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Example sentences for "boil slowly"

  • Drain and put on to boil with cold water enough to cover; boil slowly 4 to 5 hours or until tender.

  • Boil slowly 2 hours or until tender; add water from time to time, as it boils away.

  • Boil slowly, with the lid slightly lifted after the boiling begins.

  • Boil slowly, especially at first, allowing fifteen minutes to a pound.

  • Put into a vessel set within another of hot water, add the corn-starch wet up with cold water, boil slowly until it thickens, and set aside.

  • Serve sliced lemon, pickles and stewed tomatoes with it, that the guests may add if they like.

  • Wash the hominy thoroughly in on 3 or two waters, then cover it with twice its depth of cold water and let it come to a boil slowly.

  • Boil slowly, hardly above simmering, four hours, when the liquor should be reduced to half the usual quantity; remove from the fire.

  • Steam or boil slowly for an hour and a half; serve with the syrup from the ginger, which should be warmed and poured over the pudding.

  • Cut off the brown part of the cocoanut, grate the white part, mix it with milk and set it on the fire and let it boil slowly eight or ten minutes.

  • Boil slowly for an hour, adding more water to make up for evaporation.

  • Clarify with the whites of six eggs, bringing to a boil slowly.

  • Boil slowly so they will remain whole when done.

  • Let it boil slowly, add the corn, and cook for about thirty minutes.

  • Boil slowly for an hour in water to coyer.

  • Let it boil slowly, or rather simmer, two hours longer.

  • Set it over a moderate fire, and let it boil slowly.

  • Next set the kettle over a moderate fire, and let it boil slowly, till all the sugar is melted.

  • Let it boil slowly, (skimming it well,) till everything is reduced to rags.

  • Let the whole continue to boil slowly and steadily; remembering to skim well.

  • Then set it over the fire in a pot full of water, adding a little salt, and let it boil slowly for an hour and a half, or more--skimming it well.

  • Boil slowly, stirring often with a flat stick, and when the apples are tender to breaking, take them out with a perforated skimmer, draining well against the sides of the kettle.

  • Boil slowly, allowing about a quarter of an hour to each pound.

  • Cover with water, boil slowly for an hour and pour out.

  • Boil slowly in a covered saucepan until tender; take from the gravy and lay in a covered dish to keep warm.

  • Cover up closely and let it boil slowly over a low heat three or four hours.

  • You may prepare this sweet and sour by adding a little vinegar and brown sugar, one-half teaspoon of cinnamon and one tablespoon of molasses; boil slowly; keep covered until ready to serve.

  • Boil slowly, with all kinds of vegetables, provided your patient is allowed to have them.

  • SOUP STOCK In making soup, bring the cold water in the soup pot with the meat and bones to a boil slowly, and let it simmer for hours, never boiling and never ceasing to simmer.

  • Put the piece in boiling water in a pot just large enough to hold it, along with an onion and a spoonful of cloves or allspice; let it boil slowly, skimming the first half hour, if to be eaten cold.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boil slowly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    boil fifteen; boil five; boil three; boil together; boiled custard; boiled potatoes; boiled salmon; boiled water; boiling lard; boiling milk; boiling point; boiling salted; boiling temperature; boiling water; cannot stand; chief minister; close observer; good figure; good house; last word; never done; refrigerated cargo; said excitedly; shell beads; wait upon; what will