In Japan, where the cultured crunch hard and gritty fruits, peach and plum trees may be encouraged to expend all their force and prime in the production of bloom.
Look, where the dolorous sphinx sheds gritty tears because of the boldness of the sun and the solvency of the disdainful sea.
Such soap possesses very powerful detergent qualities, but it is apt to feel hard and be somewhatgritty in use.
The above kinds enjoy a grittyvegetable soil; perfect drainage is indispensable.
Gritty peat and a little loam suits it well; I have it doing nicely in ordinary garden soil; but if the more carefully prepared composts are employed, the results well repay the pains so taken.
It thrives well in gritty loam; a little peat rubbed in with the grit will be an improvement and also more resemble its native soil.
Their essential features are their gritty character and their complex composition.
On the left side the river runs under cliffs of light, soft, gritty stone, varying in height from seventy to one hundred feet, behind which are level and extensive plains.
The roots are swallowed as they are dug from the ground, frequently covered with a gritty sand; so little idea have they that this is offensive that all the roots they offer us for sale are in the same condition.
The bed of the spring is about fifteen yards in circumference, and composed of loose, hard, gritty stones, through which the water boils in great quantities.
They all flourish in good garden soil of a gritty nature.
The soil is generally fertile, though in some parts it consists of chilka, a red and gritty mould little fitted for purposes of agriculture.
In this sense bacteria are most important factors in causing gritty deposits in the urine.
The decomposing ammoniacal urine, the gritty crystals precipitated from it, and the fetid, rancid, sebaceous matter set up inflammation in the delicate mucous membrane lining the passage.
Extraction may be attempted, in the case of the finely divided gritty matter, by simple milking or with the spring dilator (Pl.
If relief is obtained by the onward passage of the stone a free flow of urine usually follows, in the midst of which may often be found gritty masses.
If from stone or gravel, gritty particles are usually passed, and may be detected in the bottom of a dish in which the liquid is caught.
These bodies are felt to be much harder than those formed by casein, and the milk usually contains gritty particles.
The disintegration which attacks them leads to the formation of large cheesy masses of a yellowish color, containing more or less of lime salts in the form of gritty particles.
The frequent passage of urine, the blood or gritty masses contained in it, and perhaps the hard, stony cylinders around the tufts of hair of the sheath, show that the source of the suffering is the urinary organs.
Numerous nodules are shown in various stages of the disease, the majority of which, however, contain the yellowish, partly cheesy, partly gritty areas characteristic of advanced tuberculous degeneration.
The presence of gritty granules in the spine or brain might produce tetanic convulsions.
I believe that gritty granules in the region of the spinal cord would be very likely to produce convulsions, and I think they would be likely to be very similar to those described in the present case.
In cases of epilepsy I have found gritty granules on the brain; and any disturbing cause in the system, I think, would be likely to produce convulsions.
I have seen cases in which small gritty tubercles in the brain were the only assignable cause of death, which had resulted from convulsions.
In addition to this foreign animal element, grocers sometimes mix flour with their sugar, and, if we are to put any credit in popular belief, sand; but of the presence of this gritty ingredient we have never seen any trustworthy evidence.
Foremost among those artisans who suffer from the inhalation of dust and other gritty particles given off in the pursuit of their employment are the grinders of Sheffield.
We have said how at the Cape they putt on gritty earth that smacks of diamonds, how in China there are graves for bunkers, and how across the Channel, Napoleon's trenches serve for the same purpose.
Barrymore Island in the bay deserves the notice of the geologist from the circumstance of having a stratum of limestone running through it, although nothing but a red gritty stone exists upon the main land in its vicinity.
Block after block the two-story-and-basement houses stretch, all grimy and gritty and looking sadly down upon the five square feet of mangy grass forming the pitiful front yard of each.
Louie found a rooming-house, shoved his suitcase under the bed, changed his collar, washed his hands in the gritty water of the wash bowl, and started out to look for a job.
It is light and spongy, does not feel gritty between the teeth, its taste is mucilaginous, and its powder has a peculiar pinkish hue not present in either of the other varieties of rhubarb.
Those which contain volatile substances should be preserved in closely corked wide-mouth bottles, and those which contain acidulous or gritty matter should not be frequently employed.
The common causes of ordinary or conjunctival ophthalmia are the sudden exposure of the organ to a cold easterly wind, to dust, gritty particles, or to any external irritation or injury.
By employing nearly saturated solutions, and then heating them and mixing them together whilst very hot, a very heavy precipitate is obtained, but it is apt to be gritty or crystalline.
A slightly gritty powder, of a fine greenish-yellow colour, without taste and without odour till heated.
Care must be taken that all the dry ingredients be finely pulverised, and that the harder and gritty ones be reduced to the state of an impalpable powder, either by levigation or elutriation.
The Wenlock beds consist of shales, and the Ludlow beds of gritty shales beneath, and massive flags and grits at the summit.
The granite contains little mica, and the quartz frequently is arranged in rhomboidal crystals nearly parallel to each other; it readily decomposes, and from the predominance of quartz forms a coarse gritty soil.
The soil was somewhat light and gritty loam, except on the trap-rocks, where it was rich black soil.
This gritty matter, subjected to chemical examination, was found to be phosphat of lime.
That dry and rather gritty assurance that had all her life protected her from both the praise and abuse of her fellow-men and women was, to-day, absent.
The soil on which the apple is mostly grown is largely composed of granitic matter, and is of a sharp, sandy, loamy nature, often of a gritty character.
Rather more gritty than red chalk or charcoal, it is a favourite medium with some, and can be used with advantage to supplement charcoal when more precision and definition are wanted.
It is sold by the ounce, and it is advisable to try the pieces as they vary very much, some being hard and gritty and some more soft and smooth.
The paste is fine, pure, and white, free from the dark gritty particles found nearly always in Imari ware.
Other specimens of his bold outline sketches are found on a coarse ware with a gritty paste.
The pottery of Bizen was made at a very early date, but the early specimens were of a coarse, gritty red paste with no glaze, and only common articles were made.
The others with frantic haste filled the aluminium cookers with the gritty snow that here lay hard and windswept.
There were occasional patches of ruddy brown and yellow which relieved the general black and white appearance of this uninhabitable land, and close to the shore on the north side of Cape Evans were small patches of even gritty sand.
I hated the brown earth, the slushy muck and gritty rock, but in the end hatred died out and I was almost left without passion or longing.
They were so used to running barefooted on the moors that they found themselves more comfortable walking along the gritty road in that manner.
The outskirts of Sheerness are, of course, peculiarly soulless and abnormally gritty and dirty.