Severe inflammatory action follows the reductive violence, and is kept alive or regenerated by the loose and projecting fractured ends of the bone; extensive suppurations, attended with fever, ensue, and may destroy the patient.
The analytic reductive method has the advantage of being much simpler than the constructive method.
Just as analysis (the causally reductive procedure) disintegrates the symbol into its components, so the synthetic procedure synthesises the symbol into a universal and comprehensible expression.
The reductive method strives to replace the religious and philosophical needs of man, by their more elementary components, following the principle of the "nothing but," as James so aptly calls it.
It would be very unjust to wish to maintain that thisreductive theory is wrong in a given case, but when exalted into a general explanation of the nature of the soul--whether sick or healthy--a reductive theory becomes impossible.
But when the analytical or causal-reductive interpretation, instead of furnishing something new, persistently brings the same material in different variations, then the moment has come when another mode of interpretation is called for.
I confess that the value here is not so obvious, especially if the case be looked at from the standpoint of a reductive theory, that is, from that of a chronique scandaleuse of the psychological development of an individual.
The theories previously discussed were based upon an exclusively causal-reductive procedure, which reduces the dream or phantasy to its component reminiscences, and the instinctive processes that underlie them.
It should neither be kept in the air contaminated with gaseous reductive matters, such as the products of the combustion of coal gas and petroleum, sulphydric or sulphurous emanations from any source, the fumes of turpentine oil, etc.
The negatives should be bordered with deep yellow or orange-red paper to form what is termed a “safe edge†upon which should rest the tissue in order to prevent the margin from being insolubilized by the reductive action of light.
I found that there was no possibility of imparting to her strength--the incessant reductive workings of her spasms counteracting all my energies in this direction, and compelling me to a speedy application of my means of salvation.
Jung has lately protested against these arbitrary translations, which he calls Freud's "reductive method.
There is not much to choose between the reductive and the constructive method from the standpoint of the application of logic.
Jung, while the dreamer remains nonplussed at the foregoing example of the reductive method.