Into the flask Craig dropped some pure granulated zinc coated with platinum.
Upon the wire network is plastered a composition formed of strong glue, plaster of Paris, and granulated cork, so as to make a flat slab, between which and the wall or ceiling is a cushion of confined air.
Skim out the fruit, and into the boiling juice stir a scant cup of granulated wheat flour previously rubbed to a paste with a little cold water; cook fifteen or twenty minutes, pour over the fruit, and serve cold with cream sauce.
Add to the juice three tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar or syrup, and dilute with cold water to suit the taste.
Into two and one half cups of cold cream or rich milk, sprinkle slowly with the hands, beating meanwhile to incorporate air, four cups of best Graham flour, sifted with one half cup of granulated sugar.
Make a soft dough of two and one fourth cups of Graham flour, one half cup of granulated white sugar, and one cup of rather thick sweet cream.
Moisten three tablespoonfuls of nice granulated corn meal with the two thirds of a cup of milk, and stir gradually into the boiling milk.
Pour it hot over one cup of good granulated cornmeal, and beat very thoroughly to remove all lumps.
Beat well, and add one half cup of liquid yeast, or one half cake of compressed yeast, dissolved in one half cup of warm water, and two teaspoonfuls of granulated sugar.
An icing without eggs may be prepared by boiling a cup of granulated sugar in five tablespoonfuls of sweet milk for five minutes, then beating until cool enough to spread.
Add to the juice about four pounds of best granulated sugar, reheat to boiling, skim carefully, and can the same as fruit.
Grate the yellow portion of the rind of six lemons, and mix with three pounds of best granulated white sugar.
Fire a solid piece of mill-cake, and it does not flash off like unto granulated powder, but burns gradually, though with an extreme fury, until the whole is consumed.
Duck guns of the largest calibre are comparatively useless unless the gunpowder used is granulated according to the weight of the projectile; and the same law holds in regard to the most "mammoth" engine yet to be devised by the mind of man.
It may rather be described as granulatedor mottled.
The granulated appearance of the solar surface is beautifully shown in the remarkable photographs on a large scale which M.
It is refined in two or three hours, according to whether it was pure or impure, and if it is impure it is made purer by dropping granulated copper or lead into the test at the same time.
Indian wheat, granulated but not pulverized; a kind of semolina.
A dry granulated starch imported from the East Indies, much used for making puddings and as an article of diet for the sick; also, as starch, for stiffening textile fabrics.
A utensil for separating the finer and coarser parts of a pulverized or granulated substance from each other.
When nearly baked brush the tops quickly with milk and sprinkle well with granulated sugar.
When risen, wash with egg wash, then sprinkle with granulated sugar and chopped nuts and then bake in moderate oven.
Repeat this until sufficiently mixed, then place on the hot pie, sprinkle with granulated sugar and place in the oven to brown.
Then had come the struggle with the four feet of untouched snow that was really not snow, but frost-crystals, so lacking in cohesion that when kicked it flew with the thin hissing of granulated sugar.
On the steep slope of the divide there was no ice, so snow, as fine and hard and crystalline as granulated sugar, was poured into the gold-pan by the bushel until enough water was melted for the coffee.
If, however, it is desired to make a white plantation sugar, or granulated sugar, it will be advisable to subject the juice to an acidifying or bleaching treatment, as well as to the lime treatment.
The "Reserve Factory" in Louisiana has been using this reagent in their clarification for a long time, where a very good grade of granulated sugar is made.
Illustration] Into a half-pint glass bottle, put some zinc, granulated by being melted in a ladle, and then poured gradually into water.
Put into a glass tumbler fifteen grains of finely granulated zinc, and six grains of phosphorus cut into very small pieces, beneath water.
Pour out the milk, rinse the cans with the water, add the caramel, vanilla and granulated sugar.
Why, we want twenty pounds of granulated sugar; ourn is almost all and Aunt Maria wants to make some strawberry jelly to-morrow.
You go to the store and ask 'em to send out twenty pounds of granulated sugar.
The Standard Fine Granulated Sugar contract is as follows: Sold for .
Hair pins and balls of granulated gold, from Etruria.
On this the curls of hair over the forehead are represented by filigree spirals, while the beard is worked entirely in the granulated method.
The process of production of the old granulated gold jewellery of the ancient Etruscans--that in which the surface is covered with minute grains of gold set with absolute regularity--had long been a puzzle and problem to jewellers.
Cream butter and sugar, mix with the beaten eggs, add the flour and the flavoring, roll out very thin, and bake in a moderate oven, sprinkling the cakes with granulated sugar just before baking.
Turn in a half cupful of blanched almonds and stir off the fire until the nuts are well covered with the granulated sugar, but turn them out before they become one mass.
For Molding)= Put two cupfuls of granulated sugar into a saucepan with a half cupful of water.
Sprinkle over this somegranulated sugar, and a few split blanched almonds.
Cut one ounce of dried vanilla beans into pieces and pound them in a mortar with one half pound of granulated sugar to a fine powder.
After removing from the oven sprinkle them with granulated sugar and a little powdered cinnamon or nutmeg.
