It is of interest to point out that the internal secretion of the ovaries and its important functions seem to have been suggested before any other secretion than the sperm was attributed to the testes.
Spermatogenesis, these inquirers conclude, may be the initial factor, but the results must be attributed to the elaboration by the testicles of an internal secretion and its absorption into the general circulation.
Observations Upon the Acquirement of Secondary Sexual Characters, Indicating the Formation of an Internal Secretion by the Testicles," Proceedings Royal Society, vol.
There is the secretionfrom the glands of Bartholin.
They not only form the ova, but they elaborate for internal use a secretion which develops and maintains the special physical and mental qualities of womanhood, as the testicular secretion those of manhood.
Of all the women with whom I have had to do, save one, she had the most copious secretion of mucus, which in those days I believed was the woman's semen.
There is also an increased secretion of urine, and it is probable that if the viscera were more accessible to observation we might be able to demonstrate that the glands throughout the body share in this increased activity.
With regard to the secretion itself, little has been recorded except its colour, which has been before noticed.
Have these any thing to do with the secretion of its phosphoric matter?
On this remarkable secretion I have so fully enlarged on a former occasion[698], that here I shall merely add a few observations which Mr. Murray obligingly communicated to me.
In all these cases it is due to a peculiar secretion of certain glandular hairs.
No special secretion has been observed to be exuded in the foliar chambers of Lathraea.
When the skin or epidermis of a plant is being formed, the walls of its cells are laid down, layer by layer, one inside the other, by the secretion of the living matter inside.
Even the common potato contains a poisonous secretion solanin, and it is dangerous to eat green potatoes or the foliage.
There is probably some sort of secretion in the water.
But, in Nepenthes, there is also a distinct secretion which digests the bodies of the drowning insects.
These spurs, tubes and sacs serve as receptacles for the secretion or containing of nectar.
An exception must, however, be made of conditions due to insufficient secretion of certain glands.
Secretion and migration are among such functions; the former happening by the aid of chemical change or by physical separation, the latter by the aid of changes in surface tension.
The liver pours its secretion into the biliary duct (Fig.
Vegetable oils and fats constitute, next to starch and sugar, the most important secretion of the vegetable creation.
The eyes receive a larger amount of blood, and thesecretion of the lachrymal glands being increased, the fluid overflows, and tears are formed.
Because it is by the leaves that the secretion is formed which supplies the woody fibre.
Why is the lachrymal secretion of the horse's eye thick and glutinous?
Because their wood is so dense that they require a larger amount of the wood-forming secretion which is supplied by the leaves.
The liver is the organ by whose secretion the useful is separated from the useless; for when the bile enters through the duct (Fig.
It is a fluid much like the salivary secretion of the glands of the mouth.
The moisture afforded by the salivary secretion is also necessary to enable us to swallow the food.
The structures surrounding the air cells are inflamed and from the inflamed tissues a secretion exudate is poured out into the cells.
A chronic digestive disorder characterized by increased secretion of mucus, changes in the gastric juice, weakening of the stomach muscles and diseased changes in the mucous membrane.
Special treatment should be given the small intestines and liver when the bile and intestinal secretion are lessened.
The fatty glands of the labia majora are also sometimes affected and then appears the disease called Follicular Vulvitis (in the chronic stage secretion is abundant).
Secretion of milk may fail, the bowels are usually constipated, pain in the abdomen develops.
This is an over-secretion from the glands that pour out their contents into the vagina or the cervical canal of the womb.
An unknown poison in the contents of the pustules or crusts in secretion and excretion, apparently, and in the exhalations of the lungs and skin; one attack does not always confer immunity for life.
The woman should take plenty of water, either pure or effervescing, to induce sufficient secretion in the kidneys, and also to flush them.
An increased secretionfrom the salivary glands usually accompanies the stomach disturbances and in some cases it may amount to salivation.
After they have arrived in the womb they are, as a rule, cast off with the secretion and leave the body.
The organic nutriment, having no irritation to determine it to those parts, does not reach them; and the want of this irritation is owing to an imbecility and lassitude of the parts, which prevent the secretion of the seminal fluid.
The secretion of milk in the cow of this country is only an occasional phenomenon, and contemporary with the actual presence of the calf.
In some Amphipoda the secretion of glands on the body and limbs is used in the construction of tubular cases in which the animals live.
A few cases are known in which the developing embryos are nourished by a special secretion while in the brood-chamber of the mother (Cladocera, terrestrial Isopoda).
In some freshwater Copepoda the secretion of the dermal glands forms a gelatinous envelope, by means of which the animals are able to survive desiccation.
Toads are nearly all very inconspicuous; nevertheless they are well protected by the acrid secretion from the skin glands; moreover, they are both recognised and avoided by those predacious creatures to whom they are distasteful.
The tendency to develop in a certain direction is there, but something else, such as the secretion of hormones from the sexual cells, is frequently necessary to enable a given tendency to fully develop itself.
The tendency to produce the external characteristics of the sex to which an organism belongs is inherited, but the actual development thereof is in many cases dependent on the secretion of these hormones.
Although less powerful and ferocious than other members of the weasel family, to which they belong, skunks are notoriously protected by their abundant secretion of a very fetid liquid.
