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Example sentences for "demobilization"

Lexicographically close words:
demmed; demned; demo; demobilisation; demobilised; demobilize; demobilized; democracies; democracy; democratic
  1. By the time it was really in full swing, demobilization was at the same stage.

  2. January was also the month when the flood of demobilization rose to its height.

  3. Erratic rainfall and the delayed demobilization of agriculturalists from the military kept cereal production well below normal, holding down growth in 2002.

  4. With the support of the UN peacekeeping force and contributions from the World Bank and international community, demobilization and disarmament of the RUF and Civil Defense Forces (CDF) combatants has been completed.

  5. The real crux of the situation, at the moment, was the demobilization of the Cuban army.

  6. In 281, the year after the demobilization law, this group marched south into China, and occupied the region round Peking.

  7. A peace agreement, signed in January 2002 between the government and the rebels, provides for the demobilization of the rebels and their reintegration into the political system.

  8. The demobilization of divisions eleven to fifteen will be continued as stipulated in the treaty of Focsani signed on March 8 last.

  9. The demobilization of the Rumanian Army, which is now proceeding, will immediately after peace is signed be carried out according to the prescriptions contained in Articles IV.

  10. This figure mounted rapidly in subsequent months, though the difficulties of following the careers of many former soldiers through the period of demobilization have made it very difficult to obtain even an approximately correct estimate.

  11. After the end of the demobilization period he remained in Paris for a time as Director of a permanent Union which succeeded the war organization.

  12. There were a few fellows he had known in squadron quarters overseas, home for good now that demobilization was fairly complete.

  13. The division came home for demobilization in November 1945.

  14. The conference to determine the most effective and just method of inspecting and controlling this simultaneous demobilization and also the withdrawal of the troops and the cessation of military assistance to the antisoviet governments.

  15. A complete demobilization of the Russian armies, including the newly organized Red Guards.

  16. This decision was approved at Petrograd and an order for the demobilization of the Russian armies had been sent out.

  17. Immediate demobilization of the Turkish army, except such troops as are required for surveillance on the frontiers and for the maintenance of internal order.

  18. Total demobilization of the Austro-Hungarian army and immediate withdrawal of all Austro-Hungarian forces operating on the front from the North Sea to Switzerland.

  19. Similar conditions are to apply to Turkish mercantile shipping in Turkish waters for the purposes of trade and the demobilization of the army.

  20. The process of demobilization is a slow one: moreover it is necessary to continue for some time the policing of the conquered countries; and finally comes the question of the pensions to the wounded soldiers or to the families of the dead.

  21. But in spite of this conditions were friendly enough to permit an arrangement between these two powers in March, 1913, whereby they agreed on the demobilization of their respective forces along the Russo-Austrian border.

  22. The attitude of Great Britain is confirmed by the postponement of the demobilization of the fleet.

  23. The Navy's difficulty in this regard stemmed from the fact that the demobilization program under which it geared down from a 3.

  24. There were several reasons for the rapid demobilization of black officers.

  25. The Personnel and Administration Division could do very little about the major cause of the shortage, for the lack of black officers was fundamentally connected with the postwar demobilization affecting all the services.

  26. Whereas at the end of the World War II demobilization only 6 percent of the Navy's Negroes served in the general service, some two years later 38 percent were so assigned.

  27. One of this group, Frederick Branch of Charlotte, North Carolina, elected to stay in training through the demobilization period.

  28. But during the chaotic months of demobilization a different picture began to emerge.

  29. Demobilization of United States troops ordered by the government, beginning with those in army camps at home.

  30. The Government held a number of these reserves so that men whose demobilization was deferred could have an equal opportunity with those who were discharged first.

  31. The Soldier Settlement Board was created long before the Armistice, and was in good working order when the time for demobilization arrived.

  32. The principal terms in the armistice may be briefly outlined: Demobilization of the Austro-Hungarian army and withdrawal of all forces operating on the front from the North Sea to Switzerland.

  33. Immediate demobilization of the Turkish army except such as were required to guard frontiers and maintain internal order.

  34. Amusements were also furnished on an extensive scale for the Canadians in process of demobilization in England.

  35. Students of advanced grade also had the advantage of completing their courses after demobilization at the chief British universities.

  36. With the Armistice and the demobilization period that followed the "Y" work was rather amplified than lessened.

  37. They demanded demobilization according to their terms of service, which was for "the duration of the war.

  38. After the trouble of demobilization came peace pageants and celebrations and flag-wavings.

  39. So it was a spic and span company that boarded the train on Friday afternoon, May 2, bound for Camp Funston, our demobilization camp.

  40. That is, there were about seventy of the company to go to Camp Funston, for the company was separated at Camp Stuart, and each man was sent to the demobilization camp nearest his home.

  41. Between now and the time of demobilization there is a great opportunity for us to promote the principles which actuate you.

  42. As demobilization progressed these were withdrawn and the whole of this great area was, in the end, solely garrisoned and guarded by the Jewish Battalion.

  43. My compulsory Demobilization under these conditions will throw a slur on my name.

  44. The immediate and total demobilization of the Army.

  45. As might have been foreseen, this display of energy afforded the Bulgars an excuse, and the demobilization of the Greek forces an opportunity, for a fresh invasion.

  46. The demobilization of the army, which stood first on their list, was the first step to that end.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "demobilization" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    breakup; demobilization; detachment; disbandment; discharge; disintegration; dismissal; disorganization; dispersal; dispersion; dissolution; loosing; parole; parting; release; separation; unharnessing; unloosing