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Example sentences for "last arrived"

  • They rested about half an hour, and then Assad making a new effort, they ascended what remained of the way to the summit, where they both at last arrived, and lay down.

  • A party of messengers and constables at last arrived to his relief, when the Taits were all apprehended and imprisoned, but as none of the gipsies were actually slain in the fray, they were soon set at liberty.

  • The weeks flew past, and the eventful day, when Marion was to make her debut into fashionable society, at last arrived.

  • The fatal moment had at last arrived; the musicale was about to commence.

  • Summer at last arrived, and the Berkleys and Draytons were making preparations for spending it among the White Mountains.

  • We passed by several islands, and at last arrived at Balsora, from whence I came to this city, with the value of one hundred thousand sequins[Footnote: The Turkish sequin is about nine shillings sterling.

  • After we had finished our commerce in that island, we put to sea again, and touched at several other ports, and at last arrived happily at Bagdad with infinite riches, of which it is needless to trouble you with the detail.

  • They rested about half an hour, when Assad having attained more strength, proceeded on their way to the mountain's summit, where they at last arrived, and lay down.

  • The time for deliberation had passed, and that for action at last arrived.

  • He then permitted contracts to be made with the Jews, who are the only traders in the country; and the provisions stopped at Kowno at last arrived at Wilna, but the army had already left it.

  • The moment that was to decide the fate of Russia had at last arrived.

  • When the emigrants at last arrived at their destination it was found necessary to erect several new houses.

  • However, when the party at last arrived at the Indian town, even Daniel Boone was startled by the proposition which was made by one of the Shawnee chiefs.

  • When the band at last arrived at Detroit, Boone was not surprised at the destination.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "last arrived" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    almond extract; coloured silk; considerable height; day and ceased saying her permitted; last annual; last arrived; last came; last camp; last fall; last found; last held; last hope; last journey; last long; last resort; last spring; last term; last the; last time; last volume; last winter; last word; last year; light and; occasion should; with those