Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1879, by Francis Parkman, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.
Footnote 100: I am indebted for this fact to the Librarian of the Priory of the Knights of St. John, Clerkenwell.
Wilson, Richard, Librarian at the Royal Academy, i.
So here, as I whetted my pencil, wetted my lips, and drove the attentive librarian at the Astor almost frantic as I sent him up stairs for you five times more, it proved that Louis XIII.
HALE, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.
Miss Grant is acting as librarian at Lord Sutcombe's house, at Thexford Hall.
Then the fact that she was librarian to Lord Sutcombe recurred to him.
The duties of secretary were at the same time attached to the office of first assistant-librarian, which was given to Mr. John Davy, former secretary and librarian to the Mechanics' Institute.
The testimony of everyday experience is borne out by the sudden revelations of catastrophic circumstances, as reported by a librarian from Dayton, Ohio.
A week later he writes his librarian for some amusing novels--new ones for choice, or old ones that he has not read--or good memoirs.
Napoleon, always solicitous for the happiness of those whom he had known in his youth, had made Dupuis his own librarian at Malmaison.
At last I was rewarded with success, and politely, but mutely, conducted by thelibrarian into his kingdom of dust and silence.
You told me that you had learned from the Librarian the cause of the delay (the want of a quorum), and that he had intimated that there would probably be no meeting formed before October 30th.
But on November 1, I was informed by Mr. Librarian Nicholson that the Curators had considered my application on Saturday, October 30, and that the majority of them were unwilling to lend the manuscript.
The first librarianwas Herbert Putnam, afterwards of the Boston Public Library, and now the Librarian of the Congressional Library at Washington.
It was to ascertain the exact hues of George Washington's waistcoat[89] that Thackeray consulted the late librarian Robert Harrison as to the classical authorities.
The local librarian presently to be consulted needs to combine patience and method with something like omniscience.
This was in truth a clever invention of the librarian himself, for he did not venture to mention its real title, which was Ludus de morte Claudii Cæsaris.
Attracted by the oddness of the title ‘Apokolokyntosis,’ which the librarian had written on the outer case, he took up the book, and had read the first few columns when Nero entered.
The librarian informed me Mr. Eason had decided not to circulate it, as it contained improper details, which Mr. Eason considered immoral.
Three days afterwards I saw a young man ask the librarian for the same book, and Eason's manager presented it to him with a low bow.
In 1819 at the suggestion of Cardinals Consalvi and Litta, the staunchest friends of the Society, Pius VII appointed him librarian of the Vatican, with the consent of the General.
He was made a cardinal by Gregory XVI, a promotion which his old novice master Father Pignatelli had foretold when Angelo was summoned to belibrarian at Milan.
While librarian in the ducal library at Modena, he began his monumental work on the "Storia della letteratura italiana.
In 1751 he was appointed to succeed Muratori as the ducal librarian at Modena, though Cardinal Quirini had asked for him and the celebrated Count Crustiani subsequently tried to bring him to Mantua.
When he found himself homeless, in consequence of the publication of the Brief of Clement XIV, he was made the librarian of Cardinal Albani.
Subsequently he was appointed librarian at Milan, and by means of the documents he discovered, wrote a "History of the Humiliati," which filled up a gap in the annals of the Church.
At the Suppression he became the librarian of Cardinal Albani.
When occupied as librarian in Milan, he discovered a set of valuable manuscripts about the suppressed Order of Humiliati.
Whiston to his friend Thomas White, Fellow andLibrarian of Trinity College, Cambridge.
Sometime Librarian to the late Archbishop of Canterbury, and Keeper of the MSS.
Finally I find some one who says that the librarian only receives strangers in the afternoon, just the time when I wish to be alone with my thoughts, and am too tired to walk.
In spite of all I manage to reach the door, pull the bell, and am told by a stranger that the librarianis ill.
Is it right to have a librarian that isn't all there?
Finally the chief librarian at Zrig issued a regulation that only those resident within the city limits could take books out; all others in the district had to read them on the premises.
What in the name of whatever gods they worshipped on this planet could a librarian possibly be?
The librarian can at all times inspect materials on hand and see the books in the process of binding.
When low prices are charged the librarian should be sure that, taking the ratio of cost to circulation into consideration, he is getting full value.
In such a case the matter must be referred to the librarian before the book is bound.
When work is sent out of town the librarian is somewhat at a disadvantage, for no examination of the work can be made while the books are in process.
This slip is filled out by the branch librarian and sent to supervisor of binding, who decides who shall bind the books and sends the order to the binder.
No matter how much the librarian may insist upon leathers free-from-acid, he is helpless if the binder cannot obtain them.
Roan may be used if thelibrarian is sure that it is good.
So far as the librarian is concerned only two classes of materials need be considered for the covers of books--leathers and book cloths.
The librarian of the large library, however, no matter how disgusted he may be with the poor quality of paper used finds it necessary to bind a number of newspapers.
The business of bookbinding from the viewpoint of the binder, the publisher, the librarianand the general reader.
For this amount the librarian should get the best binding obtainable.
In order to administer a binding department wisely, the librarian or assistant in charge of binding must know materials, processes, and books; and especially must he know how books should be bound to meet the use they are to receive.
For the librarian there are several advantages in this method of buying books.
The modern librarian does not begrudge money for salaries; heat, light and the general up-keep are items that cannot be reduced materially in most libraries.
The immense advantages of this plan over those in common use, both in economy and usefulness, will be appreciated by every librarian caring for a pamphlet collection.
This must have been taken as a reference to Talleyrand, and the King's librarian explicitly describes the books as his.
The King's librarian describes this collection also as having belonged to Talleyrand, and in that case the earlier sale would not represent his whole library.
Niedzwiecki, who is also librarian of the Polish Library at Paris, now devotes all his time to historical and philological research.
I perceived a large and wide basket full of old parchments; and the librarian told me that two heaps like this had been already committed to the flames.
In consequence of the information which the Abbate Cozza-Luzi sent me, I put myself in communication with the learned librarian of the monastery, the "Hieromonachus" D.
I owe the information to the learned librarian of Crypta Ferrata, the Hieromonachus A.
I cannot however sufficiently acknowledge the patient help which the librarian of Crypta Ferrata has rendered me in the course of these researches.