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Example sentences for "submitted"

Lexicographically close words:
submissively; submissiveness; submit; submits; submitt; submitteth; submitting; submontane; submucous; submultiple
  1. All of which is submitted to your sense of justice for decision.

  2. These views having been submitted to the acting Secretary of War, he concurs in them.

  3. A survey was accordingly made, and submitted to Congress, and the change was approved.

  4. I talked of the mode adopted by some to rise in the world, by courting great men, and asked him whether he had ever submitted to it.

  5. Castelnau recalled that, upon a former occasion, he had submitted to the Academy the circumstance that fishes of a new species had appeared at the Cape of Good Hope, after an earthquake.

  6. Existence is Appetite: the gnaw of being; the one attempt of all things to assimilate all other things, if they have not surrendered and submitted to some higher attempt.

  7. He writes: "I submitted the photographs to the Field Museum and the Smithsonian and one or two others, and, to my surprise, the reply was that they could make nothing out of it.

  8. He could no longer be sold as a draft horse, along with his children; he could no longer be submitted to the torture or killed; but they were, from father to children, compelled to remain attached to the same domain.

  9. I have taken with the other captains the last dispositions on the plan of battle that I submitted to you and which you approved.

  10. In case the spots are arsenical, the metal volatilizes and condenses in a ring upon the cold part of the tube, which is submitted to the tests previously described.

  11. The alkaloid is divided into several portions which are placed on watch-glasses and submitted to the following tests: a.

  12. The ethereal solutions are next decanted and united, and then submitted to the examination for alkaloids as directed pp.

  13. The exterior of the gun is at first submitted to a careful examination, and notice taken of the approximate thickness of any existing rust spots.

  14. The mass is then dissolved in water, and the solution submitted to the following tests: e.

  15. The solution is then evaporated over a water-bath, and submitted to analysis.

  16. A portion of the precipitate produced by the addition of nitrate of baryta is submitted to the test mentioned under the treatment of portion A.

  17. The liquid is filtered, and the undissolved mercury submitted to the special examination previously described.

  18. Staff report submitted to the United States Commission on Civil Rights [Washington?

  19. Submitted to the United States Commission on Civil Rights, October 1963.

  20. Kinzer and submitted [under title: Separatism or Integration: the Dilemma of the Negro in American Business] to the Graduate School of Business Administration of New York University .

  21. A13O4 "Originally submitted as a doctoral dissertation at the Johns Hopkins University.

  22. The others submitted to my failure good-naturedly, and made it the subject of many droll, but not unkindly, witicisms.

  23. However, I submitted so far as to write the usual letter asking for an audience of the Military Secretary.

  24. SIR,--Having submitted your report of the 29th inst.

  25. To this the child submitted without a murmur; and Dix, my cook, took the limb off at the knee in a manner that would have astonished a London surgeon.

  26. The heads of the departments and the officers count one and the attempt to count more would be an assumption not submitted to for a moment, for no one needs to submit.

  27. When the other monopolies, we have referred to, are displaced by the people, there will be the same wonder that their tyrannies and exactions were ever submitted to.

  28. No other people in Europe would have submitted to such a fate.

  29. Nevertheless, their passion to possess land was so strong that they cheerfully submitted to such hard conditions.

  30. Cavour imagined that since Napoleon III had obtained the imperial throne by a plebiscite, he would not deny the validity of such a claim in Italy, and forthwith submitted this idea to the Emperor, who was bound to approve of it.

  31. Months passed away and the Arab tribes who had submitted began to feel the pressure of French domination and to resent the supercilious conduct of French officials.

  32. When he had concluded his speech and submitted to the House his request for two hundred thousand soldiers and the necessary money, a momentary pause of deep silence ensued.

  33. There many tribes had submitted under the influence of Bedeau's military and diplomatic skill.

  34. As I stated in my written reply to your submitted questions, we work but few white laborers in my section of the country.

  35. But a far greater proportion than has thus far submitted to thorough-going preparation for skilled labor must do so, or there is no great future for them in this land as a race.

  36. From thousands of manuscripts submitted to Mr. Ames of the Little Theatre, Miss Brown's was chosen as being the most notable, both in theme and characterisation.

  37. All this Esther remembered as she went forward prettily and submitted to Aunt Patricia's perfumed kiss.

  38. The Franks had been the fiercest and most untamable of all the Teutonic nations, and only submitted themselves to the influence of Christianity and civilization from the respect which the Roman Empire inspired.

  39. The true kingship is absolute command over willingly submitted spirits; and it is His death which bows us before Him in raptures of glad love which counts submission, liberty, and sacrifice blessed.

  40. But, being free from the necessity, He submitted to the actuality, and laid down His life of Himself, because of His loving will, to save and help each of us.

  41. The four first exhibitions alone comprise upwards of three thousand works of art, now for the first time submitted to public inspection.

  42. These plates are then submitted to pressure, and placed together, with strips of nonconducting material interposed between them, in a suitable vessel containing a bath of acidulated water.

  43. In the safety of her perfect understanding of the case, Mrs. March now submitted farther, and even suffered some patronage from her, which in another mood she would have met with a decided snub.

  44. There is no longer any other criterion; and even a work that attacks the system must be submitted to the tests of the system.

  45. She was faithfully kind to her, and submitted to all her humors, but she recompensed herself by the freest criticism of Christine when not in actual attendance on her.

  46. General Triscoe submitted to defeat with the patience which soldiers learn.

  47. March submitted silently to his punishment, and laughed with her before company at his own eccentricity.

  48. The affair was now irretrievable, but she gave her approval to it as superbly as if it were submitted in its inception.

  49. Desmond submitted to the Queen to abide her judgment concerning the many treasons, murders, burnings, and other such things objected to him by the Privy Council since he last received pardon.

  50. He submitted again the same year, and a few days afterwards gave important help to Desmond in his escape from Dublin.

  51. To this arrangement the cess-payers submitted with a tolerable grace, but officials complained that the Queen had made a very bad bargain.

  52. Edward Butler at last submitted to the Earl, but seems never to have put himself into Sidney's power.

  53. After some pulling down of castles and wasting of country, the chiefs submitted without protection, and took the oath of allegiance.

  54. Ormonde, though he had no love for Sidney, entertained him very handsomely, and gave his word to Rory Oge, who accordingly came in and solemnly in the cathedral submitted and promised amendment.

  55. They dragged Pete to his corner, and Jim submitted himself to the attentions of his seconds.

  56. With his clenched fists behind him, Ryder submitted to the handcuffs, and then, as he stood manacled, his eye fell upon Donald Macdougal.

  57. He had submitted to much in his joyless youth, but now, conscious of his strength and expertness in battle, he set himself deliberately to defy his enemies and resent with force of arms every encroachment upon his liberty, every insolence.

  58. It is almost an established convention for experts to be rude when they have given an adverse opinion on anything submitted to them.

  59. The Book of Jasher and Aulus Gellius were submitted to a like scrutiny.

  60. Catharine was exceedingly annoyed at their escape, but, perceiving that it was not in her power to overtake the fugitives, she submitted with as good a grace as possible.

  61. He not only went to mass himself, but submitted to the degradation of sending an edict to his own dominions, prohibiting the exercise of any religion except that of Rome.

  62. This view is submitted to Textual students for verification.

  63. Reading the results of this paragraph in connexion with those of the last, must we not conclude that this manuscript was used for a palimpsest, and submitted to unusual indignity in order to obliterate its bad record?

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "submitted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.