They abode thus awhile, till, their fear increasing on them, they cast about for some other place wherein to dwell, and in the course of their search, they happened on an islandabounding in trees and streams.
The prince and princess and their suite fared on without stopping a whole month, at the end of which time they came to a spacious champaign, abounding in pasturage, where they alighted and pitched their tents.
Her tongue is moved by abounding wit and ready repartee: her breast is a temptation to all that see it, glory be to Him who created it and finished it: and joined thereto are two smooth round arms.
The touching of them pleasured him and he moved his hand hither and thither, till he came to a dome abounding in benedictions and movements and said in himself, 'Belike this king is a hermaphrodite, nor male nor female.
They next touched at Zante, another small island, abounding in currants and olives, the oil from the latter of which constitutes the chief riches of the people.
So spoke Lottie in the arrogance of her perfect health and abounding beauty, and then (such are the seeming contradictions of character) she knelt and appeared as a white-robed saint at her devotions.
This same Tyranny and Plague in the abstract proceeded to infest and lay desolate Panuco; a Region abounding with Inhabitants even to admiration, nor were the slaughters therein perpetrated less stupendous and wonderful.
It is a charming book, exceedingly graceful in style, abounding in interest from the first page to the last--in fact, it is one of the most delightful biographies written for many a day.
Here was the great Lake Winnipiseogee, as large over as an English county, with many islands upon it, very green with trees and vines, and abounding with squirrels and birds.
This addiction to ornament, and neglect of comfort and convenience, is a strong characteristic of Americans at present, luxuries often abounding where decencies cannot be procured.
And, O friend, she hath been deserted by that man of small fortune and having little sense, with the wide and terrible forest, ever abounding in beasts of prey.
In that quarter lieth the sacred and auspicious river Godavari, full of water abounding in groves and frequented by ascetics.
And beholding that hermitage inhabited by ascetics, and abounding in herds of deer and monkeys, Damayanti was cheered.
Search ye, therefore, in this mighty forest for some spot abounding in birds and deer and flowers and fruits, beautiful to behold, and auspicious, and inhabited by virtuous persons and where we may dwell pleasantly for all these years!
And celebrating sacrifice, and sporting (with Damayanti) thus, the king ruled the earth abounding in wealth.
In that region is the highly sacred Saraswati abounding in tirthas and with banks easy of descent.
Here also are the well-known lake called Punya, the mountain called Mainaka, and that other mountain called Asita abounding in fruits and roots.
Asokas and Vakulas and Punnagas, with blossoming Karnikaras, and Dhavas and Plakshas, and with streams haunted by waterfowls of every kind, and abounding in crested summits, O sacred one!
And having entered the ocean, abounding with sharks and crocodiles, they at night killed the saints at this spot with the view of exterminating the people.
And he saw the mountain abounding in lotus plants growing in delightful reservoirs of water.
In that direction also are the rivers Venna and Bhimarathi, both capable of destroying sin and fear, and abounding in birds and deer, and graced with abodes of ascetics.
And there also is the Vaiduryya mountain, which is delightful abounding in gems and capable of bestowing great merit.
There also is that foremost of hills, the sacred and auspicious Vaidurya peak abounding with trees that are green and which are always graced with fruit and flowers.
It received this name on account of its abounding in the trees which produce a species of fruit known by the name casinas to the natives of Hispaniola; which fruit is rough like a spongy bone, and good to eat, especially when boiled.
Each portal abounding in plants, with their bronze foundations, a rampart of fair clay has been established strongly about each portal.
Both pleas are, however delusive; it is neither good nor possible to suppress chance, and if competition involves some loss, it yields a much more abounding gain.
Poverty seemed to him to be most abounding and most intense in precisely the most advanced countries in the world.
I found it here, in great vigour, more aboundingthan in any of the neighbouring Protestant states.
Lowthee is evidently derived from lewth [see Glossary] lewthy, will be, aboundingin lewth, i.
She writes thus: "I am thankful to say that I have never for one moment had the slightest feeling of regret; but it is wholly of the LordÂ’s abounding grace.
He looked always fresh, with that abounding silvery hair, and his young, almost infantine face, but he was worn to a shadow, and his hands wasted as if by eighty years.
Another mark of the abounding esteem in which he was held among his fellow-citizens was the presentation to him in 1876 of a rich silver vase, commemorative of his life and works.
Furthermore, lime effects great good on soils abounding in salts of lime, and therefore it cannot be that it operates as a source of lime for the structure of the plant.
And much of our high, rolling land consists of strong loam, abounding in plant food.
Lime, we all know, does much good on soils abounding in organic matter, and so it frequently does on soils almost destitute of it.
I observed several ruins in this town and its vicinity, but could not stay to inspect them, It is inhabited by Moors and Jews, and is surrounded by gardens abounding with lemon, orange, and grape trees.
This I think very probable, as the Arabic name of this town is El Arais, signifying a place abounding in gardens; which is still the case.
It might of itself form a very considerable and compact body of dominion, being, as you know, almost everywhere surrounded by the sea, and aboundingwith admirable and well-situated ports.
Then I was entertained by the New England Society, which, amongst abounding luxuries, still produces as a characteristic dish the frugal pork and beans of Puritan times.
A sprightly tale abounding in adventures, and redolent of the spirit of mediA|val Italy.
A story abounding in exciting incidents and well-told conversations.
It is a well-written story, full of surprises and abounding in vivid interest.
Now king Antiochus was going through the higher countries, and he heard that the city of Elymais in Persia, was greatly renowned, and abounding in silver and gold, 6:2.
Garden, mystically the church of Christ, abounding with fruit, that is, the good works of the elect.
Behold these are sinners; and yet, abounding in the world they have obtained riches.
By Galaad, a rich and fruitful country, is here signified the royal palace of the kings of the house of David: by Libanus, a high mountain abounding in cedar trees, the populous city of Jerusalem.
The American Government can not too strongly express its appreciation of the abounding and generous hospitality shown our ships in every port they visited.
During the last five years business confidence has been restored, and the nation is to be congratulated because of its present abounding prosperity.