Miniato there suffered martyrdom under Decius, the Emperor.
Pagans are come great martyrdom seeking; Noble and fair reward this day shall bring, Was never won by any Frankish King.
She had come out of her martyrdom stamped with the heavenly sign-mark.
It was clearly evident to his mind that 'Lisha Robinson and not he should stand in the floor, and that he gained a glory of martyrdom in addition to the other.
The ineffable selfishness ofmartyrdom was upon him.
He considered himself as one who, in evil times, had braved martyrdom for his political principles, and demanded, when the Whig party was triumphant, a large compensation for what he had suffered when it was militant.
I have learned that the games in the circus to-morrow will be closed by the martyrdom of the Christians who are sentenced to death.
The sun could reach her only through a small round window, and when it shone upon the head of the kneeling maiden, the halo of martyrdom seemed to hover around it.
Do not forget that you are a Christian, and that many Christian women have borne this form ofmartyrdom before you.
Having argued with herself thus, Miss Paget endured her weekly martyrdom with Spartan fortitude.
She underwent her martyrdom bravely, and no prying eye discovered the sufferings which her proud nature supported in silence.
Disobedience to the edict, exposed, indeed, the contravener to the chance of experiencing the martyrdom of the bishop; yet the mandate still produced no effect.
In the year 324, on the locality assigned by rumour to the martyrdom of St. Peter, and over the ruins of the Circus of Nero, Constantine erected the church called the Basilica of St. Peter.
Justin, who is said to have derived his surname from having suffered martyrdom about a.
Likewise, a great multitude of the lovers of God who followed this path have tasted the honey of martyrdom and they gave up everything—life, possessions, kindred—all they had.
Dancing for joy they hastened to the place of their own martyrdom and there, where men die for love, they flung away their heads and hearts.
In the church of Camaldoli at Florence, he painted for the company of the Martyrs some scenes of the martyrdom of certain saints, and decorated the chapels on either side of the principal chapel.
The third chapel, that of the Giugni and dedicated to the Apostles, contains representations by Giotto of the martyrdom of many of them.
Croce, the story of the martyrdom of St Mark by being drawn asunder, with many figures which possess merit.
The dreadful wounds they inflict are referred to by Prudentius in his account of the martyrdom of St. Vincent: "One covers with kisses the double furrows of the ungulæ; another is glad to wipe the purple stream from the body.
This has been incorrectly interpreted as a representation of martyrdom by boiling in oil.
A fresco of the martyrdom of Felicitas and her seven sons, in an ancient chapel within the Baths of Titus, is not later, according to M.
Witness themartyrdom of Lawrence the deacon, antea.
His heroic martyrdom produced a moral revulsion against the practice, and the laws of Honorius, to use the language of Gibbon, "abolished forever the human sacrifices of the amphitheatre.
This Bosio concluded was dried blood, and therefore asserted that these cups were irrefragable proofs of the martyrdom of the persons to whose graves they were attached.
It is remarkable that so few allusions to martyrdom occur in the Catacombs.
On one of the gilt glasses, executed long after the days of persecution, is a group supposed to represent Isaiah sawn asunder, and in one of the Catacombs is a scene thought to indicate the martyrdom of Hippolytus.
And for the sufferings of the gods, read the story of the martyrdom of man!
When thinking of the martyrdom of this race through the centuries, the poet Heine exclaimed: "Judaism is not a religion; Judaism is a misfortune.
Martyrdom is the luckiest fate that can befall some people.
Martyrdom made a saint of Mary Queen of Scots three hundred years ago, and she has hardly lost all of her saintship yet.
Some would go through a mock conversion, others would endure a martyrdom till the last; but the position alike of weak and obstinate was unbearable.
Two emissaries of Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, suffered martyrdom in the Theatre of Besançon, 212 A.
Two centuries before, he might, like Galileo, have had to choose between martyrdom or scientific apostasy.
In her own case the period of martyrdom was well-nigh done.
Such a martyrdom surely no man was ever doomed to bear before.
But she was determined to have her glory and her martyrdom all to herself.
This wonderful deliverance was but the beginning of the miracles which followed the martyrdom of St. Callista.
Nothing more on that subject; but I can say something concerning another matter, and it will interest you more than the martyrdom of all history.
A blood-bath may be forgotten, but martyrdom lives in the minds of succeeding generations.
Lady Digby presented a small tablet set in gold, representing on one side the martyrdom of Saint Winifred, and on the other the Salutation of our Lady.
The subject was the virtues of Houssein, and what preacher could take such a text without enlarging finally upon the martyrdom of that "sainted" man?
But it was the Mother's death-day also, when to the palm ofmartyrdom had been added the Saint's crown.
Beside the martyrdom inevitably to be endured by the white saint, the agony of the sinner's death-bed pales and dwindles.