He says: “Of the origin, therefore, of men there are two opinions amongst the most famous and authenticnaturalists and historians.
Much thought has been given by naturalists to the exact origin of the various races of domesticated animals.
Or I could detail to you the true histories which naturalists have given of the habits of snails and earthworms, and of the sexual relations of these apparently contemptible animals;—but this is too delicate a subject to dwell on.
It is true, it is only lately that I have had my attention directed to this subject, and other fishermen or naturalists may be more fortunate.
Cuvier himself furnishes a list of men and animals, in support of this doctrine; few naturalists oppose it, but almost all give it their support.
From what has been said, we should expect that naturalists would at length renounce the facial angle of Camper; but the most ignorant are generally the most conceited.
The facial line cannot be applied to birds, as many naturalists have already observed.
I need scarcely go further; but being able to adduce the opinions which have been avowed by the greatest naturalists that have ever lived, I rejoice to strengthen my own opinion by such high authorities.
The first place in the ranks of birds was until lately given by naturalists to eagles and hawks.
Naturalists say the pileated will occasionally leave the insect-laden trees in search of fruit and grain, a thing the ivory-billed never does.
At first naturalists made use of the ordinary oyster dredge, which is constructed as follows.
Until the middle of the 18th century, naturalists who studied the marine fauna and flora relied for their materials on shore collection and the examination of the catches of fishing boats.
The naturalists of the "Porcupine" and other expeditions found that echinoderms, corals and sponges were often carried up adhering to the outer surface of the dredge and the last few fathoms of dredge rope.
Some naturalists consider that the Manna miraculously provided for the sustenance of the Children of Israel in the Desert was a species of Lichen--the Parmelia esculenta.
Certain naturalists have recently laid too great stress, as it appears to me, on the difference in fertility between varieties and species when crossed.
Yet these same naturalists declare, with an air of philosophical caution, that they will never admit that one natural species has given birth to another until they behold all the transitional steps.
In thus speaking of alternate generation, I follow those naturalists who look at this process as essentially one of internal budding or of fissiparous generation.
Other naturalists maintain, with greater probability and distinctness of view, that the common bond of connection between the several foregoing cases is an actual, though partial, return to the structure of the ancient progenitor of the group.
Some naturalists look at all such abnormal structures as a return to the ideal state of the group to which the affected being belongs; but it is difficult to conceive what is meant to be conveyed by this expression.
Such organs are generally variable, as several naturalists have observed; for, being useless, they are not regulated by natural selection, and they are more or less liable to reversion.
It has often been said by naturalists that each cell of a plant has the potential capacity of reproducing the whole plant; but it has this power only in virtue of containing gemmules derived from every part.
Certain monstrosities, which resemble what naturalists call the typical form of the group in question, apparently come under the same law of reversion.
Naturalists differ with respect to the homologies of the digits of birds; but several uphold the view above advanced.
In conversation I have found two or three naturalists of the same opinion.
Domestic races propagate their kind far more truly, and endure for munch longer periods, than most naturalists are willing to admit.
This belief remained dominant in many minds, in spite of all that philosophers and naturalists said in regard to the forms and life of organic structures.
So, naturalists observe a flea Has smaller fleas that on him prey, And these have smaller still to bite 'em, And so proceed ad infinitum.
The naturalists of Aristotle's time, and from his day down to near our own, generally concerned themselves with the whole field of Nature.
Carefully studying these very numerous lines, those naturalists found that they could with singular accuracy determine what substances there were in the flame which gave the light.
It is the custom ofnaturalists to divide the lower section of river deposits--that part of the accumulation which is near the sea--from the other alluvial plains, terming the lower portion the delta.
The large divisions which naturalists have usually made of their tasks rest in the main on the natural partitions which we may readily observe in the phenomenal world.
Few naturalists will question the statement that half the work of organic advance had been accomplished at the beginning of the Cambrian rocks.
The greatest contribution which modern naturalistshave made to knowledge concerns the origin of organic species.
To this argument objection is made by some naturalists that the agents of erosion may have been more active in the past than they are at present.
Naturalists are pretty well agreed that living beings began to exist upon the earth at least a hundred million years ago; but the beginnings of our solar system must be placed at a date very many times as remote from the present day.
Yet taste in literature had an onward tendency; Moliere and La Fontaine produced on their contemporaries the effect that in our day the naturalists have produced on the romanticists; but this was not for long.
The German painters, naturalists and believers, presented their heroes in the image of that robust nature that was before their eyes.
Shears are, however, not much in vogue among the naturalists of other countries.
The club-shaped form of the antennæ of butterflies has led naturalists to call them Rhopalocera, as has been already explained in speaking of this subject on page 17.
German naturalists make use of what are known as shears (Scheren), which are made like gigantic scissors, having at the end two large oval rings upon which wire gauze or fine netting is stretched.
Naturalists have therefore distinguished the Asiatic from the European form by giving the former what is known as a varietal name.
The species is probably only a local race of the insect known to naturalistsas M.
These signs are invariably employed by naturalists to mark the sexes.
This subkingdom is known by naturalists under the name of the Arthropoda.
More in reference to the same fish may be found in Tennent's great book on Ceylon, in Hartwig, and later naturalists generally.
Now it rests, partly, on the authority of "two Dutch naturalists residing at Tranquebar.
Two Dutch naturalists are a good foundation for anything less than a pyramid.
To the French Naturalists a novel approached in importance the work of a man of science, and they believed it ought to be based on documentary evidence, as a scientific work would be.
But the naturalistsbelieved quite as profoundly in the novel as a work of art.
Modern naturalistsidentify the elk with the eland, the wisent with the auerochs.
Footnote: In maintaining the recent existence of the lion in the countries named in the text, naturalists have, perhaps, laid.
The American beaver closely resembles his European congener, and I believe most naturalists now regard them as identical.
So long as the fur of the beaver was extensively employed as a material for hats, it bore a very high price, and the chase of this quadruped was so keen that naturalists feared its speedy extinction.
The name is founded on the now exploded supposition that all of them are animated, which was the general belief of naturalists when attention was first drawn to them.
Naturalists learn to recognise them as David's watchman recognised the courier who brought tidings of the victory over Absalom: 'His running is like the running of Ahimaaz the son of Zadok.
Other naturalists have found the wryneck in India equally tame.
Field naturalists scarcely ever witness a butterfly chased by a bird.
George Bennett for the first good description of the duck mole (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) which was an object of wonder to naturalists long after its discovery.
Needless to say, the story is not true, though some naturalistseven believe it.
There are dozens of species of flies which never indulge in slumber, and from three to five species of serpents which the naturalists have never been able to catch napping.
The "Blue" crane of the South African colonists is that better known tonaturalists as the Stanley crane (Anthropoides Stanleyanus).
All naturalists know that, as indeed ought every one who owns dog or cat, and has observed either spring up to a door-handle, making attempt with manifest design to draw the door open.
Horses and kine are not dependent upon man for their existence; when left to themselves, in almost any part of the world, they run wild and flourish in what naturalists call a "feral" state.
Even naturalists have been led into the error of assigning the male and female to separate species.
Telegraph-cables raised from the depth of two miles bring the message to naturalists that the bottom of the ocean at that depth is composed of little else than the calcareous shells of /Foraminifera/.
The variations in this shell are so great as to have caused naturalists no little perplexity.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "naturalists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.