Then he turned to Hermon and had already begun to question him about his health, when the majordomo announced another visitor.
He, however, ordered his majordomo and myself to break up his household, to pack up his books and paintings, and to journey with them by land to Berlin.
Did I not yesterday notify you through the majordomo that I should no longer call you with a whistle, but with a bell?
Nevertheless, the enemies that the majordomo had in his village laughed sarcastically, and said that the bears were all a farce, and he had never seen one in his life, much less struggled with them.
However, a capable sort of half majordomo volunteered to act as guide.
The needlewoman was hard, cruel, and stubborn, but the majordomo knew how to get at the few grains of good humour she had.
Paco Gomez lived in the palace of a marquis, to whom his father was majordomoand who never came to Lancia.
They were all seated excepting Paco, who was walking up and down the drawing-room, telling them the joke he had the other night at the theatre with Manin the majordomo of Quinones.
But themajordomo interrupted them again by saying: "And at julepe.
Manin, man, be careful not to give these ladies too much trouble," he would say to the majordomo when they entered some shop together.
By no means deficient in shrewdness and cunning, they adopted numberless devices for imposing on the credulity of the majordomo and other officials of the rancho.
While the majordomo was making this speech Sancho was gazing at several large letters inscribed on the wall opposite his seat, and as he could not read he asked what that was that was painted on the wall.
Let themajordomo go on with his question, and I'll give the best answer I can, whether the people deplore or not.
Laramée, majordomo and master of ceremonies, came to announce that supper had been waiting a long time.
The captain was in the way of repenting of his suspicions when the majordomo Laramée, coming precipitately out of the chamber of Raimond V.
At a late hour of the night, she heard the majordomo order some of the baron's servants to carry invitations.
The oldmajordomo nodded his good-will, but now my slow wit came in play.
A raw-boned piper named M'Gillicuddy fell to my lot, and he is now my majordomo at Jennifer House; as honest a fellow as ever skirled a pibroch.
I was preparing to take my leave, when the majordomo came to inform me that his excellency desired me to remain to supper.
Anna from her vows, and gave them the nuptial blessing at the instance of Don Juan Casanova, majordomo of the Vatican, and uncle of Don Jacob.
However, upon the majordomo placing a spirit flask preserving a small harmless snake on the threshold, the monkey sprang quickly back and concealed himself, trembling, behind his master.
Hearing this the majordomosaid to Sancho, "Make the people stand back, senor governor, that this lady may say what she wishes with less embarrassment.
Sancho handed it to the majordomo and bade him read the superscription, which ran thus: To Don Sancho Panza, Governor of the Island of Barataria, into his own hands or those of his secretary.
With his pocket knife he cut the spur strap, eased the majordomo to the ground, carried him to the bench and stretched him out thereon.
The old majordomo was wrapped in aboriginal dignity.
His cry brought an answering hail from Pablo, over at the barn, and presently the old majordomo entered the compound.
Pablo's shrill, agonized denunciation had fallen upon deaf ears, once the old majordomo had conveyed to Parker the information of Don Mike's death.
The majordomo quickly crawled back into the draw where the black mare patiently awaited him.
Although there was a profusion of colored silk and a hint of sensual luxury, it was obviously a man's room, and Evelyn studied the woman who joined her when the majordomo brought in breakfast.
Crossing the plaza, he dismounted at the hotel he had previously visited, and sent for the majordomo when the hostler grumbled something about the stable's being full.
It might be possible," the majordomo replied in a thoughtful tone.
Near the present ranch house at Santa Isabel are large adobe ruins, evidently used as a house for the majordomo and for the padre on his regular visitations to the ranchería.
There was trouble in apportioning the lands among the Indians, for Portilla called for fifteen or twenty men to aid him in quelling disturbances; and at Pala the majordomo was knocked down and left for dead by an Indian.
In like manner, the fact that Bismarck was called the majordomo of the Hohenzollerns could not shake my trust in the Prince, although he, perhaps, had thoughts of a political tradition for his family.
Still I let him have his way, with the result that presently the strange sight was seen of the magnificent English majordomo standing behind my chair in the little room and handing round the square-face as though it were champagne.
A footman opened the door, a butler advanced to meet her, a majordomoout of livery stood half-way up the stairs.
The majordomo of the Duchess stood before them with a bow.
When he reached St. James' Square, his majordomo came hurrying up and whispered something in his own language.
The next day the majordomo notified me that our master did no longer need a page.
The old majordomo opens a secret door to us; we issue out of the house; after crossing a few narrow streets, we arrive at a deserted little square.
And José, sauntering afterward across the patio to the porch, met Manuel face to face and paid tribute to Don Andres' new majordomo in a single sentence.
Perhaps in you I recognize simply the qualities which I desire mymajordomo to possess.
A Mexican majordomo licked me into shape when I was sweet sixteen.
La Laguna Seca, San Vincente, Las Uvas sent their quota of vaqueros, each headed by a majordomo and accompanied by embaladors with the camp equipment and supplies packed upon steady-going little mustangs.
His majordomo he would see, as speedily as was convenient to a man as full of ranch business as Dade Hunter found himself.
It is my wish to live in harmony with all men; my choice of a majordomo should bear witness that I look upon Americanos with a friendly eye.
He gave Dade a letter, and his very gesture was triumphant; and the eyes were eager that watched his majordomo read.
The majordomosent me with a letter, which I was to deliver into the hands of the Señor Allen," he said simply.
At least yourmajordomo agrees with you, Don Andres," he said, twisting the note unthinkingly in his fingers.
But what ideas has this majordomo given you concerning this unfortunate love, my dear brother?
In the middle of the silver dish, half steeped in an unctuous, velvety gravy of a beautiful rosy hue, the majordomo saw four little round soft eggs, that seemed still to tremble with their smoking, golden frying.
The majordomo returned with this note, which accompanied another dish: "Salt marsh rails roasted on toast a la Sardanapalus.
An instant after the man announced by the majordomo entered, respectfully saluted Dom Diego, and said to him: "It is Lord Dom Diego whom I have the honour of addressing?
The canon, struck like his majordomo with the delicious fragrance of the dish, literally ate it with his eyes, and for the first time in two months a sudden desire of appetite tickled his palate.
By the majordomo of Dom Diego, a modest servant who keeps me informed of everything he can learn about the canon and his niece.
As for that, I ought first to inform you that I myself was in ignorance before my secret conference with the majordomo on the subject of the canon; the fact is, he is a fabulous, unheard-of glutton.
Then the man in the white jacket disappeared, with a last resounding burst of laughter which would have done honour to Satan himself, and terrified the majordomo almost to death.
Just at this critical moment the canon fortunately saw his majordomo enter.
Dom Diego, seizing his majordomoby the arm and drawing him near to himself.
Unobserved by Don Quixote, the majordomo gave Sancho a purse, in which he counted no less than two hundred gold crowns.
From the church he was taken to the judgment seat outside, and there he was told to answer numerous questions which the majordomo put to him, saying that that was an ancient custom on taking office.
The majordomo read the letter, which was addressed to the Governor of the Island of Barataria.
After this meditation, strung with proverbs, the majordomo turned to Sancho and said that before he departed it was necessary that he render an account for the ten days that he had governed the island.
And since it had been arranged by the conspirators in the joke that this was to be the last day of Sancho Panza's reign as governor, the majordomo gave him the best dinner that he could.
This majordomo was a fellow full of pranks and good humor, and it was he who had written the verses he recited, too.
The majordomo gave the information with a tinkle of disapproval in his voice.