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Example sentences for "embroiled"

Lexicographically close words:
embroideress; embroideries; embroidering; embroidery; embroil; embroiling; embroilment; embrowned; embrued; embruted
  1. Becoming embroiled in the disputes of the period, he had found himself in opposition to Rivera, although he had to thank the President for promotion in rank.

  2. The arbitrary methods of Rosas, extended to foreigners resident within the land, had caused him to become embroiled with France.

  3. Nine months afterwards, I lost it through being embroiled in a pistol duel with General Branicki; I pierced his abdomen but in eight months he was well again and I was very much pleased.

  4. In 1782, I became embroiled with the entire body of the Venetian nobility.

  5. In January 1792, during Count Waldstein's absence in London or Paris, Casanova was embroiled with M.

  6. This writing embroiled the author with the entire body of the Venetian nobility.

  7. Under the feebler government of the queen-regent, his successor Nithard was not so fortunate, in a fierce quarrel which involved the whole island in confusion and embroiled the rival departments of the government.

  8. As this affair and the marriage of the Queen of Poland had embroiled me with the Court, you may easily conceive what turn the courtiers gave to it.

  9. Not long after this marriage I was unhappily embroiled with the Duc d'Orleans, upon an occasion of no greater importance than my foot-cloth in the Church of Notre-Dame, which was by mistake removed to his seat.

  10. The Christians were soon embroiled in endless controversies among themselves.

  11. They were embroiled in a discussion as to whether they were bound by certain requirements of the law of Moses, notably that respecting circumcision.

  12. Finding unexpected obstacles where previously he had met with facilities and hopeful anticipations, he lost his temper, and resumed the imperious tone which already, in 1649, had embroiled him with the Queen and Mazarin.

  13. But at the end of August, Condé, embroiled with the Court and with the Fronde, had nothing left save his sword.

  14. On all hands the new development set up new strife; and Malebranche, who disliked controversy, found himself embroiled alike with Jansenists and Jesuits, with orthodox and with innovating Cartesians, and with his own Spinozistic disciples.

  15. No part of the history of freethought has been more distorted than that at which it is embroiled in the French Revolution.

  16. Over the same crux, in Ireland, Bishop Browne and Bishop Berkeley accused each other of promoting atheism; and Archbishop King was embroiled in the dispute.

  17. Its surface was always being ruffled; and it was not long before Lola was again embroiled in a collision with one of her neighbours.

  18. From stage to platform] For some reason or other, Lola was constantly embroiled with journalists.

  19. His colonel trusted him to take twenty Tommies out to wash, or groom camels, or something at the back of Suakin, and Stalky got embroiled with Fuzzies five miles in the interior.

  20. In short, the things that we may be led to do to avoid being embroiled in the present war may serve to embroil us with the victors, unless the war should end in a draw.

  21. Every time he "stopped in to see" another motel owner, I knew he'd be embroiled in conversation for at least two hours; and he was still as helpless as ever in the hands of a salesman.

  22. Each endeavoured to enlist the new British Ambassador upon his side; naturally, without success, as intrigue was essentially foreign to his nature, and he had no intention of allowing himself to become embroiled in their quarrels.

  23. The trouble was that when they were so absolutely unable to control their own bad characters, it was inevitable that they should become embroiled with the whites.

  24. In 1778 a party of armed Americans, coming down the Ohio and Mississippi, tried to persuade them to turn whig, but, becoming embroiled with them, the militant missionaries were scattered and driven off.

  25. They will first become the Carriers, and next have possession of our Islands, are we ever again embroiled in a French war.

  26. He was the son of a carpenter, and when raised to the papal throne embroiled himself in disputes and dissensions till he was compelled to retire.

  27. He was a persecutor of the protestants, and during the thirteen years of his reign, much embroiled in war.

  28. This empty pretense of friendship embroiled the United States still further with England, and in the end led to a second war for independence.

  29. In our own country, a nation had to be embroiled in a civil war before slavery could be abolished.

  30. At the time when the nation was embroiled by the public distractions, occasioned by the efforts of King James II.

  31. In town Lord Camelford was incessantly embroiled with the watchmen, and was either had up before the magistrates, or else obliged to bribe the constables to let him off.

  32. This purpose, we know now, can never be realized if the world periodically is to be embroiled in war.

  33. They are symbols of fierce nationalisms and of militarism, of intrigue and war-making which have embroiled Europe generation after generation, crushing its manhood, destroying its homes, and impoverishing its life.

  34. The young Comtesse de Fiesque, with whom Mademoiselle had been embroiled at Saint-Fargeau, had a well-established reputation for gallantry.

  35. Paris possessed no greater gossip; he babbled, he meddled, he embroiled people by repeating everything, and this amused him.

  36. French and English nations became more embroiled in trouble, which increased the trouble between the United States and Great Britain.

  37. Let's unite on this point and we will be less embroiled on the rest.

  38. Gramont: "He it was who embroiled France in the war with Prussia.

  39. Turkey in which he might become embroiled with Great Britain.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "embroiled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.