On the redistribution of estates after the Conquest only two Englishmen continued to retain estates of any importance, and the chief landowners at this date were Walter Giffard, first earl of Buckingham, and Odo, bishop of Bayeux.
It was assumed in 1832, and has been held ever since, that a redistribution act must be speedily followed by a dissolution, so as to give the new constituencies the power of returning new members.
Its twofold basis was a liberal extension of the suffrage with a very large redistribution of seats.
In Germany the redistribution of territory necessitated by the peace of Lunéville was carried out professedly under the joint mediation of France and Russia, but really at the dictation of Napoleon.
A Reform Bill of Lord John Russell, reducing the Borough Franchise to £6, and making a moderate redistribution of seats, was received with indifference, and eventually dropped.
The general principles of redistribution had been sufficiently sifted, tested, and compared to show that there was no insuperable discrepancy of view.
So likewise, the general principles on which redistribution of seats would be governed, were admittedly framed in a conservative spirit.
The Queen believes that were assurance given that the redistribution would not be wholly inimical to the prospects of the conservative party, their concurrence might be obtained.
What they contended was, that to tack redistribution on to franchise, was to scotch or kill franchise.
The Queen thinks the government should in any project forming the basis of resolutions on redistribution to be proposed to the House, distinctly define their plans at such a personal conference.
For, there, the instability of the homogeneous and the multiplication of effects are given as the chief causes which 'necessitate' that redistribution of matter and motion of which evolution is one phase.
But even here 'specifically stated, the problem is to interpret mental evolution in terms of the redistribution of matter and motion'.
In 1905 Mr. Balfour introduced a Bill for the redistribution of seats, unaccompanied by any reform of the franchise.
Redistribution must be treated with like boldness, but before considering the principle on which this reform must be based, it would be well to give some indication of its urgency.
Since the Redistribution Act of 1885, when the system of single-member constituencies was made general, there have been eight General Elections, and these are amply sufficient to illustrate the working of this system.
But even if the Electoral Reform Bill provided for a simplification of the franchise and a redistribution of seats, yet such a measure could not be described as a complete and effective scheme of reform.
For redistribution can only secure equality in the size of electoral districts, and this is not the same as equality in the value of votes.
In taking the electorate as the basis of a proportionate redistribution of seats it is not intended to prejudge the question whether population or electorate is the better standard.
Redistribution can remove anomalies due to over-representation in one part and under-representation in another part of the country.
As a matter of fact, the effect of redistribution on the proportionality between seats and votes is not nearly so large as is generally supposed.
For it was clearly realized that without some such improvement neither an extension of the franchise nor a redistribution of seats would necessarily make the House a mirror of the nation.
This was the first step towards equal redistribution of taxes; great was the explosion of disquietude and wrath on the part of the privileged; it showed itself first in the council, by the mouth of M.
There is constantredistribution of the focus of the action, as is seen in the illustration of a game as over against pulling a fixed weight by a series of uniform motions.
It had been already agreed that a proposition should be made to Parliament by the Government, for an extension of the county suffrage, with some slightredistribution of seats.
It was a matter of sincerest sorrow to him that relations so pleasant should be broken, but he must resign his place, unless, indeed, the clauses as to redistribution could be withdrawn.
This is a perpetual difficulty, for the shifting of population, which must always be changing the ratio of representation, will from time to time make a redistribution of seats inevitable.
If a redistribution of seats were to be made in strict proportion to population, Ireland would therefore lose thirty members, and England would gain about as many, while Scotland would gain one seat, and Wales would lose three.
But as a political measure its greatest importance lay in its effect upon the constituencies by the redistributionof seats.
The Redistribution Act of 1885, although, like all English measures of reform, to some extent a compromise between the old ideas and the new, rested upon the principle of equal electoral districts each returning a single member.
The time was propitious for reconstructing the Union, because the redistribution act of 1885 had marked off the constituencies on new lines, and thus involved the formation of many of the local associations afresh.
Even if it did not involve a general redistribution bill, it would necessitate changing many of the districts.
By physical science the world is considered in the abstract, as a perpetual redistribution of matter and energy, and the distracting multiplicity of sensations seems to be got rid of.
For some time the Jingoes cherished the hope that they would gain the majority in the Cape Parliament under an amended Redistribution Act.
The General Election of 1898 took place, with the result that the Africander party obtained a small majority, and later, under a Redistribution Act forced upon them by the Jingoes, the majority of the former was considerably increased.
A Bill for redistribution of seats and for changing the character of the franchise was promised.
Two Bills only, of any consequence, were promised, a Redistribution Bill and a Workmen's Compensation Bill.
On February 10 the Bill for the Redistribution of Seats in the House of Commons was brought down by the Prime Minister.
Lord St. Audries said that such promises were idle; the general election would come as a thief in the night, and would find the Redistribution Bill in bed.
Merthyr Tydvil)for a Select Committee on the redistribution of seats, with an amendment moved by Major Morrison-Bell (U.
Some Communes transfer particular lots from one family to another, as circumstances demand; whilst others make from time to time, during the intervals between the revisions, a complete redistribution and reallotment of the land.
To the Volost elders collected together from all parts of the Empire, he said: "Do not believe the foolish rumours and absurd reports about a redistribution of the land, and addition to your allotments, and such like things.
By a law of 1893 redistribution cannot take place oftener than once in twelve years, and must receive the sanction of certain local authorities.
Far more important than the elections is the redistribution of the Communal land.
There may be, it is true, some difference of opinion as to when a redistribution should be made, but this question is easily decided by a vote of the Assembly.
According to the Emancipation Law of 1861, redistribution of the land could take place at any time provided it was voted by a majority of two-thirds at the Village Assembly.
In order to carry out this redistribution regularly and adequately a very strong government and wise management were needed.
Added to that, the growth of the population and the increase of arable land necessitated a change in the distribution, and in the said legislation a redistributionevery six years was provided for that change.
It is true he postulated a total redistribution of oceans and continents--a view which the progress of science has shown to be untenable.
The chief feature of this was the absorption by the City of the powers of the Metropolitan Board, and the redistribution of parochial functions concentrated upon the City Corporation but now to be divided among new local bodies.
By theRedistribution Bill of 1884, an appreciable step towards equal electoral districts has been taken.
Mrs. Bruen made me give a resume of all the reasons why the Lords opposed the passing of the Franchise Bill until the Redistribution Bill appeared.
They who own property are in these days so much stronger than those who have none, that an idea of any such redistribution does not create much alarm among the possessors.
Whatever may have been the private intentions of Rullus, whether good or bad, it is evident, even at this distance of time, that a redistribution of property was intended which can only be described as a general subversion.
It would be well if the endless friction which attends redistribution courts and commissions could be saved by some automatic system under which sudden local inequalities could be speedily and finally adjusted.
With a population thus constantly increasing and liable to great local fluctuations, redistribution may soon become a vexed question and a source of political chicanery.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "redistribution" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.