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Example sentences for "larger quantity"

  • If you do not like onions, substitute for them a larger quantity of spice.

  • You may make a pilau of beef or mutton with a larger quantity of rice; which must not be put in at first, or it will be done too much, the meat requiring a longer time to stew.

  • If much of the salmon has been left, you must proportion a larger quantity of the pickle.

  • The quantity should be regulated according to the percentage of water the excreta contain; the more watery excreta requiring naturally a larger quantity of litter.

  • It must be remembered, however, that it is highly probable that most plants contain a larger quantity of ash-constituents than is absolutely necessary for their healthy growth.

  • If, on the other hand, the food is one imperfectly digested, the nitrogen in the solid excrement may form the larger quantity.

  • Both metals accompany sodium, potassium, and lithium, but in small quantities; rubidium occurs in larger quantity than cæsium.

  • It must here be remarked that water, in presenting a greater cohesion, requires a larger quantity of heat for its conversion into vapour than other liquids.

  • This result is produced because wherever there is a larger quantity of luminous rays, there is most light, but where there are fewer there is least light, consequently the shadow rays come in and mingle with them.

  • Where there is a larger quantity of water, there is a greater flow and ebb, but the contrary in narrow waters.

  • Some persons require a larger quantity of the powder in order to inflate the stomach.

  • A larger quantity of albumen may be due to parenchymatous and fatty degeneration of the kidney or to chronic diffuse nephritis, which are infrequent but recognized complications of gastric cancer.

  • If, in an assay, it is found that 5 parts of flux are not sufficient for 1 part of ore, the remedy lies in using a different flux rather than in taking a larger quantity.

  • These are proportional, but by using a larger quantity of acid and ammonia in the work preliminary to titration, we might have had to use 1 c.

  • In washing, several washings with a small quantity of water are more effective than a few with a larger quantity of that fluid.

  • Then, as quickly as possible, the whole is poured into a larger quantity of cold water.

  • The addition of a few drops of this solution, to one containing ammonia, produces a yellowish tint when only a trace of ammonia is present, but a dark brown precipitate when the ammonia is present in larger quantity.

  • The above method is less liable to error when a larger quantity of the substances are thrown together.

  • Put all the ingredients into a silver cup, regulating the proportion of ice by the state of the weather; if very warm, a larger quantity would be necessary.

  • To set a sponge (Cookery), to leaven a small mass of flour, to be used in leavening a larger quantity.

  • Eighteen gallons of good beer may be brewed with this machine in the course of six hours, or a larger quantity with a machine of proportionate dimensions, in the same space of time.

  • Two or three pails of water thus applied, will be more effectual than a larger quantity poured on in the usual way, and at a later period.

  • The revenue suffers, because a larger quantity of beer is sold as strong beer; that is, at a price exceeding the price of table beer, without the strong beer duty being paid.

  • The water of the river Thames contains rather a larger quantity of common air, and a smaller portion of carbonic acid.

  • Or better, a larger quantity, a gallon for example, of the water may be concentrated by evaporation to about half a pint, and then submitted to the action of the test.

  • So far the explanation covers the “extractive industries” only, or those industries affected by the law of diminishing returns when a larger quantity is demanded.

  • Perhaps if a larger quantity of the milk could be collected, it would have a more watery character, and approximate more nearly to other milks in that respect.

  • Green-vitriol in minute doses is not hurtful, but rather beneficial to vegetation; but in larger quantity it is fatally destructive.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "larger quantity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    added another; classified according; fiery darts; larger amount; larger force; larger growth; larger measure; larger number; larger portion; larger proportion; larger scale; larger share; larger size; larger work; leaf clover; many dangers; may suppose; moral government; nine lashes; organic acids; prolonged period; responsible government; still preserved; the brother; the house; warm bath