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Example sentences for "dailie"

Lexicographically close words:
daid; daie; daies; daigne; dail; dailies; daille; dailles; daily; dailye
  1. For diuerse messengers were sent dailie into the holie land, to aduertise him of such dangers as were like to insue, if by his speedie returne the same were not preuented.

  2. Whilest these things passed thus in these parties, the christians in the holie land dailie sent hither for aid, [Sidenote: The 2.

  3. And he and his wife and six children shall dailie praie for your Worship's health and happines!

  4. And both your said supliants and their children shal be bound dailie to praie for your Worship's health and happines with increase of honour!

  5. Thus Beline studieng dailie to beautifie this land with goodlie buildings and famous workes, at length departed this life, after he had reigned with his brother iointlie and alone the space of 26 yeres.

  6. The chiefest cause that mooued him to take in hand that enterprise, was for that he did vnderstand, that there dailie came great succours out of that Ile to those Galles that were enimies vnto the Romans.

  7. I might here (he adds) make a large discourse of such honorable and grave councellors, and noble personages, as give their dailie attendance upon the queene's majestie.

  8. King Philip also vndertooke to follow them within a moneth after they should be entred into England, & thus did the French king seeke to make him strong with freends, which dailie fell from king John on ech hand.

  9. Diuers of the Britains also, that knew themselues to be in Vortigerne his displeasure, sailed ouer dailie vnto them, which thing brought Vortigerne into great doubt and feare of his estate.

  10. These priests comming into the prouince of the Middleangles, preached the woord, and were well heard, so that dailie a great number of the nobilitie & communaltie renouncing the filthie dregs of idolatrie, were christned.

  11. Whervpon king Henrie desirous to tame their hautie stomachs (bicause it was a gréefe to him still to be vexed with such tumults and vprisings as they dailie procured) assembled a mightie armie and went into Wales.

  12. Thou hast in this Booke all household stuffe and other pretty necessary words meete for thy dailie use in this tongue.

  13. He believed the "dailie use of speaking" would be the best way of learning the language if the child could only hear it spoken perfectly, but failing this he considered the practice dangerous.

  14. Gracci were brought vp, in their mother Cornelias house, surelie, than the dailie vse of speaking, were the best and readiest waie, to learne the latin tong.

  15. London dailie to be watched, let all good men beside do euerie where what they can, surelie the misorder of apparell in mean men abrode, shall neuer be amended, except the greatest in Courte will order and mend them selues first.

  16. I might take occasion to tell of the notable and difficult voiages made into strange countries by Englishmen, and of their dailie successe there: but as these things are nothing incident to my purpose, so I surcease to speake of them.

  17. But after the comming of the Romans, it is hard to say with how manie sorts of people we were dailie pestered, almost in euery steed.

  18. If dailie the heddes of wicked men, cease not to subuerte la- wes, orders, and decrees godlie appoincted.

  19. Reaume and duchees, so that in the meane tyme and sethe contynued forthe the saide trewes from yere to yere, to this land grete charge and cost, till they had conspired and wrought theire avauntage, as it approvethe dailie of experience.

  20. The bloud of which seelie and litle babes dailie crie to God from the earth for vengeance.

  21. And bicause he was a physician, and out of all suspicion and misdeeming, he was the common curror and dailie messenger betweene them, aiding and setting foorth the inuented conspiracie against king Richard.

  22. For suerlie this rule is infallible, that as ill men dailie couet to destroie the good; so God appointeth the good men to confound the ill.

  23. And thus he taught other to execute iustice and equitie, the contrarie whereof he dailie exercised.

  24. Which thing albeit ech man wote well dailie happeneth to them, to whom no such mischance is toward; yet hath it beene of an old rite and custome obserued, as a token oftentimes notablie foregoing some great misfortune.

  25. And so they laie betweene the wals of the citie and the trenches of the enimies, still crieing for helpe and releefe, for lacke whereof great numbers of them dailie died.

  26. Also after this the earle of Vandosme came to them, so that by the dailie repaire of such as assembled togither to strengthen the French part, they were in all to the number betweene twentie and three and twentie thousand men.

  27. But now to passe ouer outward inuasions, & to intreat of the dailie disorder amongest the nobles at home.

  28. He taried in that citie a long time, his nobles dailie consulting on their great businesse & weightie affaires.

  29. But neither he nor his writing was once regarded: and so of necessitie he resorted to the castell of Guisnes, dailie skirmishing with the garrison of Calis, more to his losse than gaine.

  30. The Frenchmen learning wit by this great perill, left their scaling, and deuised dailie how to batter the walles, & make the breaches reasonable for them to enter.

  31. England was dailie aduertised of these dooings, which nothing lesse desired than to haue the English pale inuironed with French fortresses.

  32. Howbeit the dailie shot of the kings battering peeces brake the wals, and sore defaced them.

  33. For it is not remembered, that anie king of England before that daie vsed anie such furniture of dailie souldiers.

  34. Aboue all things in this world he regarded peace, and studied dailie how to preserue the same, to the commoditie and aduancement of his subiects.

  35. And so they laie betweene the wals of the citie and the trenches of the enimies, still crieng for helpe and releefe, for lacke whereof great numbers of them dailie died.

  36. After this, resorted dailie to the king, of the Normans, people of all sorts and degrees, to sweare to him fealtie and homage.

  37. Dailie were issues made out of the citie at diuerse gates, sometime to the losse of the one partie, and sometime of the other, as chances of warre in such aduentures happen.

  38. But when king Henrie perceiued that he lost more than he wan by his dailie assaults, he left off anie more to assault it, and determined to ouerthrow the wals, with vndermining.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dailie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.