Of course nobody can well sit immediately in the opening of a window when the thermometer is twelve degrees below zero; yet this, or suffocation in foul air, is the only alternative.
When with the confessor he had very clearly perceived the presence of the Redeemer; all his being had, in a manner, been injected with divine effluvia, and the Eucharist had only brought him suffocation and trouble.
He hoped to get rid of his suffocation by a long walk.
There would then be at least the comfortable reflection of no liability to suffocation in a coffin.
A similar case of live sepulture occurred in a village near Wiesbaden some thirty years ago, where a girl of sixteen was found with the same signs of suffocation in her coffin as those of that unfortunate young man in Paris.
Authors also inform us that the like accident frequently befalls women seized with a suffocation of the matrix (hysteria).
His body, which had been cold at the time of the funeral, was now warm and bleeding from many wounds, where he had skinned his hands and head in his struggles to free himself before suffocation made an end to his misery.
The infant is recorded to have presented no peculiar appearances till the ninth day; when attacks of suffocation came on, attended with the blackish blue colour, and followed by death, at the end of twelve days.
A Cow was threatened with immediate suffocation from the lodgment of a potato in the oesophagus.
The delightful light of a summer evening was instantly changed into a strange lurid hue, which, infected with sulphur, seemed to breathe suffocation through the apartment.
The water creatures breathe this out of the water, and die of suffocation if you put them in boiled water from which the boiling has driven out the air.
We train our muscles to do their work; and we also train this nerve center not to get rattled and turn on that feeling of suffocation until it absolutely has to.
Frequent scorching, smoking, and partial suffocationhad increased his wrinkles and rendered his eyelids permanently red.
He was not a moment too soon, for he found Bob Clazie, despite his fortitude and resolution, on the point of abandoning the window, where the smoke had increased to such a degree as to render suffocation imminent.
From this condition of repose he was awakened by a sensation as if of suffocation by smoke.
Hundreds, perhaps we may say thousands of persons die prematurely from suffocation during sleep, in a low condition of the vital energies.
Soft yielding pillows, in which the head and face get buried, are the instruments of suffocation to weakly persons, very, very often.
This solicitor chap--chap with a humped back and a head as big as a house--was just finishing fawning round a doctor man in the box, putting it up to him that there was nothing to suggest deliberate suffocation of the baby.
Veil waved to and fro suggestively, while Theos, his heart beating fast, watched its shining woof with straining eyes and a sense of suffocation in his throat, .
The poor animal pants distressingly after the least exertion, and I have known absolute suffocation ensue.
Suffocation may be so imminent when the patient is first seen that a preliminary tracheotomy is required.
Tracheotomy is advised as a preliminary to further plastic operations in all cases where any part of the air-passages has been opened, in order to avoid the danger of suffocation and to prevent hæmorrhage into the trachea.
With neurotic patients cocaine must be applied cautiously, as a sense of suffocation is sometimes produced.
Corinne stood close beside her aunt, silent, with dilated eyes, her heart beating almost to suffocation as she sought to hear what was said, and to make out the truth of the thousand wild rumours flying about.
I have also observed a sense of suffocation in the patient.
The respiratory centre is eventually paralysed, so that death may result from suffocation (Farquharson).
A feeling of suffocation is one of the earliest symptoms of poisoning by strychnia, and that would lead the patient to beat the bedclothes.
The sense of suffocation is caused by the contraction of the respiratory muscles.
He could not turn himself on his stomach, the pain and sense of suffocation were too great when he attempted it.
Mackenzie, in thirteen cases of suffocation from various causes, failed to find the Tardieu spots either externally or internally.
Tardieu holds that punctiform ecchymoses and apoplexies do not occur in hanging unless suffocation has preceded.
Where death occurred by suffocation and asphyxia, the trachea and bronchial tubes have been found to contain a dark smoky or sooty mucus[707] (Case 9).
Strangulation is almost always homicidal, hanging almost always suicidal, and suffocation (limited) usually accidental, but also often homicidal.
Strangulation may be admitted, therefore, as including all cases of suffocationby pressure on the neck, whether by cords or the hand; but excluding hanging.
In complete suffocation death will occur in from two to five minutes (see remarks under Strangulation).
He records the result of the examination of those who died from suffocation at the Pont de la Concorde, 1866.
In infants, suffocation is, of course, either accidental or homicidal; in adults usually accidental.
I write down that realization of disorder and suffocation here and now as though I had thought it, but indeed then I only felt it, felt it transitorily as I looked back, and then stood with the thing escaping from my mind.
Two of the British prisoners, who happened to be engineers, were selected for this unpleasant task, and it proved to be of such a trying nature that both men narrowly escaped suffocation in the process.
It was the only tent available, and there were sufficient of us on the field to have packed it to suffocation ten times over!
It was packed to suffocation with German soldiers and the feminine underworld of Berlin.
Look on page 117," says I, "at the remedy for suffocation by smoke or gas.
The recipe for suffocation says: 'Get the patient into fresh air as quickly as possible, and place in a reclining position.
Her heart seemed to beat to suffocation as she strove against the thought, listening with anxious ears for the return of Marie.
Half-fainting withsuffocation and the strain on her over-burdened heart, she felt no throb of surprise or fear as she saw the feeble light swiftly blotted out by a dark-robed figure.
Two strong men came forward, grasped each an end, and drew the cord so hard that suffocation immediately followed.
The capital punishment of strangling was effected by burying the culprit to his waist in soft mud, and then tightening a cord wrapped in a soft cloth around his neck, until suffocation ensued.