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Example sentences for "ripply"

Lexicographically close words:
ripple; rippled; ripples; rippling; ripplings; rips; ript; rique; riqueza; rire
  1. It's all pretty an' ripply an' kind of queer.

  2. What makes it look so ripply an' bubbly out there?

  3. His thoughts still ran to blue-gray eyes and ripply hair, but he made no attempt to put them into a story.

  4. What does she do but let loose one of them ripply laughs of hers.

  5. The moonlight was streaming in through the window where the roses and honeysuckle are--it was a leafy moonlight and all ripply like dancing water.

  6. It was a bright, sunny spring morning, and Wimbledon was beautiful in budding foliage, singing blue-birds and placid little river, with the sunbeams silvering its ripply surface.

  7. Morland, with his ripply hair and the features of a Fra Angelico angel, would seem out of place in khaki.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ripply" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    broken; bumpy; choppy; coarse; corrugated; grainy; granulated; homespun; irregular; pimply; pitted; pocky; rank; ripply; rough; rutty; shaggy; textured; uneven; unkempt; unpolished; unrefined