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Example sentences for "pitted"

Lexicographically close words:
pitously; pits; pitta; pittance; pittances; pitten; pitter; pittie; pittifull; pitting
  1. The tramp of feet marching in unison on the rough shell-pitted road, and piles and piles of grey men clotted with dried mud, from whom comes the new smell, the sordid, miserable smell of the enemy.

  2. Jolting over the shell-pitted road, the car wound slowly through unploughed weed-grown fields.

  3. As will be seen on comparing the enlarged figure of this egg with those of the two previous species, it is quite different in shape, and is pitted rather than ribbed.

  4. The ship landed gently on a pitted concrete slab near the massive radiation shields of the barricaded entranceway to the fortress.

  5. The Pit was merely another crater in the pitted ground.

  6. The next instant the gate was cast ajar very hastily, and the pock-pitted negress appeared.

  7. She pitted herself against them all; alone amongst those thousands, she felt herself indued with superhuman strength and courage.

  8. No horses, reduced regiments, a crowd of half-trained men pitted against a nation which has been ready for war any day in the last years!

  9. A coil having badly pitted contact points on the vibrator will "stick" and will cease to form a spark regularly.

  10. But if the ignition occurs irregularly when the batteries are delivering the proper amount of current, it is probable that the trouble lies in the pitted condition of the platinum contact points of the vibrator of the coil.

  11. Meteorites usually show a pitted surface with a fused crust, caused by the heat developed in their rapid passage through the earth's atmosphere.

  12. The space between the two mounds is now green with grass, though pitted with shell-holes, and marked in many places with the crosses of graves.

  13. I knew of his intention to leave the next day: there was little time left me to aid him, and I had come to regard the unknown woman's mysterious nature or strategic warfare as pitted against my superior penetration.

  14. Under the sea, however, it is often the strength of the single thread, the wit of the individual pitted against the solid impregnability of the elements, the vis inertiae of the sea.

  15. Wit after brute force: man and Nature were pitted against each other in the uncongenial gloom--life the stake.

  16. A hundred and fifty-six persons were killed and wounded by the three bombs; the pavement, the sidewalks, and the front of the Opera-house were pitted with holes and splashed with blood.

  17. Among these was the Duc de Normandie, against whom the king pitted the Seigneur de Saint-Venant, and the duke was overthrown, horse and man.

  18. Men had found such contests cheap as well as exciting, since rats were over plentiful, and when pitted against their own kind would fight to the death.

  19. It was worse when we found pitted against us two other religions, of two separate peoples here with whom we had to deal.

  20. As an instance, a coal miner from Cumberland, and a champion wrestler of that county, was hunted up by the Tsar and pitted against Boris for a match.

  21. At swimming, however, even the best of his English competitors were obliged to take a second place, for Boris excelled any who were pitted against him, especially in the longer races.

  22. Amidst the cheers of the men the Tank climbed, stern-foremost, out of her place of imprisonment and gained the shell-pitted street.

  23. Right and left nothing but fields lavishly pitted with shell holes.

  24. The lurid flash of the guns lighted the horizon and threw vague shadows across the crater-pitted ground that a few days previously had been the No Man's Land of the contending forces.

  25. At frequent intervals star-shells burst overhead, throwing a blinding, ghostly glare upon the crater-pitted ground.

  26. The futurist colour-designs on her exposed side were scorched and blistered, while the armour-plate was pitted with honourable scars.

  27. With a rousing cheer the line of khaki-clad men swarmed over the parapet into the muddy and smoke-laden, crater-pitted No Man's Land.

  28. Amid the cheers of the excavating squad the Tank moved slowly yet surely up the incline, and, gaining the shell-pitted ground, waddled sedately for her base.

  29. The shell-pitted ground over which Setley's Tank nosed her way was no longer under fire.

  30. In the battered and shell-pitted region to the northwest of Pozières fighting between the British and German troops continued unceasingly.

  31. The stem is usually quite long, covered with depressions or pitted dentations, with intermediate coarse net-work of raised ridges, red and yellow.

  32. Alveolatus is from alveolus, a small hollow, referring to the pitted form of the pore-surface, which is one of the characters of this species.

  33. The stem is elongated, tapering upward, pitted with long and narrow depressions, yellow, red in the depressions, colored within like the flesh of the pileus.

  34. Scrobiculatus is from scrobis, a trench, and ferro, to bear, referring to the pitted condition of the stem.

  35. Each scute is a nearly square bony plate, deeply pitted or sculptured, and marked by a strong ridge on its dorsal surface, while its ventral surface is smooth.

  36. All the bones appearing on the dorsal surface are remarkable for their curious roughened and pitted character; this feature is prominent also in many Labyrinthodonts.

  37. The occipital condyle is slightly notched above, and the ventral surface of the cranium is deeply pitted just in front of it; the exoccipitals also contribute slightly to its formation.

  38. On grand occasions, such as the coronation of a king, soldiers fought with wild beasts, or wrestled with one another, and animals were pitted against each other in fenced enclosures.

  39. It was the science of one world pitted against that of another--the science of civilization against that of the wilderness.

  40. He was a powerfully built man, with a mean expression of countenance, and seemed to harbor a spite against the boys, doubtless because he did not like to be pitted against such youthful antagonists.

  41. Beyond that their fate was pawn to the chaotic cross fires of human elements pitted against the architecture of the cosmos.

  42. But if it were Larkwell, he might find himself pitted against two men.

  43. Tag-rag, his deeply pitted face having turned quite white, and his whole body quivering with rage.

  44. On now catching the first glimpse of Mr. Gammon, he started from his musing posture, not a little disconcerted, and agitation overspread his coarse deeply-pitted face with a tallowy hue.

  45. The men are pitted against each other in pairs; age, height, weight, and general physical aptitude being the determining factors in the selection.

  46. It is a fact recognized by all that a highly polished steel surface rusts much less easily than one which is roughened; also that a barrel which is pitted fouls much more rapidly than one which is smooth.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pitted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alveolar; broken; bumpy; choppy; coarse; corrugated; depressed; engraved; grainy; granulated; homespun; honeycombed; indented; irregular; knobbed; notched; pimply; pitted; pocked; pockmarked; pocky; rank; ripply; rough; rugged; rutty; shaggy; studded; textured; uneven; unkempt; unpolished; unrefined