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Example sentences for "dyd"

Lexicographically close words:
dwindling; dwining; dyad; dyah; dyar; dydd; dydde; dyde; dye; dyed
  1. Throrowe ryche male and myneyeple, Many sterne the stroke downe streght; Many a freyke, that was full fre, Ther undar foot dyd lyght.

  2. His handdes dyd he weal and wryng, He sayd, "Alas, and woe ys me!

  3. Ther was never a freake wone foot wolde fle, But still in stour dyd stand, Heawyng on yche othar, whyll the myght dre, With many a balful brande.

  4. Then speedilie to wark we gaed, And raised the slogan ane and a', And cut a hole through a sheet of lead, And so we wan to the castle ha'.

  5. This was the Hontynge off the Cheviat; That tear begane this spurn: Old men that knowen the grownde well yenoughe, Call it the Battell of Otterburn.

  6. But O how pale his lady looked Frae aff the castle wa', As doun before the Scottish spear She saw proud Percy fa'!

  7. Little John; Quoth Robin Hood, "That do I, And he that takes her from Allin, a Dale Full dearly he shall her buy.

  8. November was bered Crystoffe Machyn, Marchand Tayllor in the parryche of Sant James and broder of Henry Machyn: the Cumpene of Marchand Tayllors behyng at the berehyng and the Compene of the Clarkes syngyng and—Maydwell dyd pryche for hym.

  9. On March 14th, the same year, "Serten velyns dyd breke the neke of the ymage of Sant Thomas of Cantarbere, and on of ys arms broke.

  10. Master Harpfield preched at Powlles Crosse, when ther wher fyve did penans with shetts (sheets) abowt them and tapurs and rods in ther handes, and the prycher dyd stryke them with a rod, and ther did they stand tyll the sermon was well done.

  11. The erll and his apon the layff can lycht, Dyd all to ded wnhorssyt was that tyd.

  12. Ane Ingliss capdane, that dyd feyll Scottis wrang, In till it duelt, and Bewffurd he was cauld, That held all waist fra thine to Douglace hauld.

  13. Kerlé thai tuk, and led him off that place, 1015 Dyd him to ded with outyn langar space.

  14. The example of the Oxe & the Asse is not vsed for this to proue that the Hebrewes dyd not knowe their God, but that the impietie and folishnes of that nacion shulde be amplified.

  15. Whyche thynge me thynketh Decius dyd wel perceiue, whych reported wholy to haue bestowed hym selfe, and for the sauegard of his men of war to haue run amonge the myddest of hys enemyes.

  16. But the woman that thou gauest me, dyd deceyue me.

  17. Suche to write neither Plautus nor Terence dyd spare, Whiche among the learned at this day beares the bell: These with such other therein dyd excell.

  18. I pray you when dyd ye last kisse your cowe.

  19. Trupenie dyd promise me to runne a great pace, My friend Tristram Trusty to fet into this place.

  20. I dyd it for no harme, but for good loue I beare, To your dame mistresse Custance, I did your talke heare.

  21. And dyd not I knowe afore of the insurance Betweene Gawyn Goodlucke, and Christian Custance?

  22. I durst aduenture the losse of my right hande, If shee dyd not slee hir other husbande: And see if she prepare not againe to fight.

  23. That Suresby I spied, dyd more than halfe suspect, That I my faith to Gawyn Goodlucke dyd reiect.

  24. And dyd not I for the nonce, by my conueyance, Reade his letter in a wrong sense for daliance?

  25. I dyd nothyng but byd hir worke and holde hir peace.

  26. While Ralph Roister Doister with helpe of Merygreeke, For promise of mariage dyd vnto me seeke.

  27. And he stoode by While Ralph Roister Doister with helpe of Merygreeke, For promise of mariage dyd vnto me seeke.

  28. No I had rather be torne in pieces and slaine, No man hath my faith and trouth, but Gawyn Goodlucke, And that before Suresby dyd I say, and there stucke, But of certaine letters there were suche words spoken.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dyd" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.