The British Tyrant will not quit his darling Plan of subduingthat Country.
A failure may lead their Views back to Boston; for I am in no Apprehensions that they will think of subduing the Southern Colonies till they shall have first subdued those of the North.
Few women equalled this once idol of knight and minstrel, in the subduing fascination that she could exert in her happier moments.
He turned abruptly, to meet the dark eye and all-subduing smile of the boy-Duke of Gloucester.
He then proceeded southward, besieged and took Gaza, after a brave resistance, which he cruelly requited, and entered Egypt, subduing it with little difficulty.
His military feats rivaled those of Alexander, and he extended the rule of Rome through all central Europe, completely subduing all of the tribes with which he came in contact.
When England, early in the present century, began the task of subduing the East, she found in her conquests of Mauritius and Bourbon the natural and important links in her chain of posts.
If this was the real sentiment of the people of England, why have they for these six years past, without murmuring, furnished ruinous supplies for subduing America?
The first duty of a man is that of subduing fear; he must get rid of fear; he cannot act at all till then; his acts are slavish, not true.
It is the work of a philosopher to be every day subduing his passions and laying aside his prejudices.
It is in vain that we beat down on one side the heads of the hydra; they reappear on the other, and without a revolution in the minds of men you will not succeed for a long time in subduing this vast peninsula.
The next in importance to him, General Benningsen, had afterwards the honor of fighting bravely against the Emperor Napoleon when subduing Poland; he was already distinguished, and had been decorated with all the orders of the empire.
Marian's cool insolence had an instantly subduing effect on her belligerent relative.
For five minutes or more the chairman of the nomination committee had her hands full in subduing the rebels.
I tell thee, Ulf, that I have as little desire to see King Harald succeed in subduing all Norway as thou hast, but in this world wise men will act not according to what they wish so much, as according to what is best.
Just before his arrival at Jarl Rongvold's house, King Harald had completed a considerable part of the programme which he had laid down in the great work of subduing the whole of Norway to himself.
He contented himself with insulting and domineering over all the princes and free states of Europe; and he thereby provoked their resentment, without subduing their power.
Sir John Davies has well observed, with regard to the boast of subduing Ireland so easily, "that if Agricola had attempted the conquest thereof with a far greater army, he would have found himself deceived in his conjecture.
She rode a little closer to him, to look at him, and when his eyes met hers; she saw that his spirit was in no way touched; that his job of subduing the black was not yet finished and that he purposed to finish it.
So engrossed was Calumet with his work of subduing the still struggling parent that he did not hear a slight sound behind him.
By the help of his youngest brother, Roger, he gradually completed the conquest of Italy below the Tiber, and then addressed himself to the task of subduing Sicily.
After subduing Thermopylae and the Phocians, Philip quickly apprehended that you could not be induced by any selfish considerations to abandon other Greek states to him.
There never was any question of subduing Salome; it was a question of subduing Atland!
He was conscious of the necessity of subduing his voice, and had a certain pleasure in the ease with which he achieved this feat.
He was her first visitor since she had entered upon rule, and she had a double satisfaction in subduinghim with airs and graces.
When he left the Walthams, he occupied himself for an hour or two in writing letters, resolutely subduing his thoughts to the subjects of his correspondence.
His mystic's practice and belief wore still their grand air for her--that aspect of power and mystery which had in fact borne so large a part in the winning of her imagination, the subduing of her will.
Thus here one sees in the high contemplation of a transcendent God the subduingand elevating of the human will, the restoration and composure of the moral life.
Besides the subduing of the Philistines and capture of Jebus, already mentioned, he conquered the Moabites.