Even so delicate a structure as the wheat straw dissolves silica, and every stalk of wheat is covered with a perfect, but inconceivably thin coating of this substance.
It is almost insoluble in alcohol, but dissolves readily in alkaline solutions, forming a colloidal solution which readily gelatinizes (see chapter on Colloids).
Therefore, since water only dissolves about an equal volume of acetylene, the liquid in the washer will continue to extract ammonia and sulphuretted hydrogen long after it is saturated with the hydrocarbon.
It dissolves in the excess of acid, and is precipitated as a white crystalline powder on the addition of water.
Copper sulphate is readily soluble in water, but insoluble in alcohol; it dissolves in hydrochloric acid with a considerable fall in temperature, cupric chloride being formed.
It dissolves in ammonia, forming a colourless solution which rapidly oxidizes and turns blue.
It forms yellowish-red crystals, which scratch glass, and are unaffected by all acids except hydrofluoric; it also dissolves in molten potash.
Acetic acid or vinegar does not destroy the poison; it dissolves it to an extent and extracts it, and becomes as poisonous as the plant itself.
The mercury dissolves and combines with the precious metal and separates it from the waste matters, and is itself easily driven off by heat.
Acetone dissolves a large volume of acetylene, and this solution is quite stable and may be stored in iron cylinders and used for various purposes.
Low-grade ores are treated with a solution of cyanide of potassium which dissolves the gold and the metal is later separated.
It dissolves in dilute potash, and on the addition of acetic acid is deposited in a pure state.
It dissolves readily in cold water, and is converted into sugar by long continued boiling with acids.
Aqua vitæ likewise dissolves in a little space, when the one and the other would take no more.
Carbonic acid, however, dissolves to a considerable extent in water, and is furthermore absorbed by the living vegetation, which is not true of marsh gas and nitrogen; hence the latter escape while the former does not.
It is an acid and as such readilydissolves in solutions of the hydroxides or the carbonates of alkalies and alkaline earths by forming soluble salts.
Salt that dissolvesslowly is, therefore, to be sought for this purpose.
Fill our hearts with truth and love; When dissolves our earthly tie, Take us to Thy lodge on high.
Fill our hearts with truth and love; When dissolves our earthly tie Take us to Thy Lodge on high.
He permeates all things, creates anddissolves all things, and is, therefore, more than all things.
Footnote 220: By the application of these principles the writer in the "North American Review" completely dissolves the antinomies by which Hamilton seeks to sustain his "Philosophy of the Conditioned.
In that case, the lactic acid dissolves the phosphates and they run out with the whey.
The whey should be run off before the acid develops, because acid, formed from the milk in the sugar, dissolves the minerals and cuts some of the oils in the curd, and these run off in the whey.
It is the fate of a woman / Long to be patient and silent, to wait like a ghost that is speechless, / Till some questioning voice dissolves the spell of its silence.
Nitrous acid dissolves both pus and mucus; water added to the solution of pus produces a precipitate; and the fluid above becomes clear and green; while water and the solution of mucus form a dirty coloured fluid.
It intumesces and readily fuses before the blowpipe, and dissolves in acid without gelatinizing.
Now, young man, do you mean to be loyal, to be her real husband until death dissolves the allegiance?
Where is that union of mind and communion of soul that lifts one above sensualism; and without which, sensualism is the only link and quality left to keep the two together, until death dissolves the union?
Boron dissolves in molten aluminium, and on cooling, transparent, almost colourless crystals are obtained, possessing a lustre, hardness and refractivity near that of the diamond.
After fusion the mass solidifies to a transparent vitreous solid which dissolves readily in water to form boric acid (q.
Boric acid crystallizes from water in white nacreous laminae belonging to the triclinic system; it is difficultly soluble in cold water, but dissolves readily in hot water.
But thought is there, and cannot be expelled; with its power to analyse, it steps continually between us and things, takes away from them the proximity they have for us, and dissolves them into mere pictures and shadows.
Since the one dissolves the reality of the other, we are threatened with the loss of all definite results; our own being becomes a dark problem to us; we know neither what we are nor what we are not.
Death, which dissolves all other friendships, confirms this forever.
What will you do when the ground dissolves beneath you, and the atmosphere around you becomes flame?
Then the water dissolves the earth just as it dissolves sugar.
Here Miss Penelope dissolves into tears, to Monica's grief and dismay.
At this corroboration of her worst fears, Monica dissolves into tears.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dissolves" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.