He thought so, honestly, as they passed on between the irregular rows of shingled huts, leaving the group before the jeweller's shop, looking after them curiously.
Its roof was shingled and black, and where it sloped down in the rear, a little third belfry pointed its spire.
Others are then laid standing up to it, and the incline is shingledwith the bark, to keep out the rain.
They all were built with only one story, the shingled roofs coming almost down to the ground on either side.
Gray shingled huts were clustered on the banks just out of reach of the swishing rush of tide, and bent figures of men, tiny, and yellow in their oilskins, could be seen moving in and out of the boats drawn on the shore.
Some of the roofs were shingled with pieces of shingles.
After the roof has been shingled the saddle-boards can be put on and the house will be ready for painting (see Painting).
She noticed the quantity of machinery which stood in the yard, some under cover of the big shingled shed, and some of it sitting out in the snow, gray and weather-beaten.
It was a slabbed house, with shingled roof, and space enough for two rooms; but the partition was n't up.
It could not have been much later than seven o'clock when she found herself opposite the familiar, mulberry-shingled Protestant church.
The little rubbly and flinty churches of Pyecombe, Patcham, Preston, and Clayton are very similar in appearance exteriorly and all are provided with identical towers finished off with a shingled spirelet of insignificant proportions.
The squat, shingled spirelet of Slaugham Church and its decorated architecture mark the spot where many of this knightly race lie buried.
Outside, the moisture was dripping from the glistening magnolia leaves and from the pointed polished leaves of the live-oaks, and the sun that had come out with intense suddenness was drawing it steaming from the shingled roof-tops.
The rain was falling still; steadily, blindingly, with wild clatter against the shingled roof so close above their heads.
It was the only other one that had a shingled roof.
They wereshingled roofs; they will be just the same; all the rest are only walls.
The structure on this floor was of the simplest; a double wall only five feet high at the sides, shingled roof, broken at the ridge to admit windows, and strong partitions.
The house was a shingled cottage, sixteen by thirty-two, divided into two rooms.
Sube was a little late for supper, but he came in with a broad smile--broad though rather forced--and a neatly shingled head.
In all these villages the houses are constructed of heavy logs or timbers, closely and neatly joined; the roofs are shingled with long and narrow shingles, and are abruptly four-sloped.
The vertical bin thus formed was filled with ears of corn roofed about with a light thatch or shingled roof.
The thunder-storm had cleared the air, and the sun shone pleasantly on the shingled roofs of the miserable houses of the Richtberg.
All the roofs are dull lead colour, being shingled or tiled, and all the house fronts are of the colour of the wood as God made it.
The animal-houses where Brigham used to pack his wives are grubby villas; the Tabernacle is a shingled fraud, and the Tithing House where all the revenue returns seem to be made, much resembles a stable.
After the roof was shingled we were again at a stand, as no board could be procured nearer than Peterborough, a long day’s journey through horrible roads.
Many small cities still had log houses in the old Slavic style, with thatched or shingled roofs, patched up shabbily from time to time.
Behind this arose the shingledtower of Hohen-Cremmen, whose weather vane glistened in the sunshine, having only recently been regilded.
The sloping roof lines blend in gracefully with the shingled walls and the veranda.
And if you like them better, shingled side walls in soft-toned colors might be used, certainly with no loss of effect.
The pattern of the window sash and frames and the shingled sides also add their bit to this comfortable looking little home.
Overhanging roof, shingled sides, and a clever handling of the windows and doors gives the Auburn a smart effect not found in the common house of this type.
The shingled exterior is in keeping with the design; but in case siding is preferred, harmony would not be destroyed.
The shingled triangles in green, the gently sloping roofs, the generous porch and its pillars, the details of the trim--all add their bit to the striking appearance of the whole.
The extending roof with its distinctive dormer, the shingled upper story, the wide expanse of porch, the solid type of porch pillars--everything bears out the impression that here live people of a most desirable American type.
The clever treatment of the front--novel porch pillars, lattice work and white trim--makes a neat and artistic contrast with the darker tones of the shingled body of the house.
How far, far she was from Uncle Ben, and that shingled house in Vermont!
The houses are of adobe, thatched with reeds; three of the houses have shingled roofs, and one has the luxury of a floor.
The houses are chiefly adobe, and there is on one of the slopes a neat little adobe chapel, with a shingled roof nearly done, of which the Indians were very proud.
In no other part of the world, not even in Italy, where colour is so important, could there be a yellow like the yellow paint on the ancient shingled house-front at Kidd's Pines.
He would people the oldest shingled houses with families whose possessions are now stored in the picturesque museum.