But Jan upreared in his Berserker rage; bleeding, frothing, cursing; five frozen years thawing into sudden hell.
While the maid helped Freda off with her wraps, Floyd Vanderlip replenished the fire; and by the time the maid had withdrawn to an inner room, his head over the stove, he was busily thawing out his burdened upper lip.
The spring had come early that year, the Neva was melting; the bigger blocks of ice had gone but the whole river was choked up with a dense mass of thawing icicles.
You see the sun is only just getting power enough to melt,' returned his master, tracing with his axe-head a furrow in the thawing surface.
The metal is said to hinder the lodging and help the thawing of the snow, which might otherwise lie so heavy as to endanger the roof.
There was nothing but a general mixture of ice heaps, slush, thawing snowdrifts, bare ground, and soft mud.
There was an informal and an unconventional character about such proceedings as these which did much toward thawing the crust of Marion's reserve.
The cliffs facing the sea were still frozen, but the water trickling down their sides showed that they were thawing rapidly.
The rays of the sun, and the waves acting on the surface of the floes, had, by thawing them irregularly, formed lakes of fresh water of some extent upon their surface.
The cliffs were thawed to the depth of three feet, but frozen underneath, and the water issuing from the thawing ground caused the mud to boil out and flow down the banks.
In this form, it is left exposed to the freezing and thawingof winter, which will aid very much in modifying its character,—making it less lumpy and more easily workable.
The deep freezing has the effect to greatly pulverize the lower soil, thus better fitting it for the support of vegetation; and the earlier thawing makes it earlier ready for spring work.
In cold countries, and often in mountains of generally mild climate regions, the alternate freezing and thawing of water is a potent agency in breaking up rocks where the soils are thin or absent.
Repeated freezing and thawing of water which finds its way into such openings finally causes even the most resistant rocks to break up into smaller and smaller fragments.
It was past nine o'clock before he presented himself at the tobacco-shop, bringing in with him a goodly share of mud and wet from the thawing ground and rainy sky outside.
Doubtless the rupture of the bark by alternate freezing and thawing gives the fungi an opportunity to attack the plant.
It is even possible for heads to become frozen solid and come out in good condition, but this rarely occurs, and requires that the thawing take place in the most favorable manner possible.
Then out of the gutter they clambered and hurried across a wide flat space damp with thawing snow, and for half its extent dimly translucent to lights that went to and fro underneath.
He was Master of the Earth, he was a man sodden with thawing snow.
The street showed warm and lit, and Graham was wet now to the skin with thawing snow, and his feet were numbed with cold.
One day when everything was thawing in the sun, I left the hut and walked about the mountains for some hours.
The stump of a fir tree stands thawing in the sun; I feel my familiarity with it grow, and sometimes I stand there loving it, for there is something in it that moves my soul.
Thawing says it was designed by Burgkmair or Springinklee.
All the gold is taken out of gravel by thawing in the summer.
The advantage of covering, or mulching, is to prevent thawing and freezing.
The stems are hollow as they die out in the fall, and thawing snow and occasional rains of winter leach the strength out of the manure, and this filters down through these hollow stems and comes in contact with the roots and rots them.
This is to protect them from the thawing and freezing that takes place from time to time during the winter and early spring.
It had been thawing and freezing, freezing and thawing, for so long that men lost account of the advance of a summer coming, with such balked, uncertain steps.
The snow was melted from the top of Salaman's dump, and his guests had no difficulty in picking several rough little bits of gold out of the thawing gravel.
The surface of the floes shows more and more the thawing influence of our sun, now half as high at meridian as in the torrid zone!
Black surfaces begin to scale off their snowy covering, not by thawing attended by moisture, but with a manifest diminution in the tenacity and adhesiveness of the snow.
The snow was thawing in the sunshine, the horses galloped quickly, and on both sides of the road were forests of different kinds, fields, and villages.
It was thawing and misty; at forty paces' distance nothing could be seen.
Even when bared of their leaves, the trees of a wood obstruct, in an important degree, both the direct action of the sun's rays on the snow, and the movement of drying and thawing winds.
The recurrence of these floods has since been prevented by directing streams of water, warmed by the sun, upon the ice in the bed of the valley, and thus thawing it before it accumulates in sufficient mass to threaten serious danger.
Some February day the wind will veer suddenly to the south and breathe warm thawing breaths over the white frozen world.
What a Golconda is he conversant with, thawing his fingers over such a blaze!
According to it, lost souls are to be parched in the burning heat of Hecla, and then cast for ever to cool in its never-thawing snows.
She sat on the step of the car rubbing her ankles, and stared at the meadows of thawing snow, at the open porches of stone which led the road straight into the river, at the church and the sunlit houses on the other side.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thawing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.