Put into a saucepan on the fire a cupful of granulated sugar and one quarter cupful of boiling water; stir until the sugar is dissolved, then let it cook slowly for five minutes, making a sugar syrup.
To color sugar sift coarse granulated sugar, spread the coarse grains on stiff paper, and drop on it a few drops of coloring fluid.
Let it thoroughly dry, then pound it in a mortar with a cupful of granulated sugar and pass it through a fine sieve.
Add two tablespoonfuls of flour, one half cupful of granulated sugar, and one tablespoonful of salt.
To each pound of fruit (one basketful of berries will weigh about a pound) add three quarters of a pound of granulated sugar.
When the cream is quite firm put it in round paper boxes, and sprinkle over the top a little colored sugar, or chopped pistachio nuts and granulated sugar mixed.
Place in a copper or a graniteware saucepan two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one cupful of water, and a scant half saltspoonful of cream of tartar.
The loose powder mixture came to be called "serpentine"; after wet mixing it was more or less granulated or corned and was known as "corned" powder.
After the pressing of the incorporated powder into a "press-cake," it is broken up or granulated by suitable machines, and the resulting grains separated and sorted by sifting through sieves of determined sizes of mesh.
Granulated sugar and glucose differ in taste and composition.
At least 1 1/2 times as much corn sirup as granulatedsugar is needed to produce the sweetness of the solid sugar.
Granulated sugar is crystalline in structure, while commercial glucose exists in the form of a heavy sirup, i.
Why is a mixture of granulatedsugar and corn sirup used in the making of peanut candy rather than corn sirup?
In making Peanut Candy, the caramelized sugar cannot be boiled with water, hence it is desirable to use a combination of granulated sugar and corn sirup and heat the mixture until it is only light brown in color.
Brown sugar is made from the cane or beet, but is not refined as much as is granulated sugar.
What is the price per pound of granulated and of powdered sugar?
LEMON STICK CANDY Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of white corn syrup, one-half cupful of water, and the juice of one lemon.
Place in a saucepan two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of water and one-fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar.
Weigh the cherries, and to each pound of the fruit add two pounds of sugar, using only the best granulatedfor this purpose.
Break into small bits the Black Copper you intend to purify; mix therewith a third part in weight of granulated Lead, and put the whole into a cupel set under the muffle in a cupelling furnace, and previously heated quite red.
Into an earthen vessel put granulated Lead, Litharge, Ceruse, or Minium; and pour thereon twice its weight of any Fat Oil whatever.
The general rule therefore is, when the ore is rendered refractory by any cause whatever, to mix it with Glass of Lead, and to add a larger quantity of granulated Lead.
Weigh it exactly: then weigh out by itself eight times as much granulated Lead.
When ready for baking, rub with softened butter, sprinkle with cinnamon, granulated sugar, and chopped almonds.
The external wound healed by the first intention, and the internal cavity granulated kindly.
Tubercles sometimes form on the iris, and not unfrequently it presents a granulated appearance.
The discharge will gradually cease, and the granulated surface cicatrise under the level of the eyelids.
At the back part of the dorsum, the papillæ were much enlarged, granulated points were numerous, and several plexuses of dilated blood vessels ramified immediately beneath the investing membrane.
The affection may exist to a greater or less degree, being in some instances scarcely visible, and not troublesome, whilst in others, the eyelashes lie on the upper part of the cheek, and the swollen granulated conjunctiva is exposed.
Wegner Two cups granulated sugar; one cup milk; one-half teaspoonful butter; two squares Baker's bitter chocolate.
ANISE TEA CAKES Four eggs; one pound of fine granulated sugar; one pound of sifted pastry flour; one teaspoonful of fine anise seed.
Bisbee One cup each of granulated sugar and milk; two cups flour; a pinch of salt; one tablespoonful butter or lard; two teaspoonfuls baking powder; one egg.
Dunn Six whites of eggs; two cups granulated sugar; one teaspoonful vinegar; one teaspoonful vanilla.
GRAPE WATER ICE Boil one quart of water and one pound of granulated sugar for five minutes without stirring after the boil is reached.
Shape, brush over tops with white of egg, and sprinkle with granulated sugar.
Muschlet One heaping teaspoonful flour; one heaping teaspoonful Colemans mustard; one-half cup granulated sugar; one teaspoonful salt; mix all together.
In the morning, boil slowly until fruit can be pierced with a straw; add seven and one-half pounds granulated sugar and boil until thick enough.
Make a syrup of three pints of granulated sugar and one pint of water; have the syrup boiling briskly; stir in the grated fruit and boil twenty minutes.
Boon Three egg whites beaten very stiff; gradually put in above one cup of granulated sugar, one teaspoonful vinegar, one-half teaspoonful vanilla.
A transfer paper with its surfacegranulated to represent a mechanical stipple, or the texture of a grained stone, may be prepared in the following manner.
These ridges and points are granulated on their under surfaces.
The difference in the appearance of the opercular valves, in the two states, is simply owing to the degradation of their upper parts in the granulated specimens.