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Example sentences for "breakup"

Lexicographically close words:
breakneck; breakout; breaks; breakthrough; breakthroughs; breakwater; breakwaters; bream; breast; breastbone
  1. During the last quarter of the period there was a definite trend toward the breakup of large estates by distribution to heirs and by sale of small segments of the larger patent.

  2. Now, in hindsight, she remembered their breakup with both anger and regret.

  3. From the beginning the military establishment rightly understood that the breakup of the all-black unit would in a closed society necessarily mean more than mere desegregation.

  4. The breakup of many of the trade links, the sharp drop in output as industrial plants lost suppliers and markets, and the destruction of physical assets in the fighting all have contributed to the economic difficulties of the republics.

  5. It reestablished its independence in 1991 following the breakup of the Soviet Union.

  6. Energy shortages contributed to sharp production declines after the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991.

  7. The breakup of the Soviet Union and its command economy has resulted in a sharp economic contraction as traditional trade ties have collapsed.

  8. Tajikistan's economy was severely disrupted by the breakup of the Soviet economy, which provided guaranteed trade relations and heavy subsidies and in which specialized tasks were assigned to each republic.

  9. Foreign trade has been primarily with the former USSR and Vietnam, and both trade and foreign aid are being adversely affected by the breakup of the USSR.

  10. Energy shortages have contributed to sharp production declines since the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991.

  11. However, the breakup of the Soviet Union and its traditional trade ties, as well as the government's failure to embrace market reforms, has resulted in a sharp economic decline.

  12. One might compare the breakup that has occurred in this country to the breakup that took place in Russia after the first revolution, the peaceful and ineffective revolution of 1905.

  13. The speaker, like most of us in this period of breakup following the Great War, was rather bewildered.

  14. Energy shortages contributed to sharp production declines after the breakup of the Soviet Union in December 1991.

  15. Somehow or other she'd made it across Willow Brook and the breakup had kept her there.

  16. Faye found herself hoping that they might be within sight of the river when the breakup came.

  17. Moldova must import all of its supplies of oil, coal, and natural gas, and energy shortages have contributed to sharp production declines since the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991.

  18. However, the breakup of the Soviet Union and its traditional trade ties in December 1991, as well as the government's failure to embrace market reforms, has resulted in a sharp economic decline.

  19. It was a miserable business, and it proved to be the last rift necessary to the utter breakup of his fortune.

  20. As it was the first breakup I had ever witnessed, the sight was most interesting and fascinating.

  21. But won't they raise the dickens when the breakup comes?

  22. The next week, Andy finished his job with the Casmans and, just as Jud had predicted, the breakup followed.

  23. Additional records of eider mortality due to late breakup or sudden freezes were presented by Palmer (1976).

  24. Because moats form around many islands before the breeding birds arrive, foxes are primarily a problem when moat formation is incomplete or when the breakup of ice is late.

  25. Syria, despite facilitating support for Iraqi insurgent groups, would be threatened by the impact that the breakup of Iraq would have on its own multiethnic and multiconfessional society.

  26. None favors the breakup of the Iraqi state.

  27. Differences in physical appearance persist, but the breakup of clans and moves toward collectivization of society after World War II diminished the most distinguishing feature, their social system.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "breakup" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ablation; analysis; anatomy; apoplexy; assay; breakdown; breakup; carnage; cataclysm; catastrophe; cave; climax; collapse; consumption; convulsion; corrosion; corruption; crash; crumbling; damnation; debacle; decay; decomposition; degradation; demobilization; depredation; desolation; destruction; detachment; devastation; dilapidation; disaster; disbandment; disintegration; disjunction; dismissal; disorganization; dispersal; dispersion; disruption; dissection; dissolution; division; earthquake; erosion; fit; havoc; holocaust; mildew; mold; mould; moulder; mouldy; overthrow; overturn; oxidation; paroxysm; parting; perdition; quake; ravage; release; resolution; revolt; revolution; revulsion; ruin; ruination; rust; scaling; scattering; segmentation; separation; shambles; shipwreck; slaughter; smash; spasm; spoilage; spoliation; stroke; subdivision; subversion; tsunami; undoing; upheaval; upset; vandalism; washout; waste; wear; wrack; wreck