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Example sentences for "pestilence"

Lexicographically close words:
pestering; pesthouse; pesticide; pesticides; pestiferous; pestilences; pestilent; pestilential; pestis; pestle
  1. The Rabbis have taught that when pestilence is abroad no one should walk along the middle of the road, for there the angel of death would be sure to cross him.

  2. Neither when there is pestilence in a town should a person go to the synagogue alone, because there, provided no children are taught there, and ten men are not met to pray there, the angel of death hides his weapons.

  3. Seven years of pestilence will not cause a man to die before his time.

  4. And where the people were not so well trained, they did not help each other, and afterwards perished from pestilence and famine.

  5. When he felt that the pestilence had touched him, he ordered great sacrifices to be offered up for his health throughout the land, and at all the huacas and temples of the Sun.

  6. Shall there befall thee a famine for seven years, or shalt thou flee three months before thine enemies, and they pursue thee, or shall there be three days' pestilence in thy land?

  7. After one year more, there was a great pestilence among the birds, so that there was an intolerable stench by sea and land, arising from the carcasses of birds, both small and great.

  8. Footnote 349: The British chronicles assert that Cadwallader died at Rome, whilst Nennius would lead us to conclude that he perished in the pestilence at home.

  9. The Britons are compelled, by pestilence and famine, to leave Britain.

  10. At another place, two children were purchased of very poor parents, and were buried alive in a sandhill, to stay the pestilence then raging in the district.

  11. In 1798 the pestilence returned, and repeated in Philadelphia the horrors recorded of London in the previous century.

  12. Arthur Mervyn" contained vivid descriptions of the yellow fever pestilence in Philadelphia in 1793.

  13. But though the pestilence was stayed, it brought an aftermath of lawlessness and produced much unrest in the regions remote from Yamato.

  14. This may have been directly suggested by a pestilence which, decimating the nation, was interpreted as implying the need of greater purity.

  15. Hundreds perished of starvation in the streets of Kyoto, and as, in many cases, the corpses lay unburied, pestilence of course ensued.

  16. The land was also visited by famine and pestilence of unparallelled dimensions.

  17. Now, if there was a charm against the pestilence, did she fear the pestilence for herself?

  18. There is less terror in the pestilence than in thy words.

  19. But we know your strength; we know that the small remnant of our nation, which war and pestilence have spared, cannot resist your vast and well-armed hosts.

  20. Two claimants for the crown appeared; half our nation fought for the one, half for the other, and our hosts were thinned, first by this fearful civil war and then by the pestilence which followed in its track.

  21. About thirty years ago I entered the monastery of Rathmelfig in Ireland, when a terrible pestilence fell upon it, and of all the brethren the monk Edelhun and myself were left alone.

  22. Imagine a dialogue between a pestilence and a famine!

  23. When the people failed to worship one of these gods, or failed to feed and clothe his priests, (which was much the same thing,) he generally visited them with pestilence and famine.

  24. On account of his foretelling the pestilence he was honoured as a god by the Ephesians, vii.

  25. In his apology before Domitian, he expressly attributes his removal of the Ephesian pestilence to Hercules, and makes this ascription the test of a divine philosopher as distinguished from a magician, viii.

  26. We must not omit his first predicting and then removing a pestilence at Ephesus, the best authenticated of his professed miracles, as being attested by the erecting of a statue to him in consequence.

  27. We have a score of hidden deities And yet, they leave us, without aid or thought, And pestilence comes in and blocks our ways And where can our deliverance be bought?

  28. Love ye your neighbor, as ye love yourselves; His bruises and your pestilence shall pass Together from the land.

  29. The pestilence that darkens at your door Came as a cry, from Mizraim in bonds; "'Strike off his chains!

  30. A pestilence has struck this favored land-- Religion pleads in health; it now must take command.

  31. Blighted crops, famine, and pestilence had likewise a public as well as a private aspect.

  32. Horrible demons of pestilence and of all manner of disease constitute his train, who are sent out by him on missions of death.

  33. They conditioned the fertility of the country, but pestilence was often caused by the evaporation of the waters.

  34. War and pestilence are intimately associated in the mind of the Babylonians.

  35. To this day, a pestilence is the general accompaniment of war in the East, or follows in its wake.

  36. He is the personification of some of the evils that bring death to mankind, particularly pestilence and war.

  37. The hot sun of Babylonia, that burns with fierce intensity, brings pestilence and death, and carries on a severe contest against man.

  38. Nergal--the personification of pestilence and death.

  39. But it has been calculated that even without the aid of pestilence the ordinary mortality of a borough in the Middle Ages was almost equal to that of a town during a visitation of cholera to-day.

  40. It is no wonder that pestilence devastated Hythe in 1412, as throughout the century it swept over one town after another.

  41. Pestilence soon joined her, and the fall of the city became inevitable.

  42. A pestilence began to spread in the city, and multitudes were buried every day.

  43. This pestilence seems to have been somewhat like the sea scurvy.

  44. The rest either became slaves to the Greeks, or died of pestilence and famine.

  45. Famine and pestilence are followed at once by an increased number of births.

  46. We, too, may strive to discover the demon of the pestilence amidst the clouds of the climate, or the winds of Heaven.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pestilence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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