myxoedema by Hypodermic Injections of an Extract of the Thyroid Gland of a Sheep.
Potter reports a series of twenty-four families in which preventive injections were used.
The number of injectionsthat should be given depends largely on the purpose in view.
The giving of mercury by injections is a very powerful method of using the drug for the cure of syphilis.
Injections by some methods are given daily, by others once or twice a week.
But when only a few injectionsare used, mercury becomes the main reliance, and a patient who cannot have all the salvarsan he needs should not expect two or three doses of it to produce a cure.
For any one who has one of the serious complications of syphilis, injections may be a life and death necessity.
The intervals between injections vary a good deal, but a week is an average.
Mercurial injections are a difficult form of treatment and should be given only by experts and physicians who are thoroughly familiar with their use.
Additional work in this field should provide for many injections into many individuals of several size classes.
If these means do not succeed, gentle injections of warm oil or washing out of the canal with honey water should be tried.
Insects or worms that find their way into the ear may be killed by injections of acid and oil, or other substances.
The worst time of all was a cut from four injections of a fourth of a grain each to four of one eighth of a grain each, which was about January 10th.
Carriers for the military colony of the Cameroons had been impressed in our district, and many of them had caught the infection, but subcutaneous injections of emetin proved very effective even in the oldest cases.
Following the advice of an experienced colonial doctor, I treated the sunstroke as if it were complicated with malaria, and gave intra-muscular injections of a strong solution of quinine.
Of course it is not proper to arrest the flow, and the injections will stimulate a healthy action of the organs.
Injections may be repeated daily if deemed necessary.
Pure water injections have a stimulating effect, and it seems to invigorate the entire body.
Those not accustomed to use vaginal injections would do well to use water milk-warm at the commencement; after this the temperature may be varied according to circumstances.
The indiscriminate use of cold water injections will be found rather injurious than beneficial, and a woman in feeble health will always find warm water invigorating and preferable.
The injectionsmay be used daily throughout the monthly flow with much comfort and benefit.
If necessary, use injections into the rectum of from one to two quarts of water, blood heat, two or three times a week.
If the flow is scanty and painful the injections may be as warm as they can be comfortably borne.
Vaginal injections are just as important as the bath.
In this, as in the former case, great benefit will be derived from large injections of quite warm water, and let it be taken into the stomach freely, as hot as can be safely swallowed.
Hot injections into the rectum, and large quantities of warm water taken into the stomach, will often cure colic.
In very bad cases, much benefit will be derived from injections of Gum Arabic water, or mucillage of Slippery Elm thrown into the bowel in quantities of a pint or more at a time, as warm as can possibly be endured.
Avoid the use of cold injections as long as any inflammation exists.
Injections of mucillage of slippery elm should be carefully used to move the bowels daily, or at least once in two days.
During the same time let injections into the vagina of warm soap and water be used twice a day, to cleanse the parts of the secretion, followed in half an hour by a wash of warm water, into which tr.
Injections of a solution of borax into the bladder, have, in several cases, been sufficient to effect a perfect cure, without any other remedy.
I have often relieved patients immediately with injections of a strong solution of Borax in Rice water, as hot as bearable.
This is done by a series of injections of a weak virus prepared according to the directions of Pasteur.
Little can be done after the air has actually entered the vein beyond endeavouring to maintain the heart's action by hypodermic injections of ether or strychnin and the application of mustard or hot cloths over the chest.
When a positive Wassermann reaction is present before treatment is commenced, the above course is prolonged as follows: for three weeks is given a course of potassium iodide, after which four more weekly injections of 0.
Thirst is relieved by rectal injections of saline solution.
Four courses each of ten injections are given the first year, three courses of the same number during the second and third years, and two courses during the fourth year (Lambkin).
Hypodermic injections of strychnin in doses sufficiently large to produce a slight degree of poisoning by the drug are particularly useful.
As subcutaneous and intra-muscular injectionsof the "914" group are not painful, and even more efficient than intravenous injections, the administration is simpler.
Cupping or needling, or, in exceptional cases, hypodermic injections of antipyrin or morphin, may be called for.
Salicylate of soda in full doses, or aspirin, usually proves effectual in relieving pain, but when this is very intense it may call for injections of heroin or morphin.
The patient is given a general anæsthetic, or regional anæsthesia is obtained by injections of a solution of one per cent.
On two similar occasions, where a physician was called, he administered injections of carbonate of ammonia, and the man was ill for eight or ten days from the effects of the medicine.
The Russian physician and publicist Portugaloff declares that strychnine in subcutaneous injections is an immediate and infallible remedy for drunkenness.
Injections of animal matter have no danger, as a rule, unless the substances begin to be decomposed.
To mares heavy with foal, apply the above liniment and give rectal injections of Glycerine and warm water frequently.
Give rectal injections of Soap and Warm Water or Sweet Oil, give about two ounces of Castor Oil internally and feed soft, sloppy food.
If constipated, do not give physics; give injections of soap and warm water; also administer about one-half teaspoonful of Pine Tar on the tongue with a wooden paddle.
If the Cloaca is obstructed, give injections of Sweet Oil or Olive Oil with a small bulb syringe.
Rectal injections of Soap and Turpentine in small quantities, added to warm water, are very beneficial, and I would recommend their use.
He will use a probang, an instrument made for this purpose, or inject Sweet or Olive Oil into the gullet with a hypodermic syringe, or give hypodermic injections of Arecoline.
In case the animal is constipated, give rectal injections of soap and warm water containing a few drops of Turpentine.
Injections of soap and warm water per rectum are beneficial.
Endeavor to move their bowels by careful feeding of laxative food and rectal injections of soap and water.
If the animal is constipated, give rectal injections of Soap and Warm Water two or three times a day.
It is well to elevate the hind quarters and give rectal injections of Warm Water and Glycerine.
Very good results are also obtained from rectal injections of soap and warm water.
She then took burning vaginal injectionswith some ipecac in them.
And I might mention that these injections are generally also very efficient in leucorrhea, as stated in the chapter on Leucorrhea.
These injections are quite efficient and have the advantage of being perfectly harmless.
She had tried several physicians, among them an allopath, who gave hypodermic injections of morphia, without relief.
Injections and irrigations of the bladder also proved useful adjuncts to the maize.
Apparently the white rather than the red corpuscles are the stimulating agents which bring about development, because injections of lymph which contains only white corpuscles produce the same effects as injections of blood.
Tchistowitch in 1899 observed that the serum of rabbits which had received injections of horse or eel serum caused a precipitate when mixed with the serum of these latter animals.
Daily purgations or injections are made necessary only by gross feeding; and if the latter abuse be persisted in it may be best to move the bowels frequently at all hazards.
The practice of forestalling nature in this matter by using physic or injections is often the cause of much mischief--it is an impertinent interference in nature's plans, and is seldom useful.
Footnote 38: The very common practice of administering purgatives or injections a few days after confinement is not only unnecessary--it is fraught with mischief and often with disaster.
In such cases resort must be had to cool or tepid injections for a time.
It is--persistent narcosis obtained from the subcutaneous injections of morphine with the hydrobromide of hyoscine, another alkaloid obtained from henbane.
Only the prick and throb of the hypodermic needle-syringe, and most people were used to the pique nowadays--administering the first subcutaneous injections of the wonderful new drug.
Injections of the infundibular portion of the pituitary body.
Moreover, injections of sodium urate and ergot caused necroses in the muscularis and elastica of the aorta, pulmonary artery, vena cavas inferior and heart muscle, but there was no calcification.
I have been unable to produce the slightest arterial lesions in rabbits by intravenous injections of lead.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "injections" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.