The egg-shell, which is usually formed by a secretion of a special shell-gland opening into the oviduct, exhibits one or two peculiarities in the different species of Trematodes.
The ovum becomes enveloped in the usual secretion of the yolk-gland; and an egg-shell is always formed by the secretion of a special shell-gland.
The eggs of the Discophora, each enclosed in a delicate membrane, are enveloped in a kind of mucous case formed by a secretion of the integument, which hardens into a capsule or cocoon.
The Oligochaeta lay them in peculiar cocoons or sacks formed by a secretion of the integument.
In the majority of cases the entire cells forming the lining of the vesicles constitute the secretion of the yolk-gland.
They are connected with a glandular mass, the secretion from which passes out at their apex.
The ovum in its passage to the exterior becomes enclosed in a secretion of the albuminous gland, which hardens externally to form a special membrane.
It also pours into the blood a secretion which has a powerful effect upon both the circulation and the respiration.
As adrenalin increases blood-pressure, so thyroid secretion increases brain activity, and increased brain activity in turn causes an increased activation of the motor mechanism as a whole.
As the thyroid secretion causes an increase in the facility with which nervous energy is discharged, a pathologic reciprocal interaction is established between the brain and the thyroid.
His mouth is usually dry, the digestive processes are at a low ebb, the aroma of food causes no secretion of saliva, tickling the nose causes no sneezing; he catches no cold.
Hence we see that the phenomena of the emotions may within certain limits be increased, diminished, or abolished by increasing, diminishing, or totally excluding the secretion of the thyroid gland.
We know that a deficiency or lack of thyroid secretionwill inhibit sexual emotion and conception, will produce stupidity and inertia; will diminish vitality.
We have shown that brain and adrenal activity go hand in hand, that is, that the adrenal secretion activates the brain, and that the brain activates the adrenals.
It might follow that even a normal amount of thyroid secretion would lead to excessive stimulation of the hypersusceptible motor mechanism.
A portion of the night-dew must be attributed to this secretion of water.
The purpose of this experiment was to ascertain whether in the secretion of water there was question of a merely physical process or of a vital process.
Haberlandt furthermore indicates especially that these organs when viewed in connection with the process of secretion give evidence of an active vital principle as well as of simple mechanical filtration.
On the Liane, then, Haberlandt observed a very considerable secretion of water: a full-grown leaf secreted during one night 2.
Since the workers show no heliotropism it looks as if an internal secretion from the sexual glands were the cause of their heliotropic sensitiveness.
The relation between the behaviour of the viscid disc and the secretion of nectar by the flower is especially remarkable.
A dog will never take a toad in his mouth, and the reason is that this glandular secretion burns his tongue and lips.
The drops which fall from their eyes are not tears from the lachrymal glands, but an oily secretion from the inner angle of the eye close to the nose.
It is, however, a secretion deposited by a small insect, which is distinguished by the generic name of aphis.
Shakespeare has several pretty allusions to the tears of the deer, this animal being said to possess a very large secretion of tears.
Morbid Secretion is taught how to make sleep befool reason before sacrificing mortals to their false gods.
Obedient muscles 160:9 The motion of the arm is no more dependent upon the direction of mortal mind, than are the organic action and secretion of the viscera.
If food is taken into the stomach when in this condition it becomes coated with this mucus, and the secretion of the gastric juice and its action are delayed.
When a child has a convulsion, or what is commonly called "a fit," attention should be given to the urinary secretion at once.
Acids, as a rule, decrease the acid secretion of the body and increase the alkaline.
The secretion of mucus by the lining membrane is constant, and during the night a considerable amount accumulates in the stomach; some of its liquid portion is absorbed, and that which remains is thick and tenacious.
It may be due in part to a lack of the secretion of the saliva.
Citric acid, which is the acid of lemons and oranges, for instance, will diminish the secretions of gastric juice, but increases very materially the secretion of saliva.
And since the capon and the eunuch acquired a cowardice that avoided fatigue, effort, or conflict, it was clear that the mental qualities were as directly influenced by the testicular secretion as the physical.
His belief in organic autonomy is based on the physiology of metabolism, secretion and absorption, the circulation of the blood, and the nervous system.
The second, the lacuna, led down from the second ventricle and poured its secretion into the pharynx.
One of these channels communicated with the anterior ventricle of the brain and poured its secretion into the nose.
The secretion pressure of the healthy sweat and oil glands acts as an effective bar even to motile bacteria.
The mucous secretionof the respiratory tract tends to catch incoming bacteria and other small particles and the ciliary movement along bronchial tubes and trachea tends to carry such material out.
Defective secretion in the skin glands from other causes, may permit lodgment and growth of bacteria in them or in the hair follicles.
The only result of this plan is, to cause an unnatural degree of fulness in the system, which places the nurse on the brink of disease, and which of itself frequently puts a stop to the secretion of the milk, instead of increasing it.
Regular exercise in the open air is of the greatest importance, as it has an extraordinary influence in promoting the secretion of healthy milk.
Here there was a most cruel, because unnecessary, infliction of pain, as well as great hazard incurred of seriously injuring the permanent teeth by interfering with the secretion of their enamel.