With all his rare qualities and great opportunities he had done nothing but frequentlyembroil matters in which he had meddled, and had never been anything but a great lord with a good deal of wit.
But this, it seems, is not what you have in view; you are not willing to embroil yourself with the Court.
Meanwhile the powers at variance, though extremely irritated against each other, were all equally averse to a war that might againembroil all Europe.
It had been an old maxim of French policy to embroil the courts of the North, that they might be too much employed at home to intermeddle in the affairs of Germany, while France was at war with the house of Austria.
As for the Jacobites, they gladly contributed their assistance to promote any scheme that had a tendency to embroil the administration.
They took the oaths without hesitation, and hoped, by the assistance of their new allies, to embroil the government in such a manner that the majority of the people would declare for a restoration.
While all these preparations were going on, there was an incident in Havana which threatened seriously to embroil Spain with the United States.
Perhaps this was because the authorities in that country had no desire to embroilthemselves with Spain, and kept a close watch on the movements of suspected Cuban partisans.
And attempt was made to embroil Bunyan in a public disputation in London upon this subject, which he very wisely avoided.
In a flash the young man saw that this last sortie of the Honorable Pulaski was not so much an adventure against Tommy Eye as against himself--with intent to embroil him with the officers of the law.
Of little Manners, and of lesser Brains; Yet toembroil the State, took wondrous pains.
But since the Jews to him shew'd open Hate, Lest that his presence should embroil the State; And that the Jews might have no cause to sin, He's sent to rule the Tribe of Benjamin.
Canning, who ruled England, sympathized with the Greeks, but would not depart from his policy of non-intervention, fearing toembroil all Europe in war.
Nor was he a favorite with Louis Philippe, who was always afraid that he would embroil the kingdom in war.
So doing, he would for ever embroil himself with the Parliament no less than the Jesuits.
It were too laughable a piece of chivalry to make war in revenge for the maidenhood of a weak little fool, to embroil oneself for her sake with all honest people!
Base and dreadful crime was it thus to embroil fraternal affection by sinister constructions.
They and the intendant, who was their creature, endeavored to embroil the Iroquois with the French in order to ruin La Salle; writing to him at the same time that he was the bulwark of the country, and that he ought to be always on his guard.
I beleeve it will at last appear, that they who first began to embroil my other Kingdoms, are in great part guilty, if not of the first letting out, yet of the not timely stopping those horrid effusions of bloud in Ireland.
The colloquy at Poissy between the cardinal of Lorraine and Theodore Beza (September 1561), did not end in the agreement hoped for, and the duke of Guise so far abused its spirit as to embroil the French Calvinists with the German Lutherans.
They never understood one another, and never consulted together in hours of danger, save to embroil matters in politics as in war.
Confronted by the failure of their endeavours to discourage the Belgians and to embroil them with their legitimate Government, Germany returned to the charge.
My uncle has no desire to embroil himself in your affair; Rashleigh is absent, and were he here, there is no knowing which side he might take; the rest are all more stupid and brutal one than another.
They wished of course to gain the applause of the people as protectors of their interests--likewise those who for their private ends try to trouble and embroil the State--but could not at first see their way clear.
He had excited, as much as lay in his power, discontent against the Regent's government; he had done his best to embroil France with Spain; he had worked heart and soul with M.
Yea, do, like the vipers ye are, andembroil us with my Lord of Beaulieu," cried Maud from the fire.
Her one great aim now was to embroil him with the Quenu-Gradelles, and she employed every means she could think of to effect her purpose, both anger and banter, as well as affectionate tenderness.
It would be fine fun to make friends with Florent and embroil him with that great fat Lisa.
This will so embroil matters, that it is impossible they should clear up but by a general war, in which France, if not England, must sooner or later take a part.
The war in the north appeared at one time likely to be quieted, but new dissensions in Poland threaten to embroil Russia and Prussia.