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Example sentences for "excretion"

Lexicographically close words:
excreta; excrete; excreted; excretes; excreting; excretions; excretory; excruciating; excruciatingly; exculpate
  1. This excretion consists of about ninety-eight parts of water and two parts of solid matter.

  2. A partial or temporary check of this excretion is usually attended with headache, fever, and other unpleasant symptoms, and its total interruption is fatal.

  3. These, especially the red ones, bring about the dissociation of the elements of the carbonic acid, the assimilation of the carbon, and the excretion of the oxygen.

  4. This cellular layer is called the hypodermis; it is protected externally by a cuticle, a layer of matter it itself excretes, or in the excretion of which it plays, at any rate, an important part.

  5. The possession of a variable number of excretory tubes (Malpighian tubes), which are developed as outgrowths of the hind-gut and pour their excretion into the intestine, is also a distinctive character of the Hexapoda.

  6. A greater excretion of urea follows their use.

  7. Absorption and excretion experiments were performed to test the claim that ‘thirty minutes after inunction iodin can be found in the urine.

  8. First, is there any evidence that the occasional excretion of a few casts, whatever may be their variety, is actually doing the patient any harm?

  9. For choler is the natural Glister, or one excretion whereby Nature excludeth another; which descending daily into the bowels, extimulates those parts, and excites them unto expulsion.

  10. When this excretion is increased, it forms into drops, and is called sensible perspiration.

  11. How can the existence of the excretion of the skin be shown?

  12. It is important that this excretion be maintained with steadiness and regularity.

  13. The following experiments prove the existence of this excretion from the skin.

  14. The separation and excretion of the residuum.

  15. The nearly solid light-coloured urinary excretion of birds and serpents consists of urates; this is uric acid in combination with alkalies.

  16. Defn: Serving to excrete; connected with excretion or excrement.

  17. Defn: In mammals, a fluid excretion from the kidneys; in birds and reptiles, a solid or semisolid excretion.

  18. Vegetable wax, a waxy excretion on the leaves or fruits of certain plants, as the bayberry.

  19. Ordinarily, this constant exhalation is not apparent, and the excretion is then termed insensible perspiration.

  20. The rapidity of their multiplication in this albuminous soil and the great amount of excretion from these numerous fungi make the condition more serious than sapræmia.

  21. After these substances have been utilized there occurs a sort of excretion of other chemical products.

  22. By cold the respiratory function is exalted, and the excretion of urea is diminished.

  23. In final result, the excretion of carbonic-acid gas is diminished, and the flow of blood through the capillaries is retarded.

  24. Exercise in the open air favors the excretion of waste matters which otherwise would be deposited in the cellular tissues.

  25. The kidneys, therefore, are not liable, as in temperate climates, to be irritated by excrementitious matter, for the stress of excretion falls upon the lungs.

  26. The uppermost is the opening of the ureter giving exit to the excretion from the kidneys; the lower is the opening of the duct from the reproductive organs and is called the genital aperture.

  27. In the skin are many glands which by their excretion keep it soft and moist.

  28. Characteristic of this disease is the continued excretion of very large quantities of pale, watery urine, containing neither albumin nor sugar.

  29. Excretion of chlorids is diminished in nephritis and in fevers, especially in pneumonia and inflammations leading to the formation of large exudates.

  30. This sediment seldom indicates an excessive excretion of phosphates.

  31. They are sometimes due to excessive excretion of phosphoric acid, but usually merely indicate that the urine has become, or is becoming, alkaline.

  32. Excretion of these substances is greatly increased by a diet rich in nuclei, as sweetbreads and liver.

  33. Factors which favor an early deposit are high acidity, diminished urinary pigments, and excessive excretion of uric acid.

  34. But in the excretion of water there exists a compensating relation between the skin, kidneys, and bowels,--particularly between the two former.

  35. The excretion of faeces continues when no food is taken.

  36. The causes which demand its excretion are twofold.

  37. This name is applied to medicines which in various ways increase the quantity or promote the excretion of the saliva.

  38. In such instances, these parts of the urine may either be separated by the kidneys from the blood in a solid state, or may be deposited from the urine after excretion or on cooling.

  39. The circumstances which determine the excretion of saline matters appear to be simple in nature.

  40. But it has been said by some to increase the amount of Urea in the urine; by others, to promote the excretion of Uric acid.

  41. Thus the bile is poured out during the process of digestion; and the peristaltic motion and extra-secretion, produced in the bowel by the action of a purge, causes likewise a sympathetic formation and excretion of bile.

