Acids should never be put into the red earthen ware, as there is a poisonous ingredient in the glazing, which the acid takes off.
In such cases silica is an indispensable ingredient of the water.
So it is found to be a fact that silica is the chief mineral ingredient in the water of all important geysers.
The natives preserve them with salt, and use them as an acid ingredient in their curries and other dishes.
Its value consists principally in the kernel of the nut, the consumption of which is very great, being an essential ingredient in the generality of their dishes.
The jintan or cumin-seed (cuminum) is sometimes an ingredient in curries.
Roses were used in very early times as a potent ingredient in love philters.
She put the poker in the fire, and hung a pot over the fire wherein were put certain ingredients, an incantation being said as each new ingredient was stirred into the pot.
The strange emotion itself I could not put a name to, nor could I say what part was played in it by any particular ingredient such as horror, terror, or mere ordinary alarm.
You tell me that an ingredient of the one solution combines with an ingredient of the other, and an insoluble sulphate of lime is produced.
The water then dissolves principally the nerve food ingredient and fragrant flavors, and leaves behind the coarser meal and astringent parts.
The nerve-food ingredient of tea and coffee is no exception to this universal rule.
Some of these sacred grasses form an important ingredient in the Sraddha offerings to the sacred dead, some are used in the marriage and cremation ritual, on some the dying man is laid at the moment of dissolution.
The combination of seven kinds of grain, known as Satnaja, is an ingredient in numerous charms and is used in many forms of worship.
This last ingredient entitles the dish to the foreign title.
Extreme care has been taken to avoid ambiguity and looseness of statement, the exact amount of an ingredient is always stated, so that the most inexperienced cannot go astray.
Before the discovery by Cookworthy, it was not known that the kaolin, the essential ingredient of porcelain, was to be found anywhere, except in China.
But it is employed also largely in the calico-weaving districts as the principal ingredient in sizing and loading calico.
It forms the principal ingredient in cap compositions, in many fuses and in detonators.
A complete power, therefore, to procure a regular and adequate supply of it, as far as the resources of the community will permit, may be regarded as an indispensableingredient in every constitution.
Another advantage accruing from this ingredient in the constitution of the Senate is, the additional impediment it must prove against improper acts of legislation.
But faith is the well-pleasing ingredientof prayer.
He hath taken away the poisonable ingredient of the curse, that it can no more hurt them that are in him, and so it is not now vested with that piercing and wounding notion of punishment.
Thy profession is so far from helping thee in such a case, that it shall be the most bitter ingredient in thy cup of judgment, for it is the greatest aggravation of thy sin, for through it God’s name is blasphemed.
It carries the image and superscription and command upon it, which is a necessary ingredient in it, and constituent of it.
The reason is, partly because this was the rise of man’s first ruin, or the chiefest ingredient in his first sin,—his hearkening to the suggestions of his flesh against the clear light and knowledge of his spirit.
Now, indeed, seeing they could apprehend no other bitter ingredient in it, it was no wonder that the wisest of them could not fear it, but rather wait and expect it as a rest from their labours, as the end of all their miseries.
And this unbelief opened a door to ambition and pride, the most sacrilegious ingredient of all, which is most opposite to God, and unto which he most opposed himself from the beginning: “Ye shall be as gods.
Thinned with water, it is a much used ingredientin Italian recipes.
Garlic is an inoffensive and wholesome ingredient if properly handled.
Now here many objections present themselves, which fallaciously put forward charm not merely as a necessary ingredientof beauty, but as alone sufficient [to justify] a thing’s being called beautiful.
But space, notwithstanding its merely subjective quality, is at the same time an ingredient in the cognition of things as phenomena.
For indeed the bitter ingredient in my pain at that moment was one which I did not like to put into words, even to myself.
Lady Judith, with a smile in which I thought the chief ingredient was tender compassion, though I could not see why.
Wherefore the apostle, makes use of the first, so of this to put men upon repentance, an ingredient of which is sincere confession of sin.
But in heaven we shall find blessings in their purity, without any ingredient to embitter, with everything to sweeten them.
Acids should never be put into the red earthen ware, as there is a poisonous ingredient in the glazing which the acid takes off.
Isinglass: A fine kind of gelatin or glue, prepared from the swimming-bladders of fishes, used as a cement, and also as an ingredientin food and medicine.
A variety of gelatin; the chief ingredient of raw silk, extracted as a white amorphous mass.
It is very abundant, being an ingredient of water and of many other substances, especially those of animal or vegetable origin.
It is an abundantingredient of ordinary illuminating gas, and is the first member of the paraffin series.
It is an important ingredient of calf's- foot jelly, isinglass, glue, etc.
It is very inflammable, and is an ingredient of coal gas and water gas.
Those who are susceptible to the influences of this ingredient will become inoculated with it and bear it forth into the uses of society.
She wondered what magic ingredient had been dropped into the activities of his life that had proven the determining factor in the plays that set him apart among men.
Yet the chief ingredient in her decision was, oddly enough, itself a sign of youth.
It should remain an ingredient only among other conditions; it should not be directly, vividly noticed.
Add a small quantity of vinegar to render it brittle and any flavoring ingredient you prefer.
Euery inordinate cup is vnbless'd, and the Ingredient is a diuell Iago.