Bloodletting was no sooner criticized as ineffective and dangerous than it was rescued from complete abandonment by a new group of zealous supporters.
At various times, bloodletting was considered part of the medical treatment for nearly every ailment known to man.
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Davis, Audrey B Bloodletting instruments in the National Museum of History and Technology.
In England and America, in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, a last serious attempt was made to revive bloodletting before it died out altogether.
As theories supporting bloodletting grew more complex, so too did the instruments.
Thus, whilebloodletting for other diseases declined throughout the nineteenth century, it continued to be advocated for treating apoplexy, pneumonia, and pulmonary edema.
Before the nineteenth century, one may find illustrations of bloodletting instruments in the major textbooks on surgery, in encyclopedias such as that of Diderot, and in compendia of surgical instruments written by surgeons.
Other references on the decline of bloodletting include: LEON S.
Bloodletting objects vary from ancient sharp-edged instruments to the spring action and automatic devices of the last few centuries.
Bloodletting was especially resorted to in times of crisis.
Not only did the native American resort to a crude form of bloodletting but he practiced sweating as well--which was also common to seventeenth-century European medical practice.
Drug therapeutics, clysters, and bloodletting did by no means exhaust the seventeenth-century physician's treatments and remedies.
Fire is a great agent, and the moxa recommended in almost every aliment, while acupuncture is in general use both in China and Japan; bathing and champooing are also frequently recommended, and bloodletting is seldom resorted to.
As the whole population had recourse to bloodletting twice a year, bleeders or barbers were in constant demand.
We are reminded of Morgagni's refusal to permit bloodletting in his own case, though he practised it himself on others.
Like Laennec, Morgagni seems to have doubted the efficacy of bloodletting at a time when unfortunately all medical men were agreed that it was the sovereign remedy.
Welsh, Efficacy of Bloodlettingin the Epidemic Fever of Edinburgh.
In such persons a strong pulse, high fever, and an injection of the superficial blood-vessels suggested, in former times, the necessity of bloodletting as the essential therapeutic agent.
This high mortality has been attributed to the bloodletting practised in the treatment of the disease.
In some of the older epidemics the high mortality was doubtless due to injudicious measures of treatment, among which bloodletting and other depressing agencies were conspicuous.
General bloodletting is not to be resorted to in influenza.
Bloodletting and laxatives have been largely used in the treatment of anthrax, though both are mostly useless in acute cases, their possible good effects being anticipated by the early death.
Cautious local bloodletting for the relief of local inflammatory trouble is spoken of in most of the modern books.
I do this because a moderate bloodletting will do no harm, and little if any good.
Local bloodletting and blistering are now rarely commended.
Tis Heurnius' aphorism a phlebotomia auspicandum esse curiationem, non a pharmacia, you must begin with bloodletting and not physic; some except this peculiar malady.
As for sweating, urine, bloodletting by haemrods, or otherwise, I shall elsewhere more opportunely speak of them.
After bloodletting we must proceed to other medicines; first prepare, and then purge, Augeae stabulum purgare, make the body clean before we hope to do any good.
Against caries and looseness of the teeth the author limits himself to recommending bloodletting either from the ranine or the basilic vein.
He, too, made the administration of purgatives orbloodletting precede the extraction of a tooth.
A little bloodletting would do Falkner no harm--or, for the matter of that, either of them.
So we will," growled Falkner, partly through his handkerchief, for he had undergone the bloodletting which I had told myself would be salutary in his case.
In Switzerland, Theophrastus Paracelsus, an astrologer and alchemist who later became a physician, did not believe that humor imbalance caused disease nor in treatment by bloodletting or purging.
Bloodletting was to draw off bad blood so that it could be replaced by a better fluid.
The physicians turned surgery over to the surgeons, who received a charter in 1605 by which barbers were excluded from all surgical work except bloodletting and the drawing of teeth.
In most cases free bloodletting may be necessary at the commencement, and will be advantageously followed by purgatives and antimonials.
When inflammatory action has commenced in a bursa, it must be subdued by copious topical bleeding, along with the exhibition of purgatives; in most cases generalbloodletting will not be required.
Local bloodletting can have no effect in diminishing the size of strangulated parts; though in inflammation of the contents of the tumour, without strangulation, no more powerful means can be employed.
I presume that the rules for bloodletting which accompany the old almanacks are chiefly derived from this Regimen Sanitatis, which is founded upon that of the school of Salerno, as they form a principal feature in its precepts.
Fetch the stick, and my driving-coat, into the pocket of which put my bloodletting instruments.
The faithful Henry had smuggled a double-barreled pistol into the pocket of his coat, in addition to the bloodletting instruments.