  42. In Gout and Rheumatism, remedies of this order may be of service by promoting the excretion from the blood of the uric or lactic acid formed there.

  43. Medicines which are thought to stimulate the action of the liver, and to promote the excretion of bile, are called Cholagogues.

  44. The first result of their action is to stimulate the proper secretion of a gland; but when it is pushed to a further extent, they may actually case the excretion of some of the natural constituents of the blood.

  45. Those effete matters which it is the function of the bowels to excrete from the blood, and whose excretion is promoted by purgative medicines, have an action on the brain which in some degree resembles that of Opium.

  46. As in glycosuria, the excretion of sugar (glucose) in the urine.

  47. Bromidrosis; the excretion of perspiration of a strong odor.

  48. There are scale insects whose excretion forms a black mold on the leaves and affects the nutrition by cutting off the sunlight.

  49. The effect of caffeine on nitrogenous excretion and partition.

  50. They observe that the increase in excretion of uric acid after the addition of caffein to the diet seems to be proportional to the quantity of caffein taken, and equivalent to from 10 to 15 percent of the ingested caffein.

  51. It reacts on the kidneys as a diuretic, and increases the excretion of uric acid, which, however, is not to be taken as evidence that it is harmful in gout.

  52. Many other data were obtained showing diminished excretion of uric acid, ethereal sulphates, phosphoric acid, etc.

  53. This inoffensive character remains indefinitely after excretion until the ash completely dries or disintegrates like rotten stone or wood.

  54. From the capsules, the excretion passes through the tubules into the pelvis, and on through the ureters to the bladder.

  55. The amount of this excretion evaporated from the general surface is very considerable, and is modified as becomes necessary from the varied conditions of the temperature.

  56. The Malpighian capsules are really the beginning of the tubules, for here the work of excretion begins.

  57. This explains the increased excretion of the kidneys in cold weather.

  58. The means by which secretion and excretion are effected are, however, identical.

  59. An analogous fact with respect to the sweet excretion from the stipules of Vicia sativa has been already given.

  60. The excretion of a sweet fluid by glands seated outside of a flower is rarely utilised as a means for cross-fertilisation by the aid of insects; but this occurs with the bracteae of the Marcgraviaceae, as the late Dr.

  61. Belt 'Nicaragua' page 224, also refers to a similar excretion by many epiphytal orchids and passion-flowers.

  62. The processes of alimentary digestion and excretion were normal.

  63. The large size of the organs of excretion indicates that in the course of metabolism waste matter is produced some of which is got rid of.

  64. A rapid excretion of salts may be followed by a correspondingly speedy dehydration of the body, a retention of salts by a sudden increase of weight.

  65. The urinary excretion from the kidneys collecting in the urinary bladder is passed out periodically through the urethra.

  66. The stimulation of excretion through the kidneys and skin may be an exceedingly important thing, particularly if one has just caught a cold and wishes to establish free excretion.

  67. Excretion is also partly explained, but here again we finally must refer certain processes to the vital powers of active cells.

  68. Although very careful experiments have been made, it has as yet been found impossible to detect any rise in temperature when a nerve impulse is passing through a nerve, nor is there any demonstrable excretion of waste products.

  69. At the same time the bath opens the pores which assist in the excretion of degenerated matter produced by the disease, and fosters the reception of oxygen.

  70. It is unnecessary, and detrimental, for patients suffering from an increased excretion of water through the fever heat, to be subjected to thirst.

  71. The injury to digestion during fever comprises not only the peptic functions, which manifest themselves clearly in a reduction of the excretion of hydrochloric acid, but all functions pertaining thereto, the motory as well as the resorptive.

  72. The solution and excretion of diseased matter from other points than the inflamed spots will thereby be effected, and these will be unburdened and calmed accordingly.

  73. The effect is far otherwise when the pressure of blood into the diseased part is moderated, if the dissolution and excretion of the matter that causes the disease, takes place, not in one spot only, but is distributed over the entire body.

  74. At this stage heavy sweats set in and the excretion of urine is increased.

  75. In Measles the medium of contagion is the excretion from the air passages, mucus coughed up and air exhaled; also the saliva, tears, blood and perspiration of the patient.

  76. The increased excretion becomes manifest through dark and strong-smelling urine and, especially at the time when the fever begins to abate, through intense perspiration.

  77. In limiting packs, in case of inflammation, to the inflamed part only, the blood current would be directed mainly to the one place, and the excretion of autotoxins from the body would only occur in the inflamed place.

  78. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "excretion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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