Opposition parties were legalized and a new constitution approved in 1991.
Art Unions werelegalized by the Art Unions Act 1846.
Most states at that time legalized lotteries for public objects, and before 1820 the Virginia legislature passed seventy acts authorizing lotteries for various public purposes, such as schools, roads, &c.
While the great cause of all this dissension lies legalized and untouched, there will continue to be a party which will never cease to strive to destroy it.
If the South is quite right in wishing to preserve slavery intact forever, surely those are in the wrong who would make war on it for wishing to secede from a government which tolerates attacks on legalized institutions!
Moreover, the Treaty of Tientsin, in 1858, which legalized the sale of British opium, also legalized the practice of Christianity in China.
It seemed to them that they must, as it were, raise a rampart of their dignity as spouses between them and this shameless creature who made a traffic of herself; for legalized love always takes a high hand with her unlicensed sister.
This sanction enabled the Hobebe Zion societies which were scattered all over the country to group themselves around a legalized center and collect money openly for their purposes.
Imperial weights and measures, the standards legalized by the British Parliament.
Defn: The legalized use of one metal only, as gold, or silver, in the standard currency of a country, or as a standard of money values.
At about the time of the report of the Departmental Committee, there was formed in England an association with the object of securing the re-establishment of legalized vice in India.
At all these meetings resolutions were passed condemning legalized vice, and from all of them memorials were sent to the Government, protesting against the condition of things prevalent in the Cantonments of India.
They were for the most part needy adventurers sent to Ireland to replenish empty purses, legalized robbers commissioned by the Kings of England, and none the less thieves because they were not always successful in their mission.
His experience while in this capacity furnishes some interesting, though painful, details of the legalized traffic in human beings carried on in the United States.
Legalized slavery, serfdom, the subjection of the rights of wife and child to the will of husband and father, have been done away with.
In committing the murder an offense may also have been committed against the laws of war; for that offense he must answer to the laws of war, and the tribunals legalized by that law.
These acts of the President have, however, all been legalized by the subsequent legislation of Congress, although the Supreme Court decided, in relation to the proclamation of blockade, that no such legislation was necessary.
Accordingly, in England, as we have seen, Earl Grey assumes that when martial law exists it has no legal origin, but is a mere fact of necessity to be legalized afterwards by a bill of indemnity if there be occasion.
Moldova has freed prices on most goods and has legalized private ownership of property.
Santa Anna's government was the only constitutional one that had existed in Mexico for a long period, and with such a legalized national authority peace must be concluded.
Twenty per cent was the legalized rate of interest in Italy at the end of the fifteenth century.
She has her choice between an enforced continence, with its health-wrecking consequences and its constant aggravation of domestic discord, and the sort of prostitution legalized by the marriage ceremony.
The habit referred to grows out of the assumed and legalized right of the husband to have sexual satisfaction at any time he desires, regardless of the woman's repugnance for it.
Congress has since justified his course, and legalized the power in his hands.
In their new capacity as legalized fleecers, they came into collision with those of Macao; and what they lost as convoyers, they aimed to gain as pirates.
The latter acquired a fanatical belief that the English, who had abolished the burning of widows, and even legalized their marriage, meant to force the people to lose caste by driving them to sacrilegious practices.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "legalized" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.